
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 5 September 2012

    South Africa: increasing workload for school principals

    The President of the South African Education Union (SAOU), Dr. Jopie Breed, has expressed concern about the declining capacity of South African’s schools to successfully meet the country’s need for quality schooling.

    South Africa: increasing workload for school principals
  2. News 28 August 2012

    France: Teachers’ unions in reform consultations

    EI’s French affiliates are preparing to draw up a report on the most important reforms for the education sector. This follows a consultation process launched in July by the Education Minister, Vincent Peillon, on the restructuring of the education system. The education unions have revealed their proposals which may contribute...

    France: Teachers’ unions in reform consultations
  3. News 8 August 2012

    USA: Quality public schools at heart of union activity

    In the United States, both the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) held their conventions in July. The meetings were marked by the presidential elections, as NEA and AFT are actively supporting the re-election of President Obama next November.

    USA: Quality public schools at heart of union activity
  4. News 2 August 2012

    World Teachers Day 2012: Take a stand for teachers!

    Held annually on 5 October, World Teachers’ Day (WTD) is an important date in the calendar of the entire educational community. Celebrated since 1994 across the globe, it is an opportunity to honour the teaching profession and support teachers in their efforts empowering people to build a better world.

    World Teachers Day 2012: Take a stand for teachers!
  5. News 31 July 2012

    United States: Unions opposed to test-driven education

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has called for an end to ‘America's fixation’ on high-stakes testing. The call was made at the EI affiliate’s national convention, held from 27-30 July in Detroit.

    United States: Unions opposed to test-driven education
  6. News 27 July 2012

    Mali: strengthening teacher development through research

    The Quality Educators for All (Quality-Ed) project seeks to improve the quality of education in Mali by improving the professional competences of teachers through a new training programme with a strong research component.

    Mali: strengthening teacher development through research
  7. News 26 July 2012

    Uganda: Educators mobilise for decent pay

    Public school teachers across Uganda joined a massive strike action on 16-17 July to protest against the Government’s failure to improve their welfare and status, including a fair and decent salary.

    Uganda: Educators mobilise for decent pay
  8. News 25 July 2012

    TALIS: EI ensures that teachers' concerns are considered

    The final amendments have just been made to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s 2013 Teaching and Learning International Survey, or ‘TALIS’ for short.

    TALIS: EI ensures that teachers' concerns are considered
  9. News 18 July 2012

    DRC: Trade union education and human rights

    The National Federation of Teachers in Congo (FENECO/UNTC), one of the affiliates of EI in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), organised a workshop on the “Role of teachers in the objectives of Education for All.” This workshop brought together 25 members from the trade union’s executive committee in Kinshasa...

    DRC: Trade union education and human rights
  10. News 25 June 2012

    UK: Government must raise teachers’ training quality and work conditions

    EI’s national affiliates in the UK, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT), have called on the Government to provide teachers with quality training and decent working conditions.

    UK: Government must raise teachers’ training quality and work conditions
  11. News 22 June 2012

    How KNUT got rid of contract teachers

    The action taken by KNUT to prevent the recruitment of teachers on contract not only ensured that education is protected against the shocks of economy which could lead to cuts directed at the education sector but also set the trend for continued recruitment of qualified teachers in Kenya. It also...

    How KNUT got rid of contract teachers
  12. News 20 June 2012

    Indonesia: Conditional union support for teachers’ assessment

    The Teachers’ Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PGRI), one of EI’s national affiliates, has agreed to a government proposal for the assessment of teachers under certain conditions. The trade union stressed that teachers’ salaries should not, in any way, be linked to the assessment outcomes.

    Indonesia: Conditional union support for teachers’ assessment
  13. News 8 June 2012

    Philippines: Educators condemn new Government policy

    The Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), one of EI’s affiliates in the Philippines, has objected to the new Government policy on Education, which proposes extending formal education by two years, without increasing the number of teachers, classrooms and other basic facilities.

    Philippines: Educators condemn new Government policy
  14. News 7 June 2012

    New Zealand: successful campaign prevents class size increase

    The Government of New Zealand has backed down on a proposal to increase class sizes after a major campaign led by EI’s affiliate, the New Zealand Educational Institute Te Riu Roa (NZEI), which mobilised support from people across the whole country.

    New Zealand: successful campaign prevents class size increase
  15. News 7 June 2012

    Uganda: Education unionists demand fair and decent salary

    One of EI’s national affiliates, the Uganda National Teachers Union (UNATU) teachers has rejected a pay rise proposed by the Education Ministry in its budgetary proposal for the financial year 2012-13, as “inhuman and undermining teachers’ dignity.”The 15% salary increase promised to teachers is insignificant in the context of a...

    Uganda: Education unionists demand fair and decent salary
  16. News 4 June 2012

    Ghana: Trade unions concerned about educators’ wages

    Delays in negotiating allowance categories for public sector workers in Ghana are adversely affecting the morale of teachers. That’s according to the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), an EI affiliate in Ghana. The National Executive of another EI affiliate, the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), has also expressed...

    Ghana: Trade unions concerned about educators’ wages