Our work in this area
News 15 January 2017 World Economic Forum: Teachers won’t be substituted by robots, panel agrees
Many discussions at this year's World Economic Forum in Davos revolved around how technology impacts society now and in future. The Varkey Foundation and Education International jointly hosted a debate to address this question in relation to education.
World Economic Forum: Teachers won’t be substituted by robots, panel agrees -
News 13 January 2017 Germany: teacher union rethinks education
The German union GEW is gearing up for a new campaign aimed at increasing the national and local governments’ funding for education.
Germany: teacher union rethinks education -
News 10 January 2017 Germany: union concerned over state proposals on fees and administration
The Education International affiliate GEW has strongly criticised the plans of a Southwestern German state to introduce study fees and warns against a dilution of the participation of education staff in the decision-making process.
Germany: union concerned over state proposals on fees and administration -
News 9 January 2017 UK: Teacher unions unite to demand salary boost
Six education unions from the UK have made a joint submission to the national review body calling for a “significant” salary increase for teachers, whose pay has been frozen or capped since 2011.
UK: Teacher unions unite to demand salary boost -
News 6 January 2017 Canada: union deal with provincial government to spur teacher hiring spree
The British Columbia Teachers’ Federation has announced that more than 1,000 teachers will be hired after the government’s first $50 million commitment toward fulfilling last year’s Supreme Court ruling on the province’s classroom conditions.
Canada: union deal with provincial government to spur teacher hiring spree -
News 2 December 2016 Cameroon: Teachers press government to take action for improved status
Teacher unions in Cameroon have unitarily called on primary and secondary teachers to strike in December to force the government to respect commitments on improved teachers’ working and living conditions and fixed status.
Cameroon: Teachers press government to take action for improved status -
Research Global trends in TVET: a framework for social justice
Leesa Wheelahan, Gavin Moodie
16 November 2016This report commissioned by Education International provides a conceptual framework to understand how vocational education is positioned in many countries, and the different ways in which the relationship between vocational education and the structures of the labour market mediate the variable outcomes that vocational education graduates achieve.
News 24 October 2016 Belize: education union forces government to agree on its demands
The Belize National Teachers’ Union has suspended its strike for improved working and living conditions for teachers and quality education after the national government agreed on the educators demands.
Belize: education union forces government to agree on its demands -
News 16 October 2016 Portugal: Creative celebration of educators
Artists from a wide variety of disciplines and locations joined education unionists in Lisbon to celebrate the importance of teachers and education workers to the development of individuals and society as a whole.
Portugal: Creative celebration of educators -
News 10 October 2016 Nepal: Failure of government to respond to demands forced educators to resort to hunger strike
A teacher union in Nepal called for a three-day hunger strike to demand that the Nepali government answer the trade union’s 11-point demand for improved terms and conditions of employment.
Nepal: Failure of government to respond to demands forced educators to resort to hunger strike -
News 6 October 2016 Teachers celebrated globally for World Teachers’ Day
Teachers were acknowledged for being among the most powerful agents to change the world and shape a better future at a special one-day event held at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France.
Teachers celebrated globally for World Teachers’ Day -
5 October 2016 Aanbeveling inzake de status van leerkrachten, 1966
Aangenomen door de Bijzondere Intergouvernementele Conferentie inzake de status van leerkrachten te Parijs, in oktober 1966
Aanbeveling inzake de status van leerkrachten, 1966 -
News 22 September 2016 The teaching profession is celebrated in New York
With the United Nations General Assembly as the backdrop, Education International led the way on the largest global stage to mark 50 years of the ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the status of teachers.
The teaching profession is celebrated in New York -
News 21 September 2016 India: Teachers warn of strike action over conditions
The Himachal Pradesh School Lecturer Association in India has warned of its intention to strike, with a hunger strike also being considered, in a reaction to the public authorities’ lack of responsiveness in addressing demands concerning teachers’ status.
India: Teachers warn of strike action over conditions -
News 28 August 2016 Latest study on gender pay gap reveals that not all teachers are equal
In its findings the United Kingdom’s Institute for Fiscal Studies has shown that on average men are being paid significantly more than women in local authority schools, and the problem is even worse in academies.
Latest study on gender pay gap reveals that not all teachers are equal -
News 24 August 2016 Argentina’s teachers carry out nation-wide strike
With teachers’ unions leading the way, tens of thousands have taken to the streets in Argentina to oppose the government’s education reform, which includes spending cuts, and to demand authorities to reopen social dialogue.
Argentina’s teachers carry out nation-wide strike -
News 17 August 2016 Australia: Support staff celebrated as vital for quality education
From 15-19 August, Australian teacher unionists will show their appreciation to support staff, recognising that, while schools could not function without support staff, they often do not get the professional recognition they deserve.
Australia: Support staff celebrated as vital for quality education -
News 3 August 2016 US: new study reveals that unions boost quality of education
Teachers’ unions do not overprotect tenured teachers, according to a recent study, in fact they create a net positive for educational quality by contributing to increased teacher quality and higher educational attainment for students.
US: new study reveals that unions boost quality of education