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News 24 October 2012 International organisations celebrate teachers
Representatives of EI, the BTC-Belgian Development Agency, the International Task Force on Teachers for Education for All (EFA), UNESCO and the European Commission held a joint event on 11 October in Brussels, Belgium. They celebrated this year’s World Teachers’ Day (WTD), under the theme “Take a stand for teachers.”
International organisations celebrate teachers -
24 October 2012 International organisations celebrate teachers
Representatives of EI, the BTC-Belgian Development Agency, the International Task Force on Teachers for Education for All (EFA), UNESCO and the European Commission held a joint event on 11 October in Brussels, Belgium. They celebrated this year’s World Teachers’ Day (WTD), under the theme “Take a stand for teachers.”
International organisations celebrate teachers -
News 23 October 2012 EI calls for action on deprofessionalisation of teaching
EI drew attention to the deprofessionalisation of the teaching profession at the meeting of the Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation concerning Teachers (CEART), held in Geneva from 8-12 October.
EI calls for action on deprofessionalisation of teaching -
News 10 October 2012 World Teachers’ Day celebrations pay tribute to teachers globally
On 5 October, many celebrations took place around the world to pay tribute to the crucial role that teachers play in their communities and society.
World Teachers’ Day celebrations pay tribute to teachers globally -
5 October 2012 Interview with David Edwards, Education International’s Deputy General Secretary
On the occasion of World Teachers' Day, the Deputy General Secretary of Education International, David Edwards highlighted for ACTRAV INFO the main challenges faced by workers in the education sector. In this interview, he explains also the role of social dialogue and international labour standards as well as Education International’...
Interview with David Edwards, Education International’s Deputy General Secretary -
News 4 October 2012 Take a stand for teachers and education unions on October 5th!
At the occasion of World Teachers’ Day (WTD) on 5 October, EI will continue to stress the value of educators in the world. It will also highlight the need to pay more attention, on WTD and throughout the year, to the fact that education organisations are important actors in any...
Take a stand for teachers and education unions on October 5th! -
News 4 October 2012 Launch of the Reading Changed my Life Photo and Video Contest
The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) launched the Reading Changed My Life Photo and Video Contest on 7 September 2012. It already celebrated 100 submissions from 36 different countries!
Launch of the Reading Changed my Life Photo and Video Contest -
News 1 October 2012 Kenya: Successful conclusion to talks, teachers back at work
EI’s affiliate, the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), has confirmed that its national teachers’ strike was called off on 24 September after successful negotiations with the Government.
Kenya: Successful conclusion to talks, teachers back at work -
News 28 September 2012 Taiwan: Teachers wear black for Teachers' Day
On the occasion of Taiwan's national teachers' day (28 September), National Teachers' Association (NTA) and National Federation of Teachers' Unions (NFTU) members join in a highly symbolic action to remind the government about its promises that have not been kept.
Taiwan: Teachers wear black for Teachers' Day -
26 September 2012 Raised voices are calling for respect
Teachers need a role in decision-making as much as a limit to their workload, says John Bangs
Raised voices are calling for respect -
News 6 September 2012 Kenya: deadlock in union talks on strike over pay
The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) and the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET), two of EI’s national affiliates, began their strike over pay on Monday, 3 September. Teachers defied a court decision declaring their strike illegal and asserted educators’ right to strike. Following their strike, unions...
Kenya: deadlock in union talks on strike over pay -
News 5 September 2012 South Africa: increasing workload for school principals
The President of the South African Education Union (SAOU), Dr. Jopie Breed, has expressed concern about the declining capacity of South African’s schools to successfully meet the country’s need for quality schooling.
South Africa: increasing workload for school principals -
News 28 August 2012 France: Teachers’ unions in reform consultations
EI’s French affiliates are preparing to draw up a report on the most important reforms for the education sector. This follows a consultation process launched in July by the Education Minister, Vincent Peillon, on the restructuring of the education system. The education unions have revealed their proposals which may contribute...
France: Teachers’ unions in reform consultations -
News 8 August 2012 USA: Quality public schools at heart of union activity
In the United States, both the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) held their conventions in July. The meetings were marked by the presidential elections, as NEA and AFT are actively supporting the re-election of President Obama next November.
USA: Quality public schools at heart of union activity -
News 2 August 2012 World Teachers Day 2012: Take a stand for teachers!
Held annually on 5 October, World Teachers’ Day (WTD) is an important date in the calendar of the entire educational community. Celebrated since 1994 across the globe, it is an opportunity to honour the teaching profession and support teachers in their efforts empowering people to build a better world.
World Teachers Day 2012: Take a stand for teachers! -
News 31 July 2012 United States: Unions opposed to test-driven education
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has called for an end to ‘America's fixation’ on high-stakes testing. The call was made at the EI affiliate’s national convention, held from 27-30 July in Detroit.
United States: Unions opposed to test-driven education -
News 27 July 2012 Mali: strengthening teacher development through research
The Quality Educators for All (Quality-Ed) project seeks to improve the quality of education in Mali by improving the professional competences of teachers through a new training programme with a strong research component.
Mali: strengthening teacher development through research -
News 26 July 2012 Uganda: Educators mobilise for decent pay
Public school teachers across Uganda joined a massive strike action on 16-17 July to protest against the Government’s failure to improve their welfare and status, including a fair and decent salary.
Uganda: Educators mobilise for decent pay