
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 8 August 2011

    Greece: Teachers plan new strikes for September

    Teachers and university professors in Greece are planning a new wave of strikes in September after seeing their pay and benefits cut by the equivalent of two months of pay a year. Hundreds of thousands of people, including teachers, have been demonstrating on the streets of Greece over the last...

    Greece: Teachers plan new strikes for September
  2. News 8 August 2011

    Liberia: Teachers struggle for a living wage

    Members of the National Teachers Association of Liberia (NTAL) have launched a campaign for a decent living wage for all school teachers and education workers. Professional teachers currently earn as little as US$100 per month – which is an inadequate sum to survive on in a country where food prices...

    Liberia: Teachers struggle for a living wage
  3. News 8 August 2011

    Sierra Leone: Teachers’ pay award blocked by IMF

    Teachers in Sierra Leone have had their pay rise blocked by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Despite the fact that teachers can earn as little as US$50 per month in Sierra Leone which is wholly inadequate to sustain one person, let alone to provide for an entire family, an IMF...

    Sierra Leone: Teachers’ pay award blocked by IMF
  4. News 20 July 2011

    Canada: Teachers report on state of public education

    The Canadian Teachers Federation (CTF), a member of Education International, has published a report on the state of Canadian public education from the perspective of teachers. The study involved 434 teachers from around Canada and highlights the growing concerns about budget and staff cuts.

    Canada: Teachers report on state of public education
  5. News 18 July 2011

    Jamaica: JTA wins salary battle after nearly two years

    Following over a year of negotiations with the government, the Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA) will sign a wage agreement to secure salary increases for its 24,000 members.

    Jamaica: JTA wins salary battle after nearly two years
  6. News 18 July 2011

    Taiwan: EI welcomes inauguration of new teachers' union

    EI has welcomed the inauguration of the National Federation of Teacher Unions (NFTU) in Taiwan. The historic milestone in Taiwanese trade unionism was celebrated in the presence of President Ma Ying-jeou, who was joined by the Chairwoman of the Executive Yuan Labour Committee, Wang Ruxuan, and Deputy Education Minister, Lin...

    Taiwan: EI welcomes inauguration of new teachers' union