
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 2 August 2021

    Rwanda: SYPERWA stands by teachers during the crisis

    Rwandan education workers’ union SYPERWA organised a tour to meet teachers from private schools and help them solve the problems encountered. Thanks to Education International’s COVID-19 solidarity fund, the union has been able to map the issues for teachers affected by COVID-19, provide legal assistance to teachers suspended as a...

    Rwanda: SYPERWA stands by teachers during the crisis
  2. News 15 July 2021

    Chad: the SET supporting teachers during the COVID-19 crisis

    Throughout the crisis, the Chad Teachers Union (SET, Syndicat des Enseignants du Tchad) has focused on listening to and supporting teachers. To this aim, the union carried out a large-scale survey to better understand the impact of the pandemic on teachers and to assess the effectiveness of distance learning.

    Chad: the SET supporting teachers during the COVID-19 crisis
  3. Statements 7 July 2021

    Eswatini: Education International calls for democracy, freedom of association and respect for human rights

    Education International, the global federation representing 32.5 million teachers and education support personnel in 178 countries, including Eswatini, is seriously concerned about the deteriorating human rights situation in the country, which has resulted in hundreds of deaths, abductions, and disappearances.

    Eswatini: Education International calls for democracy, freedom of association and respect for human rights
  4. News 29 June 2021

    Lebanon: Teacher unions committed to delivering quality education amidst worst economic crisis in 30 years

    Lebanon has been hit with two extraordinary crises in the past two years: the explosion of the Beirut port and the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, Lebanese educators and their unions have risen to the challenges presented by public health, economic, and refugee crises.

    Lebanon: Teacher unions committed to delivering quality education amidst worst economic crisis in 30 years
  5. News 28 June 2021

    OECD Study: Precarity of Academic Research Careers

    Academic careers have become increasingly precarious, endangering rights, subjecting workers to difficult working conditions and stress. The OECD, at the initiative of its Global Science Forum (GSF) has published a study that makes nine recommendations to improve the situation.

    OECD Study: Precarity of Academic Research Careers
  6. Statements 25 June 2021

    Convention 190 can change lives | Joint statement of the Global Union Federations and the International Trade Union Confederation

    The adoption of International Labour Organization (ILO)Convention 190 andRecommendation 206 on Violence and Harassment in the world of work is a victory for the trade union and labour movement. The adoption of these instruments is the culmination of years of campaigning and lobbying by trade unions, and in particular women...

    Convention 190 can change lives | Joint statement of the Global Union Federations and the International Trade Union Confederation
  7. Publications

    Training of Trainers Toolkit on the ILO Violence And Harassment Convention (No. 190) and Recommendation (No. 206)

    25 June 2021

    The historical adoption of the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention 190 (C190) and Recommendation 206 (R206) in 2019 by the International Labour Conference has created a new momentum in the fight against violence and harassment – including gender-based violence and harassment - in the world of work.

    Training of Trainers Toolkit on the ILO Violence And Harassment Convention (No. 190) and Recommendation (No. 206)
    1. Facilitator Guide
    2. Activity Workbook
    3. Kolaylaştirici rehberi
    4. Etkinlik çalişma kitabi
    5. دليل المرشد
    6. كتاب الأنشطة
  8. News 25 June 2021

    Global trade union movement launches toolkit in campaign to eradicate violence and harassment in the world of work

    As the International Labour Organization Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work comes into force on 25 June 2021, global unions launchtoolkit to support the Convention and its Recommendation 206 . The manual provides thousands of unions around the world with critical tools in the fight...

    Global trade union movement launches toolkit in campaign to eradicate violence and harassment in the world of work
  9. Worlds of Education 23 June 2021

    "Celebrating the value and virtue of public service."

    David Edwards

    United Nations Public Service Day was established by the General Assembly in 2002. It “celebrates the value and virtue of public service to the community; highlights the contribution of public service in the development process; recognizes the work of public servants and encourages young people to pursue careers in the...

    "Celebrating the value and virtue of public service."
  10. News 10 June 2021

    Research to inform teaching in times of climate and public health emergencies

    On the second and last day of Education International’s Research Network (ResNet), participants focused on teaching in times of climate and health emergencies. They underlined that it is crucial to build an evidence base for union advocacy and policy making that highlights educators and their expertise in times of crisis...

    Research to inform teaching in times of climate and public health emergencies
  11. News 8 June 2021

    Education research in the spotlight: COVID-19 recovery and the status of teachers in 2021

    On June 8 and 9, Education International is hosting the annual meeting of its Research Network which brings together education researchers from around the world. The first day of the meeting gave participants the opportunity to share updates on the latest research in the sector and featured a preview of...

    Education research in the spotlight: COVID-19 recovery and the status of teachers in 2021
  12. News 1 June 2021

    Germany: Successful petition demands more time to support students

    Over 15,000 people signed a petition organised by Education International’s German affiliates, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) and the Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE), along with the Primary School Association (GSV, German acronym).

    Germany: Successful petition demands more time to support students
  13. News 1 June 2021

    International Labour Organization: COVID-19 recovery requires investment in education and in training and decent work for educators

    Delegates at the International Labour Organization (ILO) technical meeting on the future of work in the education sector have agreed that education workers need more support if they are to provide the additional learning needed to build a more resilient and sustainable recovery from the pandemic.

    International Labour Organization: COVID-19 recovery requires investment in education and in training and decent work for educators
  14. Statements 26 May 2021

    India: Educators call for worldwide solidarity against the COVID-19 pandemic

    Education International Executive Board Resolution

    The Education International Executive Board, meeting online on 26 May 2021, Sadly notes that: 1. COVID 19 infections in India have surged since April 2021 and as of 11th May 2021, the Indian sub-continent accounts for almost 50% of the world’s new COVID cases;

    India: Educators call for worldwide solidarity against the COVID-19 pandemic
  15. News 26 May 2021

    Africa Day: Cape Verdean Education Minister commits to vaccination and enhanced training for educators

    Teachers in Cape Verde received good news on Africa Day, 25 May. The newly sworn-in Education Minister, Amadeu Cruz, assured the Federaçao Caboverdiana dos Professores (FECAP) that he would address the protection of teachers against COVID-19, the career development of Cape Verdean teachers, and new legislation for pre-school education.

    Africa Day: Cape Verdean Education Minister commits to vaccination and enhanced training for educators
  16. News 19 May 2021

    Iraq: Financial wellbeing of teachers at heart of KTU demands

    Salaries and building budgets were among recent proposals the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) presented to the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Kurdistan’s Regional Government. The proposals are aimed at enhancing the condition of teachers and the education system.

    Iraq: Financial wellbeing of teachers at heart of KTU demands