Our work in this area
News 25 June 2021 Global trade union movement launches toolkit in campaign to eradicate violence and harassment in the world of work
As the International Labour Organization Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work comes into force on 25 June 2021, global unions launchtoolkit to support the Convention and its Recommendation 206 . The manual provides thousands of unions around the world with critical tools in the fight...
Global trade union movement launches toolkit in campaign to eradicate violence and harassment in the world of work -
News 24 June 2021 South Africa: Unions welcome plan for vaccine roll-out for teachers and education personnel
The Department of Basic Education in South Africa and teacher unions have launched a COVID-19 vaccination programme with the support and participation of Education International affiliates.
South Africa: Unions welcome plan for vaccine roll-out for teachers and education personnel -
Worlds of Education 23 June 2021 "Celebrating the value and virtue of public service."
David Edwards
United Nations Public Service Day was established by the General Assembly in 2002. It “celebrates the value and virtue of public service to the community; highlights the contribution of public service in the development process; recognizes the work of public servants and encourages young people to pursue careers in the...
"Celebrating the value and virtue of public service." -
News 10 June 2021 Research to inform teaching in times of climate and public health emergencies
On the second and last day of Education International’s Research Network (ResNet), participants focused on teaching in times of climate and health emergencies. They underlined that it is crucial to build an evidence base for union advocacy and policy making that highlights educators and their expertise in times of crisis...
Research to inform teaching in times of climate and public health emergencies -
News 8 June 2021 Education research in the spotlight: COVID-19 recovery and the status of teachers in 2021
On June 8 and 9, Education International is hosting the annual meeting of its Research Network which brings together education researchers from around the world. The first day of the meeting gave participants the opportunity to share updates on the latest research in the sector and featured a preview of...
Education research in the spotlight: COVID-19 recovery and the status of teachers in 2021 -
News 1 June 2021 Germany: Successful petition demands more time to support students
Over 15,000 people signed a petition organised by Education International’s German affiliates, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) and the Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE), along with the Primary School Association (GSV, German acronym).
Germany: Successful petition demands more time to support students -
News 1 June 2021 International Labour Organization: COVID-19 recovery requires investment in education and in training and decent work for educators
Delegates at the International Labour Organization (ILO) technical meeting on the future of work in the education sector have agreed that education workers need more support if they are to provide the additional learning needed to build a more resilient and sustainable recovery from the pandemic.
International Labour Organization: COVID-19 recovery requires investment in education and in training and decent work for educators -
Statements 26 May 2021 India: Educators call for worldwide solidarity against the COVID-19 pandemic
Education International Executive Board Resolution
The Education International Executive Board, meeting online on 26 May 2021, Sadly notes that: 1. COVID 19 infections in India have surged since April 2021 and as of 11th May 2021, the Indian sub-continent accounts for almost 50% of the world’s new COVID cases;
India: Educators call for worldwide solidarity against the COVID-19 pandemic -
News 26 May 2021 Africa Day: Cape Verdean Education Minister commits to vaccination and enhanced training for educators
Teachers in Cape Verde received good news on Africa Day, 25 May. The newly sworn-in Education Minister, Amadeu Cruz, assured the Federaçao Caboverdiana dos Professores (FECAP) that he would address the protection of teachers against COVID-19, the career development of Cape Verdean teachers, and new legislation for pre-school education.
Africa Day: Cape Verdean Education Minister commits to vaccination and enhanced training for educators -
25 May 2021 Mexico: union achieves salary increase for teachers and educational support personnel
The National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), EI’s member organisation in Mexico, has achieved a wage increase of 3.9 percent, and 1.8 percent in benefits, for all education workers.
Mexico: union achieves salary increase for teachers and educational support personnel -
News 19 May 2021 Iraq: Financial wellbeing of teachers at heart of KTU demands
Salaries and building budgets were among recent proposals the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) presented to the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Kurdistan’s Regional Government. The proposals are aimed at enhancing the condition of teachers and the education system.
Iraq: Financial wellbeing of teachers at heart of KTU demands -
News 18 May 2021 Union calls for increased vaccination of educators and equity for students as COVID-19 cases rise
In the face of increasing cases of COVID-19 in the education community, the Federaçao Caboverdiana dos Professores (FECAP) has urged the Government of Cape Verde to suspend teaching activities throughout the national territory for a 14-day period.
Union calls for increased vaccination of educators and equity for students as COVID-19 cases rise -
Worlds of Education 15 May 2021 “Education Support personnel are the glue that holds their schools together!”
Becky Marciante
Becky Marciante is a Clinic Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) at Mulberry Middle School in Mulberry, Florida (USA) and a member of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). She has worked for the Polk County Public School system since December 2015. As we prepare for celebrating World Education Support Personnel Day...
“Education Support personnel are the glue that holds their schools together!” -
Worlds of Education 14 May 2021 "The tightrope walk: the experience of a guidance counselor through the pandemic"
Daniel Lajoie
How to deal with the uncertainty of a pandemic, an unexpected lockdown, new technological tools, and a busy routine with children? Being a tightrope walker dealing with this entire imbalance accurately depicts the experience of a guidance counselor during the main period of the pandemic.
"The tightrope walk: the experience of a guidance counselor through the pandemic" -
Worlds of Education 13 May 2021 “As a guidance counsellor, I continue to transform the lives of students during a pandemic”.
Orlando Guerrero Sandí
To mark World Education Support Personnel Day, on May 16th, we interviewed Orlando Guerrero Sandí about his experience during the pandemic. Orlando is a guidance counsellor in the San José de Río Sucio Primary School, located in Sarapiquí Canton (Heredia Province, Puerto Viejo District, Costa Rica). He has 19 years...
“As a guidance counsellor, I continue to transform the lives of students during a pandemic”. -
News 7 May 2021 TRIPS waiver: EU Council and European Commission must support equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines for all
Education International welcomes the resolution adopted by the European Parliament calling the EU to support the “TRIPS waiver” proposal initiated by South Africa and India to lift intellectual property rights on COVID-19 vaccines and medical products.
TRIPS waiver: EU Council and European Commission must support equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines for all -
News 7 May 2021 Education unions’ success in improving working conditions and status for the profession despite COVID-19 crisis
Around 170 education unionists from 55 countries shared success stories in ensuring decent working conditions for education workers in an online meeting organised by Education International.
Education unions’ success in improving working conditions and status for the profession despite COVID-19 crisis -
News 5 May 2021 Korea: EI Denounces discriminatory property registration system for teachers
The Korean Federation of Teachers Association (KFTA), a member organisation of Education International, reported that the Korean government is trying to impose new measures that would force teachers and other public servants to register their properties as well as those of their spouses, parents, children, and grandchildren with the authorities.
Korea: EI Denounces discriminatory property registration system for teachers