
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 28 August 2017

    UK: with a new school year comes an increasing need for teachers

    Reports of a teacher shortage in Scotland as schools prepare to reopen their doors have prompted one of the United Kingdom’s education unions to urge the government to find a solution to a growing problem.

    UK: with a new school year comes an increasing need for teachers
  2. News 11 August 2017

    France: education unions hold government to task over commitment to living standards

    Through their trade union federations, French education unions are not letting public authorities forget their commitment ensuring that public servants a decent standard of living through the Protocol on Professional Pathways, Careers and Remuneration.

    France: education unions hold government to task over commitment to living standards
  3. News 26 July 2017

    Lebanon: Government moves to increase teachers’ salaries

    After intense advocacy efforts by education unions and civil society organisations, the Lebanese parliament has passed a law providing a salary increase - for the first time in five years - for public services employees, including teachers.

    Lebanon: Government moves to increase teachers’ salaries
  4. News 17 July 2017

    Saudi Arabia: Call to halt execution of peaceful protestors

    Education International strongly urges Saudi Arabian authorities to halt the execution of student Mujtaba’a al-Sweikat and other men facing the death penalty in Saudi Arabia for protest-related offences.

    Saudi Arabia: Call to halt execution of peaceful protestors
  5. News 14 July 2017

    UK: Report fails to address substitute teachers’ conditions

    Commenting on the release of the Taylor Review into Modern Working Practices, education unions in the United Kingdom have expressed great disappointment at its failure to address the ongoing exploitation of substitute teachers by many employment agencies.

    UK: Report fails to address substitute teachers’ conditions
  6. News 12 July 2017

    France: Unions criticise plans for sick leave waiting period in public sector

    EI-affiliated trade union groups in France have strongly criticised the French government's intention to reinstate a waiting day for public service employees in case of sick leave, describing the measure as “ineffective” and “unfair”.

    France: Unions criticise plans for sick leave waiting period in public sector
  7. News 7 July 2017

    Bermuda: Roll-back on commitments in pre-election negotiations

    The Bermuda Union of Teachers has condemned what it views as disrespect shown by the government-led public service negotiating team for walking back its agreement reached with union to advance quality education in the country.

    Bermuda: Roll-back on commitments in pre-election negotiations
  8. News 4 July 2017

    New OECD report critical of Romania’s education system

    Welcomed by the Free Trade Union Federation in Education, the report echoes many of the union’s concerns, from high-stakes testing to the need for greater teacher autonomy, in an in-depth examination of the education system.

    New OECD report critical of Romania’s education system
  9. 26 June 2017

    Education and Training Policy in the European Semester - Public Investment, Public Policy, Social Dialogue and Privatisation Patterns across Europe

    The European Union has answered to the economic and financial crisis, adopting the Europe 2020 Strategy plan for sustainable, smart economic growth. Education, employment, fighting poverty and social exclusion are at the hearth of the Europe 2020 Strategy and the EU-policy making, coordinated through the European Semester coordination. Since the...

    Education and Training Policy in the European Semester - Public Investment, Public Policy, Social Dialogue and Privatisation Patterns across Europe
  10. News 19 June 2017

    Study opens new pathways for the future of education unions

    A new report by Education International looks at the empowerment and development of the teaching profession through best-practice examples of union renewal, organisation and growth.

    Study opens new pathways for the future of education unions
  11. News 15 June 2017

    Increasing workloads taking a toll on Scottish teachers

    A combination of staffing cuts, revised curriculum and major changes to the exam system have led to growing wear and tear on teachers, according to a survey conducted by the Educational Institute of Scotland.

    Increasing workloads taking a toll on Scottish teachers
  12. News 9 June 2017

    Japan: Union marks seven decades of commitment

    The Japan Teachers Union celebrated its 70th anniversary on 8 June, highlighting the work of the union in improving the working conditions and status of teachers.

    Japan: Union marks seven decades of commitment
  13. News 7 June 2017

    Ukraine: education unionists deepen commitment to a values-based education

    Interactive activities, lively discussions and stirring speeches set the tone for a professional development workshop that brought together teacher union activists from all over Ukraine to explore ways of relaying democratic values in their teaching practice.

    Ukraine: education unionists deepen commitment to a values-based education
  14. Worlds of Education 1 June 2017

    Teacher union renewal: developing the power of the profession

    Howard Stevenson

    The challenges that face teachers often look very similar around the world. Global league tables are often behind the relentless pressure to drive test scores up, whilst the forces of global economic competition explain a race to the bottom on teachers’ working conditions. Teachers experience ever rising workloads, but perhaps...

    Teacher union renewal: developing the power of the profession