
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. Worlds of Education 27 June 2019

    "Teacher ethics: ethics of presence", by Eirick Prairat.

    Eirick Prairat

    The professionalisation of the teaching profession, initiated at the beginning of the 1990s, was conceived solely in terms of technical skills. There was little talk of ethics at the time. In this text, we would like to show that far from being “an extra soul”, ethics is at the heart...

    "Teacher ethics: ethics of presence", by Eirick Prairat.
  2. News 19 June 2019

    The OECD Teaching and International Survey (TALIS) 2018 data released

    The latest Teaching and international Survey (TALIS) 2018 report released by the OECD illustrates the issues teachers face in their workplace; focusing on working time and training of teachers.

    The OECD Teaching and International Survey (TALIS) 2018 data released
  3. Worlds of Education 11 June 2019

    “Prohibiting violence and harassment in the world of work”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    More than 800 million women have experienced some form of violence and harassment, ranging from physical assault to verbal abuse, bullying and intimidation. #MeToo and similar movements have helped expose the scale of the problem in the world of work, encouraging women to speak out and demand justice. Whilst women...

    “Prohibiting violence and harassment in the world of work”, by David Edwards.
  4. Research

    Understanding the invisible workforce: Education support personnel’s roles, needs and the challenges they face

    Philippa Butler
    16 May 2019

    Education Support Personnel (ESP) play a vital role in promoting quality education, fostering a safe and positive learning environment for all students, and ensuring that schools and educational institutions function effectively. ESP cover a wide range of people working in the education sector, and despite being an essential part of...

    Understanding the invisible workforce: Education support personnel’s roles, needs and the challenges they face
    1. Download
  5. Worlds of Education 16 May 2019

    “Education Support Personnel: Shining light on the invisible workforce”, by Philippa Butler.

    Philippa Butler

    Education Support Personnel (ESP) are a vital part of the education workforce. They help to do all the background tasks and hidden duties that ensure that teachers can teach and students can learn. Together with teachers and school leaders, ESP are responsible for creating and sustaining a school culture where...

    “Education Support Personnel: Shining light on the invisible workforce”, by Philippa Butler.
  6. News 29 April 2019

    Argentina: Education unions unite in national strike

    Education International extends its support and solidarity to Argentinian workers in their call for a National Strike on Tuesday, 30th April.

    Argentina: Education unions unite in national strike
  7. News 24 April 2019

    UK: Solidarity, democracy and unity high on the agendas of education trade unions

    During their annual conferences, the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers and the National Education Union, both affiliated to Education International, have reasserted during their annual conferences their core values and determination to continue advocating education policies beneficial for educators and students.

    UK: Solidarity, democracy and unity high on the agendas of education trade unions
  8. Worlds of Education 25 March 2019

    “Finland leads the way”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    Sometimes it appears that hope is draining from the world and that, for both young and old, pessimism is becoming the default position. The trouble with pessimism is that it is negative. It annuls the ability to act; to create something better which benefits future generations. I believe that education...

    “Finland leads the way”, by David Edwards.
  9. News 15 March 2019

    European education union leaders in solidarity with Dutch colleagues

    The Committee of the Education International’s European region, the European Trade Union Committee for Education, has called on the public authorities of Netherlands to ensure decent working conditions and salaries for Dutch educators.

    European education union leaders in solidarity with Dutch colleagues
  10. Worlds of Education 15 March 2019

    “Early Childhood Education – the start of lifelong learning – but build upon play and well-being”, by Lasse Bjerg Jørgensen.

    Lasse Bjerg Jørgensen

    At last Early Childhood Education (ECE) is on the agenda of an International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP). At this year’s Summit, ISTP 2019, the importance of ECE for lifelong learning and well-being is now, for the first time, one of the Summit’s three plenary themes.

    “Early Childhood Education – the start of lifelong learning – but build upon play and well-being”, by Lasse Bjerg Jørgensen.
  11. Worlds of Education 14 March 2019

    “Success comes only to those countries that invest in education”, by Olli Luukkainen and David Edwards.

    Olli Luukkainen, David Edwards

    Humanity is faced with many threats including climate change and threats to the environment. A vision is needed for these problems to be solved. Changing lifestyles and consumption habits can contribute to solving these problems but at the heart of helping humanity to survive is education, training and research.

    “Success comes only to those countries that invest in education”, by Olli Luukkainen and David Edwards.
  12. News 13 March 2019

    UK: Union deplores weak legal protection of academic freedom

    Following the findings of a major report on academic freedom in the United Kingdom, the University and College Union has submitted an allegation to the Joint International Labour Organisation/UNESCO Committee of Experts regarding the non-compliance of the UK government's with the 1997 UNESCO Recommendation on the status of higher education...

    UK: Union deplores weak legal protection of academic freedom
  13. News 13 March 2019

    Iraq: The region and education system of Kurdistan pass into oblivion

    The Kurdistan Teachers' Union (KTU) issued a distress call about the deplorable situation of teachers in the public education system, which continues to deteriorate in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

    Iraq: The region and education system of Kurdistan pass into oblivion