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Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

In 2015, all countries committed to achieving 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Education International played a critical role in securing a stand-alone goal for education - Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4): Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Significantly, SDG4 recognised that quality education can only be delivered by qualified teachers.

However, at the current pace, governments will fail to achieve SDG 4. The COVID-19 pandemic poses additional challenges, and risks reversing years of progress on education. Urgent and decisive action is imperative.

Together with our member organisations around the world we are working to ensure that governments live up to their promise to achieve SDG 4 and all its targets by 2030.

  • We monitor progress and hold governments accountable.
  • We advocate for enhanced domestic financing for public education through fair and progressive taxation and international aid.
  • We oppose corporate interests that treat education as a market instead of a public good accessible to all.
  • We promote quality education that is free from violence, develops the “whole child”, builds tolerance, understanding, democracy, respect for human rights and active citizenship for sustainable development.
  • We promote the achievement of the “teacher target” (target 4.c), underlining every students’ right to be taught by a trained and qualified teacher.

Our work in this area

  1. Worlds of Education 26 March 2020

    “Should we continue student learning during covid19? A question of Maslow before Bloom”, by Armand Doucet.

    Armand Doucet

    Should we continue student learning during Covid19? What a profound question to ponder during these incredible times. Teachers must ask themselves this question: Are my students ready to learn today. This foundational question is always present in formal education, the elephant in the room, which is why “Maslow before Bloom”...

    “Should we continue student learning during covid19? A question of Maslow before Bloom”, by Armand Doucet.
  2. Worlds of Education 25 March 2020

    “Handling the COVID-19 crisis in education: What can TALIS 2018 tell us?”, by John Bangs.

    John Bangs

    The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018 was released on the 23rd March. For the first time the OECD’s Education and Skills Director Andreas Schleicher presented the report remotely because of the Covid 19 crisis. The OECD had rightly taken the tough decision to release its report now before...

    “Handling the COVID-19 crisis in education: What can TALIS 2018 tell us?”, by John Bangs.
  3. News 16 March 2020

    Brazil: National strike in education gains support from other sectors

    The Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores de Educación (CNTE), Education International affiliate in Brazil, has called a major nationwide strike in education, protesting the policies of the Bolsonaro administration. The trade union centre in Brazil - Central Única de los trabajadores de Brasil (CUT) – and other organisations have announced they...

    Brazil: National strike in education gains support from other sectors
  4. News 13 March 2020

    Union tributes on passing of top Caribbean education unionist Roustan Job

    Education International has been saddened to learn of the death of Roustan Job, an outstanding education trade unionist from Trinidad and Tobago. Job relentlessly fought for teachers’ improved working conditions, professionalism, and autonomy in his region and worldwide.

    Union tributes on passing of top Caribbean education unionist Roustan Job
  5. News 10 March 2020

    South Africa: Union campaigns to eradicate school violence as it marks 30th anniversary

    The South African Democratic Teachers' Union has kicked off celebrations for its 30th anniversary in the Northern Cape by launching its "I am a school fan" campaign in the province. The campaign aims to address the escalating violence in schools.

    South Africa: Union campaigns to eradicate school violence as it marks 30th anniversary
  6. News 4 March 2020

    OECD: teacher well-being is key for teaching and learning

    The most recent edition of Teaching in Focus of the OECD targets stress and burnout among teachers; factors that endanger the health of practitioners and damage the quality of education. In addition, these are important reasons that the recruitment and retention of teachers has become so difficult.

    OECD: teacher well-being is key for teaching and learning
  7. News 27 February 2020

    South Africa: Educators demand end to copyright ‘apartheid’

    The South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) has staged a protest urging the government to sign a Copyright Amendment Bill that will improve access to quality education materials.

    South Africa: Educators demand end to copyright ‘apartheid’
  8. Worlds of Education 20 February 2020

    “Calling Educators to Action on Climate Crisis”, by Gustavo E. Fischman, Daniel Fischer, Iveta Silova and Jordan King.

    Daniel Fischer, Jordan King, Gustavo E. Fischman, Iveta Silova

    Across the globe, youth are acting with urgency and passion to challenge the inadequate response of global leaders to the climate crisis, aiming to propel action toward sustainability and justice. Thousands of young students on all continents are participating in school strikes and mobilizing for other related actions to call...

    “Calling Educators to Action on Climate Crisis”, by Gustavo E. Fischman, Daniel Fischer, Iveta Silova and Jordan King.
  9. Worlds of Education 13 February 2020

    “PISA, well-being, and teacher unions”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    Many of the headlines when the OECD releases its PISA reports focus on country rankings. While we have consistently critiqued the league table approach there is much in these reports that is useful to educators and their unions.

    “PISA, well-being, and teacher unions”, by David Edwards.
  10. News 4 February 2020

    The John Thompson Fellowship training, instrumental to developing unions and teacher quality in the Pacific

    Education unionists from five Pacific Island countries benefited from training under the framework of the John Thompson Fellowship Programme. They were supported in building a stronger voice for teachers and a stronger representation to contribute to education reforms.

    The John Thompson Fellowship training, instrumental to developing unions and teacher quality in the Pacific
  11. Worlds of Education 24 January 2020

    “Learning for people, planet, prosperity and peace”, by Susan Hopgood.

    Susan Hopgood

    What is more exciting than helping a child discover the joy of learning and begin a life of exploration. What could be more important to the future than helping to understand and embrace the values that anchor decent, fair and democratic societies and that develop a resistance to hatred, bigotry,...

    “Learning for people, planet, prosperity and peace”, by Susan Hopgood.
  12. Worlds of Education 17 January 2020

    #youngteachers “An enthusiastic young Czech teacher and trade unionist!”, by David Navrátil (ČMOS-PS, Czech Republic).

    David Navrátil

    My name is David Navrátil and I´m a teacher of English, Geography and German language from a small town in the Czech republic. I decided to be a teacher when I was studying at high school. My favourite subjects were foreign languages, P.E. and Geography, and the only way to...

    #youngteachers “An enthusiastic young Czech teacher and trade unionist!”, by David Navrátil (ČMOS-PS, Czech Republic).