
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 22 September 2016

    The teaching profession is celebrated in New York

    With the United Nations General Assembly as the backdrop, Education International led the way on the largest global stage to mark 50 years of the ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the status of teachers.

    The teaching profession is celebrated in New York
  2. News 21 September 2016

    India: Teachers warn of strike action over conditions

    The Himachal Pradesh School Lecturer Association in India has warned of its intention to strike, with a hunger strike also being considered, in a reaction to the public authorities’ lack of responsiveness in addressing demands concerning teachers’ status.

    India: Teachers warn of strike action over conditions
  3. News 28 August 2016

    Latest study on gender pay gap reveals that not all teachers are equal

    In its findings the United Kingdom’s Institute for Fiscal Studies has shown that on average men are being paid significantly more than women in local authority schools, and the problem is even worse in academies.

    Latest study on gender pay gap reveals that not all teachers are equal
  4. News 24 August 2016

    Argentina’s teachers carry out nation-wide strike

    With teachers’ unions leading the way, tens of thousands have taken to the streets in Argentina to oppose the government’s education reform, which includes spending cuts, and to demand authorities to reopen social dialogue.

    Argentina’s teachers carry out nation-wide strike
  5. News 17 August 2016

    Australia: Support staff celebrated as vital for quality education

    From 15-19 August, Australian teacher unionists will show their appreciation to support staff, recognising that, while schools could not function without support staff, they often do not get the professional recognition they deserve.

    Australia: Support staff celebrated as vital for quality education
  6. News 3 August 2016

    US: new study reveals that unions boost quality of education

    Teachers’ unions do not overprotect tenured teachers, according to a recent study, in fact they create a net positive for educational quality by contributing to increased teacher quality and higher educational attainment for students.

    US: new study reveals that unions boost quality of education
  7. News 29 July 2016

    Switzerland: union launches initiative to promote decent pension for teachers

    When Swiss citizens hit the polls on 25 September they will have the chance to vote on a popular initiative known as AHVplus, initiated by teacher unionists, which aims to offer increased pensions to educators.

    Switzerland: union launches initiative to promote decent pension for teachers
  8. News 6 July 2016

    TES: part-time teaching roles an answer to replenishing the profession

    A new survey released by the Times Education Supplement shows that 77 percent of English teachers who left the profession would consider returning to the classroom if part-time or shared positions were on the table.

    TES: part-time teaching roles an answer to replenishing the profession
  9. News 4 July 2016

    Plight of contract teachers under international spotlight

    Social dialogue is a vital tool in improving the conditions of contract workers and all education staff, stressed Education International’s representative at a conference in Ethiopia on the use of contract teachers.

    Plight of contract teachers under international spotlight
  10. News 29 April 2016

    Portugal: Teachers hit hard by austerity

    Since the beginning of the economic crisis in 2008, education spending in Portugal has fallen to 3% of the Gross Domestic product, with devastating consequences for the country's school system and teaching profession.

    Portugal: Teachers hit hard by austerity
  11. News 4 April 2016

    Teachers are key to quality education and successful 2030 Education Agenda

    The Teacher Target in the Sustainable Development Goals and Education 2030 must be implemented. This was one key finding from the 8th Policy Dialogue Forum - International Task Force on Teachers held in Mexico from 14-17 March.

    Teachers are key to quality education and successful 2030 Education Agenda
  12. News 30 March 2016

    USA: Major court victory for unions

    The US Supreme Court has ruled in favour of public employee unions, rejecting a conservative attack on the basis of the fees collected from non-members.

    USA: Major court victory for unions
  13. 30 March 2016

    USA: Major court victory for unions

    The US Supreme Court has ruled in favour of public employee unions, rejecting a conservative attack on the basis of the fees collected from non-members.

    USA: Major court victory for unions
  14. News 15 March 2016

    Teacher Unions: Positive Force for Education Quality

    EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen debated anti-union activists at the Global Education and Skills Forum in Dubai earlier this week, taking the ‘con’ side of a proposition stating “Teacher Unions are an Impediment to the Provision of Quality Education.”

    Teacher Unions: Positive Force for Education Quality
  15. News 15 March 2016

    UK: Supply teachers are victims of dubious working practices

    Supply teachers in the UK have reported serious concerns about increasingly doubtful working practices by their contracting agencies, with an impact both their working conditions and quality of life.

    UK: Supply teachers are victims of dubious working practices