
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 18 September 2015

    Kenyan schools closed as labour dispute worsens

    Amid increasing tensions, Kenyan teachers have elected to shutter all public and private schools after the government refused to implement a court ordered pay raise for teachers, stating that the long-awaited increase is unaffordable.

    Kenyan schools closed as labour dispute worsens
  2. News 17 September 2015

    France: a day of strike action in high schools

    An interunion association grouping the largest unions representing secondary education, including four EI affiliates (SNES-FSU, FO, SNETAA-FO, CGT), is in conflict with the French government on the matter of the reform of high schools.

    France: a day of strike action in high schools
  3. Publications

    Strengthening rights through education unions

    Human & trade union rights policy paper
    4 September 2015

    The Human and Trade Union Rights Policy Paper describes how human and trade union rights strengthen the work of education unions and provide a mandate for them to act on behalf of their members. This Policy Paper reflects the values and objectives promoted by EI through its constitution, policies and...

    Strengthening rights through education unions
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  4. News 31 August 2015

    Australia: education unionists stand up for paid parental leave

    The Australian Education Union has criticised the Abbott Government’s proposed changes to the Paid Parental Scheme, leading up to 47,000 national public educators to lose access to the Commonwealth’s Paid Parental Leave scheme.

    Australia: education unionists stand up for paid parental leave
  5. News 27 August 2015

    Germany: researchers support decent wages in education

    The considerable strains of social and educational professions must be appropriately appreciated, leading to better remuneration for educators, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft explained following a researchers’ appeal to politics and society.

    Germany: researchers support decent wages in education
  6. News 20 August 2015

    France: Union research sheds light on state of teaching profession

    UNSA Education, one of EI’s affiliates in France, has – for the third year in a row – published a study examining the current preoccupations of members of the education workforce in the country.

    France: Union research sheds light on state of teaching profession
  7. News 11 August 2015

    Zimbabwe: Union tells Mugabe to reduce ministers not teachers

    The Zimbabwe Teachers' Association has firmly condemned plans by the national government to greatly reduce the wage bill in the public sector, including education.

    Zimbabwe: Union tells Mugabe to reduce ministers not teachers
  8. News 7 August 2015

    Zimbabwe: 3,000 teachers without pay

    Government cost-cutting in Zimbabwe aimed at teachers and other public sector workers led to the elimination of salaries for at least 3,000 teachers in July according to news reports.

    Zimbabwe: 3,000 teachers without pay
  9. News 24 July 2015

    Raising the quality of teachers’ employment conditions worldwide

    Over 60 participants from more than 40 countries discussed a resolution on quality terms and conditions of employment, and underlined the need for Education International to open an intense debate on this issue following Congress.

    Raising the quality of teachers’ employment conditions worldwide
  10. News 6 July 2015

    Portugal: Educators bring attention to unacceptable work conditions

    Thousands of educators and researchers came together in the streets of Lisbon for a national demonstration in defence of teacher professionalism and its connection to education quality.

    Portugal: Educators bring attention to unacceptable work conditions
  11. News 24 June 2015

    Switzerland: teachers want to balance the salary scales

    Swiss educators say it’s time to reverse a 20-year trend of underpaying teachers, by raising salaries to the level of other sectors to ensure that the profession continues to be a popular career choice.

    Switzerland: teachers want to balance the salary scales
  12. News 3 June 2015

    World leaders vow to restore respect for the teaching profession

    A group of former world leaders has warned that a waning respect for the teaching profession could lead to “profoundly damaging” effects on young people’s life chances and fuel a rise in extremism.

    World leaders vow to restore respect for the teaching profession
  13. News 11 May 2015

    Successful pay bargaining in Mexico

    National collective bargaining by the Mexican trade union SNTE has ended with a significant pay rise for education workers, in recognition of their work with the children and youth of Mexico.

    Successful pay bargaining in Mexico
  14. Research

    Creating a supportive working environment in European higher education

    Marie Clarke
    30 April 2015

    Creating a positive working environment is key to the future success of higher education across Europe. Self-direction and autonomy are positive influences in the work context. Those who feel supported at work will enjoy their experience, like their jobs and have high levels of job satisfaction. The capacity to form...

    Creating a supportive working environment in European higher education
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  15. Research

    EI Report to the Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation concerning Teachers | 2015

    15 April 2015

    The Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation concerning Teachers (CEART) is a joint committee of the ILO and UNESCO composed of 12 Experts. It meets every three years and is charged with monitoring the implementation of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers and the...

    EI Report to the Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation concerning Teachers | 2015
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