

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    ActionAid-EI education financing toolkit

    10 December 2009

    This is a toolkit for establishing a strong system that will finance education regardless of country to origin or cultural background. These guidelines seek to help responsible countries end their lack of funding for education whether by domestic or international pressure.

    ActionAid-EI education financing toolkit
    1. Download
  2. Trade union rights are human rights

    Education International Trade Union Rights Manual: A practical guide for unions defending their rights

    10 December 2008

    The EI Trade Union Rights Manual shows how teacher organisations can draw the world’s attention in cases of local threats to freedom of association, collective bargaining, and workers’ rights. It describes international mechanisms that unions can call on to urge their country to live up to its commitments in support...

    Education International Trade Union Rights Manual: A practical guide for unions defending their rights
    1. Download