
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 13 March 2012

    Canada: unions step up to the plate on Quebec’s education future

    Over 400 education professionals along with lecturers (sociologists, academics and trade unionists) from Quebec and France, discussed the big issues in education today at the two-day Grand Rendez-vous de l’Education (Education Summit) 2012 hosted by its affiliate, Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ), on 21-22 February 2012 in Laval.

    Canada: unions step up to the plate on Quebec’s education future
  2. News 12 March 2012

    National leaders and education unionists debate on the future of the teaching profession

    From 14-15 March, Education Ministers, national and international union leaders and accomplished teachers from 24 countries and regions with high-performing and rapidly improving education systems will convene for the second international Summit on the Teaching Profession, in New York, USA. This year’s theme focuses on “Preparing Teachers and Developing School...

    National leaders and education unionists debate on the future of the teaching profession
  3. News 5 March 2012

    Swaziland: Union demands 1,200 dismissed teachers be reinstated

    The Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT), an EI national affiliate, has condemned the authorities’ decision to make 1,200 primary teachers redundant due to the financial crisis hitting this Kingdom.

    Swaziland: Union demands 1,200 dismissed teachers be reinstated
  4. Research

    Teacher self-efficacy, voice and leadership

    John Bangs, David Frost
    29 February 2012

    The study Teacher Self-efficacy, Voice and Leadership, commissioned by Education International Research Institute, comes at the time when teaching profession is increasingly facing pressures from society and policy makers and we need to reaffirm the role and potential of teachers in leading educational change.

    Teacher self-efficacy, voice and leadership
    1. Download
  5. News 27 February 2012

    Australian teachers win public debate on adequate education funding

    “There is an urgent need for the reform of school funding arrangements and an investment of at least an extra 3.8 billion Australian dollars a year in the public schools of Australia”. This is the main conclusion of a Panel to Review the Funding for Schooling established by the Australian...

    Australian teachers win public debate on adequate education funding
  6. News 8 February 2012

    United States: Education support professionals fight for school modernisation

    According to the US Department of Education and the National Center for Education Statistics, the average age of public school buildings in the United States is 42 years, with almost half being built between 1950 and 1969. Many of these buildings have fallen into a state of dilapidation, and teachers...

    United States: Education support professionals fight for school modernisation
  7. News 7 February 2012

    Mobilising for teacher’s rights in Ecuador

    EI’s affiliate in Ecuador, Unión Nacional de Educadores (UNE), has called for nationwide protests to demand the implementation of an educational law approved in 2010 and never applied.

    Mobilising for teacher’s rights in Ecuador
  8. News 6 February 2012

    Government school-ranking plans condemned by German-speaking educators’ unions

    EI welcomes the declaration issued by its affiliates, the Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE) from Germany, the Gewerkschaft Öffentlicher Dienst (GÖD) from Austria, and Dachverband Schweizer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer (LCH) from Switzerland. This joint declaration, called the “Zurich Declaration,” deplores that national authorities are planning or already implementing obligatory school...

    Government school-ranking plans condemned by German-speaking educators’ unions
  9. Research

    Teaching under China’s market economy: Five case studies

    Dr. Shibao Guo, Dr. Yan Guo, Dr. Gulbahar Beckett, Dr. Qing Li, Dr. Linyuan Guo
    31 January 2012

    China probably runs the world’s largest education system today with the total number of teachers, including higher education, part time and non-formal teachers, employed by the public authorities reaching almost 15 million, which is about 20% of the planet’s teaching force.

    Teaching under China’s market economy: Five case studies
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  10. News 30 January 2012

    Netherlands: Dutch Educators are “tired”

    Nearly 22,000 Dutch secondary school teachers joined in a successful strike called by one of EI’s national affiliates, the Algemene Onderwijsbond (AOb), on 26 January. This strike opposed the latest government Bill imposing new additional classroom hours for students.

    Netherlands: Dutch Educators are “tired”
  11. News 16 January 2012

    Ireland: Teachers protest against government onslaught on disadvantaged schools

    Teachers, parents and children in Dublin have been protesting on the streets against cuts in education provision announced by the government which would have serious consequences for already disadvantaged pupils and schools.

    Ireland: Teachers protest against government onslaught on disadvantaged schools
  12. News 9 January 2012

    Education pays a high price for low teacher pay

    One of EI’s US affiliates, the National Education Association (NEA), has reported on a recent cross-country analysis of teacher pay and pupil performance. The study backs up the idea that better teacher pay leads to higher teaching quality and improved student performance.

    Education pays a high price for low teacher pay
  13. News 15 December 2011

    International Day on Solidarity-Based Social Protection

    On 14 December, France’s Mutuelle Générale de l’Education Nationale (MGEN), a joint founder organisation of the Education and Solidarity Network along with EI, organised a European and international day on the theme of ‘Social Protection: Citizens’ Rights and Duties’.

    International Day on Solidarity-Based Social Protection
  14. News 15 December 2011

    France: Education unions speak out against teacher assessment plan

    A common union front in education, to which most EI French affiliates joined, has called for a strike on 15 December. Educators protest against a governmental plan aiming at having teachers’ evaluation and career advancement decided solely by school leaders.

    France: Education unions speak out against teacher assessment plan
  15. Research

    Global corporate taxation and resources for quality public services

    Laura Figazzolo and Bob Harris
    14 December 2011

    This report explains how the resources for investment in people can be found. Billions of dollars and euros are lost to communities because tax laws are national while the economy is global, and that simple fact has created unprecedented opportunities for tax minimization and avoidance.

    Global corporate taxation and resources for quality public services
    1. Download
  16. News 29 November 2011

    UK: Teachers lead largest strike in over thirty years

    Over 2.000.000 British public sector workers will stage a nationwide walkout today protesting against pension cuts of up to 25%. At the vanguard of the protest will be EI’s UK members: NUT, NASUWT, ATL and UCU.

    UK: Teachers lead largest strike in over thirty years