Our work in this area
News 11 December 2015 Latvia: One-day warning strike to improve salaries and dialogue
Over 24,000 people from the educational and science sectors took part in a one-day warning strike organised by the Latvian Trade Union of Education and Science employees (LIZDA) on 27 November.
Latvia: One-day warning strike to improve salaries and dialogue -
News 2 December 2015 Changing the climate of education after COP21
With all eyes firmly locked on global climate negotiations in Paris, the moment is now to focus on how education must play a significant role in sowing the seeds for a sustainable future.
Changing the climate of education after COP21 -
News 19 October 2015 WTD: Global celebration of teachers
Across the world, Education International’s affiliates marked World Teachers’ Day with a vast variety of events and projects, from school plays to parades and conferences to celebrate the heads of the class.
WTD: Global celebration of teachers -
News 15 October 2015 Polish “Teachers' Protest Day” draws thousands to the capital
More than 15 thousands teachers and workers in education, from primary to higher education and science, took to the streets of Warsaw Wednesday to protest against education policy on the Day of National Education.
Polish “Teachers' Protest Day” draws thousands to the capital -
News 14 October 2015 Study examines impact of austerity on the teaching profession
A new report on the status of teachers and the teaching profession sheds light on how austerity policies in the education sector undermine free, quality education for all.
Study examines impact of austerity on the teaching profession -
News 12 October 2015 EI recommendations included in latest CEART report
Education International has succeeded in having some of its proposals to the Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation concerning Teaching Personnel included in the latest report, which is now available online.
EI recommendations included in latest CEART report -
News 5 October 2015 World Teachers’ Day: Governments must empower teachers and confer with their unions
Education International was present at the UNESCO headquarters for the World Teachers’ Day celebrations and reiterated the need to see teachers respected and empowered if the global sustainable goal about education is to be achieved by 2030.
World Teachers’ Day: Governments must empower teachers and confer with their unions -
News 5 October 2015 World Teachers’ Day calls for the empowerment of teachers to build sustainable societies
The education community celebrates World Teachers’ Day (WTD) on October 5 by highlighting the importance of empowering teachers to achieve inclusive and sustainable global development.
World Teachers’ Day calls for the empowerment of teachers to build sustainable societies -
News 1 October 2015 World Teachers’ Day: Empowering teachers, building sustainable societies
On 5 October, World Teachers’ Day, Education International, with its affiliates and partners worldwide, will highlight the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, and the crucial role teachers will play in ensuring it is implemented.
World Teachers’ Day: Empowering teachers, building sustainable societies -
News 25 September 2015 Uganda: Teachers unveil 2016 manifesto
A teachers’ manifesto has appealed to the next Ugandan government to increase funds allocated to education, to ensure quality teaching and education for all students.
Uganda: Teachers unveil 2016 manifesto -
News 24 September 2015 Russia: “Performance pay makes teachers feel insecure”
In Russia teacher evaluation procedures and performance pay are creating unrest within the profession. The Russian education union has raised its concern with public authorities at regional, district and municipal levels throughout the country.
Russia: “Performance pay makes teachers feel insecure” -
News 18 September 2015 Kenyan schools closed as labour dispute worsens
Amid increasing tensions, Kenyan teachers have elected to shutter all public and private schools after the government refused to implement a court ordered pay raise for teachers, stating that the long-awaited increase is unaffordable.
Kenyan schools closed as labour dispute worsens -
News 17 September 2015 France: a day of strike action in high schools
An interunion association grouping the largest unions representing secondary education, including four EI affiliates (SNES-FSU, FO, SNETAA-FO, CGT), is in conflict with the French government on the matter of the reform of high schools.
France: a day of strike action in high schools -
Publications Strengthening rights through education unions
Human & trade union rights policy paper
4 September 2015The Human and Trade Union Rights Policy Paper describes how human and trade union rights strengthen the work of education unions and provide a mandate for them to act on behalf of their members. This Policy Paper reflects the values and objectives promoted by EI through its constitution, policies and...
News 31 August 2015 Australia: education unionists stand up for paid parental leave
The Australian Education Union has criticised the Abbott Government’s proposed changes to the Paid Parental Scheme, leading up to 47,000 national public educators to lose access to the Commonwealth’s Paid Parental Leave scheme.
Australia: education unionists stand up for paid parental leave -
News 31 August 2015 Kenya: education union urges government to respect court order to boost teacher salaries
The Kenya National Union of Teachers’ General Secretary Wilson Sossion has demanded the Government to comply with a court order requiring the Teachers’ Service Commission to increase teachers’ wages by 50 to 60 percent.
Kenya: education union urges government to respect court order to boost teacher salaries -
News 27 August 2015 Germany: researchers support decent wages in education
The considerable strains of social and educational professions must be appropriately appreciated, leading to better remuneration for educators, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft explained following a researchers’ appeal to politics and society.
Germany: researchers support decent wages in education -
News 20 August 2015 France: Union research sheds light on state of teaching profession
UNSA Education, one of EI’s affiliates in France, has – for the third year in a row – published a study examining the current preoccupations of members of the education workforce in the country.
France: Union research sheds light on state of teaching profession