
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 18 November 2021

    How are teachers feeling around the world?

    Launch of the International Barometer on Education Personnel’s Health and Well-being

    The first edition of the International Barometer on Education Personnel’s Health and Well-being, based on a survey of 8,000 teachers in six countries on three continents, offers a unique insight into the experiences of teachers in 2021. By analysing issues related to their working conditions, their feelings about their profession...

    How are teachers feeling around the world?
  2. News 17 November 2021

    UK: Overworked higher education staff back industrial action

    University and College Union (UCU) members working in UK universities have backed strike action in a ballot over cuts to pensions. This comes in light of a recent report which revealed a mental health crisis and one in five university staff working the equivalent of two extra days per week.

    UK: Overworked higher education staff back industrial action
  3. News 16 November 2021

    Japan: Educators pay tribute to colleagues and students lost to the COVID-19 pandemic

    On 24 October, the Japan Teachers’ Union (JTU) held a tribute ceremony at the Education Tower in the Osaka Castle Park to pay homage to educators and children who have lost their lives. This year, a special focus was placed on educators and students who died as a result of...

    Japan: Educators pay tribute to colleagues and students lost to the COVID-19 pandemic
  4. Worlds of Education 29 October 2021

    UNICEF’s Innocenti Report on teacher absenteeism in Africa: The wrong approach at the worst time

    Dennis Sinyolo

    This year, as the education community around the world gathered to mark World Teachers’ Day (5th October) and celebrate teachers for their dedication to duty and contribution to quality education for all, Twitter users were greeted by a message from UNICEF’s Office of Research-Innocenti, sharing their recent report on teacher...

    UNICEF’s Innocenti Report on teacher absenteeism in Africa: The wrong approach at the worst time
  5. News 14 October 2021

    Iraq: Teachers celebrated as the cornerstone of a sustainable society

    The contribution of teachers was celebrated by the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) and Cihan University to mark World Teachers’ Day, 5 October, and Kurdistan Teachers’ Day, 6 October.

    Iraq: Teachers celebrated as the cornerstone of a sustainable society
  6. Research

    The Global Report on the Status of Teachers 2021

    Greg Thompson
    12 October 2021

    The status of teachers remains a concern in many jurisdictions. Teachers are aware that holding the same qualifications or levels of training as other professions does not bring the same status, despite teaching and facilitating learning being complex work that requires significant expertise.

    The Global Report on the Status of Teachers 2021
    1. The Global Report on the Status of Teachers
    2. The Global Report on the Status of Teachers | Summary
  7. Research

    The public versus austerity: Why public sector wage bill constraints must end

    ActionAid, Education International, Public Services International
    12 October 2021

    The world faces a series of interconnecting crises and responding to them will demand a complete disruption of business as usual. In the light of Covid-19, the growing debt crisis, rising inequality, gender injustice, and the climate crisis there is an urgent need to revisit the fundamental redistributive role of...

    The public versus austerity: Why public sector wage bill constraints must end
    1. The public versus austerity | Full report
    2. The public versus austerity | Key findings
    3. The public versus austerity | Methodology
  8. News 12 October 2021

    New research: IMF imposed austerity slashes three million frontline workers from world’s most fragile education and health systems

    New research by ActionAid, Public Services International, and Education International warns that the International Monetary Fund’s demands to cut public sector employee costs undermine progress on health and education.

    New research: IMF imposed austerity slashes three million frontline workers from world’s most fragile education and health systems
  9. News 6 October 2021

    World Teachers’ Day: Teaching profession is key to effective and equitable recovery – and must be supported through the COVID-19 crisis

    On World Teachers’ Day, 5 October, Education International’s President, Susan Hopgood, highlighted how too many educators paid the ultimate price during the pandemic to ensure quality education for their students.

    World Teachers’ Day: Teaching profession is key to effective and equitable recovery – and must be supported through the COVID-19 crisis
  10. News 4 October 2021

    New global report points to overworked, underpaid, and undervalued teaching profession

    Report assesses status of teachers and the teaching profession in an era of COVID-19

    On World Teachers’ Day, education unions are raising the alarm as new research shows that teachers around the world are overworked, underpaid, and undervalued.

    New global report points to overworked, underpaid, and undervalued teaching profession
  11. News 4 October 2021

    World Teachers’ Day: We are present, we remember, we take action

    On 5 October, World Teachers’ Day, Education International and its member organisations pay tribute to teachers, education support personnel and union members lost to COVID-19, reminding the world’s governments of their responsibilities to ensure safe working conditions and vaccine equity.

    World Teachers’ Day: We are present, we remember, we take action
  12. News 28 September 2021

    Mexico: job security for teachers

    Responding to the demands of Mexican teachers, the general secretary of the SNTE (national education workers’ union), Alfonso Cepeda Salas, and the public education minister, Delfina Gómez Álvarez, awarded 44,642 permanent positions to some 36,000 education workers in Mexico City.

    Mexico: job security for teachers
  13. News 3 September 2021

    Iraq: Renewed commitment to improve operation and delivery of education in Kurdistan

    Quality education and health and safety in education received a boost with a recent visit from Kurdistan’s Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research to the Secretariat of the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU). Both parties reiterated their commitment to seeking best solutions to protect the education community and guarantee quality...

    Iraq: Renewed commitment to improve operation and delivery of education in Kurdistan
  14. News 10 August 2021

    Taiwan: Union celebrates a decade of fighting for educators’ rights

    To mark its 10th anniversary, the National Teachers’ Association (NTA)/National Federation of Teachers Union (NFTU) of Taiwan has reaffirming its commitment to fight for teachers’ right to organise as public sector employees and to professional development.

    Taiwan: Union celebrates a decade of fighting for educators’ rights