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Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

In 2015, all countries committed to achieving 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Education International played a critical role in securing a stand-alone goal for education - Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4): Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Significantly, SDG4 recognised that quality education can only be delivered by qualified teachers.

However, at the current pace, governments will fail to achieve SDG 4. The COVID-19 pandemic poses additional challenges, and risks reversing years of progress on education. Urgent and decisive action is imperative.

Together with our member organisations around the world we are working to ensure that governments live up to their promise to achieve SDG 4 and all its targets by 2030.

  • We monitor progress and hold governments accountable.
  • We advocate for enhanced domestic financing for public education through fair and progressive taxation and international aid.
  • We oppose corporate interests that treat education as a market instead of a public good accessible to all.
  • We promote quality education that is free from violence, develops the “whole child”, builds tolerance, understanding, democracy, respect for human rights and active citizenship for sustainable development.
  • We promote the achievement of the “teacher target” (target 4.c), underlining every students’ right to be taught by a trained and qualified teacher.

Our work in this area

  1. Worlds of Education 23 December 2019

    "On life and the market", by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    From an early age, we try to fit children into the world. Instead, perhaps, we should reflect on how the world should fit children.

    "On life and the market", by David Edwards.
  2. News 18 December 2019

    Education unions join international efforts to ensure refugees’ rights in and through education

    Education international has seized the opportunity of the first ever Global Refugee Forum to reaffirm the crucial role education can play in the context of forced displacement, and to urge governments, UN agencies and all stakeholders to ensure displaced teachers and students’ rights in and through education.

    Education unions join international efforts to ensure refugees’ rights in and through education
  3. Worlds of Education 16 December 2019

    “Global Refugee Forum: time for immediate and sustainable action”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    The refugee Convention of 1951 was born out of the profound feeling of shame following the Second World War due to the failure to respond to and receive those fleeing the Holocaust. That action of inaction condemned many to become its victims. Lest we forget, that Convention and the 1967...

    “Global Refugee Forum: time for immediate and sustainable action”, by David Edwards.
  4. Worlds of Education 12 December 2019

    "Inclusive Schools as a Political and Social Rights Space", by Gabriela Sancho Mena.

    Gabriela Sancho Mena

    An inclusive public school must be a space where everyone has a place. It is a right that must help strengthen all skills and abilities and encompass all the diversities in our society. It must also be a place of opportunity, reflection, debate, participatory action, invention, questions, research; a secular,...

    "Inclusive Schools as a Political and Social Rights Space", by Gabriela Sancho Mena.
  5. News 6 December 2019

    PISA results highlight pressures in education systems

    The recently published Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results have led education unions to reflect on school systems and the future of education.

    PISA results highlight pressures in education systems
  6. News 3 December 2019

    International Day of Persons with Disabilities: EI calls for inclusion

    Education International (EI) has fought for the rights of persons with disabilities since its creation more than a quarter century ago. The preoccupations of EI included the societal problems related to the human rights of persons with disabilities in general, and that of children, teachers and educators with disabilities in...

    International Day of Persons with Disabilities: EI calls for inclusion
  7. News 3 December 2019

    PISA 2018: between performance and well-being

    The long-awaited PISA 2018 study is out today, with new data on students’ performance and a new focus on well-being and sustainable development.

    PISA 2018: between performance and well-being
  8. News 2 December 2019

    Increasing number of attacks on academic freedom across the world documented by Scholars at Risks report

    Reacting to the release of Scholars at Risk’s annual report documenting and analysing attacks on higher education communities around the world, Education International firmly denounces attacks on academic freedom and reiterates the need to counter the lack of funds, precarious employment conditions and the privatisation and commercialisation of higher education.

    Increasing number of attacks on academic freedom across the world documented by Scholars at Risks report
  9. News 29 November 2019

    EI condemns the temporary closure of the Jerusalem office of the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education by Israeli authorities

    In a letter to the Israeli embassy in Brussels, Education International (EI) expressed concern regarding the decision of the Public Security Minister of Israel to close the office of the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education in Jerusalem for six months. EI laments the rising violence and warns that the rights...

    EI condemns the temporary closure of the Jerusalem office of the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education by Israeli authorities
  10. News 22 November 2019

    55th EI Executive Board meeting takes strong positions on education and democracy issues

    Education union leaders tackled a number of strategic issues of key importance for both the global education sector and education unions. In addition, the Board adopted a series of resolutions denouncing violence and attacks on democracy.

    55th EI Executive Board meeting takes strong positions on education and democracy issues
  11. Worlds of Education 22 November 2019

    #CRC30 “Ending corporal punishment in schools – a pathway to protecting the right to education”, by Baguma Filbert Bates.

    Baguma Filbert Bates

    In Uganda, corporal punishment was declared unlawful in schools in March 2016 when the Children’s Act was amended and indeed since 2006, corporal punishment had been discouraged by Ministerial Guidelines. However, it remains a big challenge because in many schools, particularly in the remoter rural areas, it is a deeply...

    #CRC30 “Ending corporal punishment in schools – a pathway to protecting the right to education”, by Baguma Filbert Bates.
  12. Worlds of Education 21 November 2019

    #CRC30 “The right to education in wartime: the lost children of Yemen and the struggle to save them”, by Yahya Al Yanaie.

    Yahya Al Yanaie

    From Yemen, where the war has been going on for five consecutive years, I am addressing you on the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. As a teacher and a trade unionist, I want to tell you about the short and...

    #CRC30 “The right to education in wartime: the lost children of Yemen and the struggle to save them”, by Yahya Al Yanaie.
  13. Worlds of Education 20 November 2019

    #CRC30 “Albania: Teachers’ unions working to realise the right to education for all children”, by Nevrus Kaptelli and Stavri Liko.

    Stavri Liko, Nevrus Kaptelli

    The Albanian Alliance of Education Trade Unions, comprising the Trade Union Federation of Education and Science of Albania (FSASH) and the Independent Trade Union of Albanian Education (SPASH-ITUEA), has been working since 2002 with different projects designed to increase school retention rates and promote inclusion of vulnerable students. Teachers have...

    #CRC30 “Albania: Teachers’ unions working to realise the right to education for all children”, by Nevrus Kaptelli and Stavri Liko.
  14. Statements 20 November 2019

    Statement | The Convention on the Rights of the Child at 30: Celebrating Progress, Facing Challenges

    In November 1989 the world was changing. With the Berlin wall crumbling and the world ushering in a new age, countries found common ground in defending the rights of children. “Humanity owes its best to each and every one of you,” stated UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar to...

    Statement | The Convention on the Rights of the Child at 30: Celebrating Progress, Facing Challenges