
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. Worlds of Education 21 August 2020

    A question in the wilderness, by Joseph Jovellanos.

    Joseph V. Jovellanos

    A story was once told that after WWII, the then Emperor Hirohito of Japan called one of his soldiers and asked the question: “How many teachers survived?” This question is an acknowledgment by the emperor of the crucial role of teachers in building or re-building a nation. Without teachers, a...

    A question in the wilderness, by Joseph Jovellanos.
  2. News 20 August 2020

    UK: Union welcomes decision to uphold teachers’ professional judgement on grades

    The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) has welcomed the upholding of teacher professional judgement in the Deputy First Minister’s statement in the Scottish Parliament on results of the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). The SQA is the executive non-departmental public body of the Scottish Government responsible for accrediting educational awards.

    UK: Union welcomes decision to uphold teachers’ professional judgement on grades
  3. Publications

    Forward to School: Guidance, Considerations and Resources for and from Education Unions to Inform Decision-Making in Times of Covid-19

    30 July 2020

    Forward to School provides a wealth of resources to inform the response of education unions in this next stage of the Covid-19 education crisis. It features information, research and, most importantly, examples of union actions in more than 50 countries across all regions.

    Forward to School: Guidance, Considerations and Resources for and from Education Unions to Inform Decision-Making in Times of Covid-19
    1. Download
  4. News 23 July 2020

    Protecting the human rights of teachers and students and education in the digital age

    In an interview with EI, Christina Colclough, future of work expert, discussed teacher adaptation to digitalisation, life-long learning, the digital divide, the relationship between virtual and physical learning, data, and related issues. She stressed that the use and abuse of data was a danger to worker and human rights.

    Protecting the human rights of teachers and students and education in the digital age
  5. News 17 July 2020

    Shaping the future of the teaching profession

    Just a few months ago, who would have imagined education on a massive scale without schools or home schooling and tutoring by digital platforms? And yet, in most countries, during the pandemic, that was the only alternative to no education at all. In that context, the “lucky” ones were those...

    Shaping the future of the teaching profession
  6. News 9 July 2020

    Palestine: Training in e-learning critical as return to education deferred

    As COVID-19 cases increased in Palestine, the General Union of Palestinian Teachers, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, led a project on e-learning. This has assumed greater significance as schools will not reopen in August as had been previously planned.

    Palestine: Training in e-learning critical as return to education deferred
  7. News 6 July 2020

    USA: The National Education Association holds virtual Representative Assembly

    On 2 and 3 July, the National Education Association (NEA) of the United States held a virtual representative assembly with the participation of over 7,000 delegates. The theme of the assembly was “Our Democracy; Our Responsibility; Our time”.

    USA: The National Education Association holds virtual Representative Assembly
  8. Worlds of Education 6 July 2020

    “Online teaching and videoconferencing: how can teachers choose the most appropriate tools?”, by Steven Kolber.

    Steven Kolber

    Teachers are all scrambling onto remote learning (or distance learning, or continuous learning, or crisis learning, or the nomenclature of your area) to support and stay connected with their students during this isolating time. The unexpected nature of the events around COVID-19 and the different levels and speeds of responsiveness...

    “Online teaching and videoconferencing: how can teachers choose the most appropriate tools?”, by Steven Kolber.
  9. News 6 July 2020

    France: teachers’ unions ask to be heard and assert their profession

    Representatives of French teachers’ unions have impressed upon public authorities the need to establish a real social dialogue to ensure high-quality education for all during and after the current global pandemic. In particular, they point to the statement adopted by the Education International European Region, ETUCE; which makes recommendations for...

    France: teachers’ unions ask to be heard and assert their profession
  10. Research

    Teacher professional development and curriculum Enhancing teacher professionalism in Africa

    Yusuf Sayed & Eva Bulgrin
    16 June 2020

    This report is a comparative study on teacher professional development in relation to curriculum. The review seeks to understand the relationship between teacher professionalism and curriculum in Africa by investigating 10 selected countries covering primary and lower secondary schooling.

    Teacher professional development and curriculum Enhancing teacher professionalism in Africa
    1. Download
  11. News 19 May 2020

    South Africa: The safety of educators and students is of serious concern in the reopening of schools and colleges

    The South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) has expressed grave concern at government plans to reopen schools and education institutions on 1 June. Urging the government to prioritise safety, the union has compiled preconditions and non-negotiable items to be met before any educators resume on-site teaching.

    South Africa: The safety of educators and students is of serious concern in the reopening of schools and colleges
  12. News 15 May 2020

    France: Teacher unions insist on health guarantees for students and their teachers for the reopening of education facilities

    French teachers have reacted to the government’s announcement of the relaxation of the lockdown and reopening of school facilities from 11 May, asking the public authorities for an assurance that the school year will be restarted with face-to-face education and full health safety measures to prevent the propagation of COVID-19...

    France: Teacher unions insist on health guarantees for students and their teachers for the reopening of education facilities