
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 6 May 2011

    Canada: Teachers support Saskatchewan colleagues without contract

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), one of Education International’s national affiliates, has urged the provincial Government of Saskatchewan and its School Boards Association to quickly return to the bargaining table with the unions 12,000 teachers who have been without a contract since 31 August, 2010.

    Canada: Teachers support Saskatchewan colleagues without contract
  2. News 3 May 2011

    UK: teachers decide on strike over pensions

    The National Union of Teachers (NUT) confirmed during its annual Conference, held 22-26 April in Harrogate, UK, that it will take coordinated action with another national affiliate of EI, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), as part of the struggle over pensions.

    UK: teachers decide on strike over pensions
  3. News 19 April 2011

    EI taskforce tackles teacher migration and mobility issues

    Teacher migration and mobility is a global phenomenon that requires a concerted and coordinated effort from the trade union movement to curb the violation of migrant teachers’ labour rights.

    EI taskforce tackles teacher migration and mobility issues
  4. 28 March 2011

    Doctoral students' status – an urgent issue for academic trade unions

    Improving standards of doctoral students’ employment is vital if we are to build decent conditions of work for all academic workforces and achieve the goal of good quality public higher education.

    Doctoral students' status – an urgent issue for academic trade unions
  5. 28 March 2011

    The need to overcome the teacher gap in India

    In September 2010, Mireille de Koning, from EI’s Research Unit, set off on a visit to four states in India to undertake research on teacher training for non- and under-qualified (contract) primary teachers. She spent her time meeting with policy makers and teachers about the main challenges to quality teacher...

    The need to overcome the teacher gap in India
  6. 25 March 2011

    Action programme to improve the labour market for teachers

    The GEW, Germany’s largest teachers’ union, has called for immediate federal action on teacher training to increase the number of student and probationary teachers’ positions.

    Action programme to improve the labour market for teachers
  7. 25 March 2011

    International Summit on the Teaching Profession

    The release of the 2009 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) in December showed that U.S. students were ranked average in reading and science, and below average in maths. While the findings were not a great surprise they did generate a rush of media coverage about how the nation’s students...

    International Summit on the Teaching Profession
  8. 25 March 2011

    Teacher unions scale up measures to defend the rights of migrant teachers

    International migration, including skilled labour migration has become a global phenomenon that is rising to the top of the policy agenda. UN data shows that around 214 million people – or 3.1 per cent of the world’s population – live outside their country of birth. Women constitute about 50 per...

    Teacher unions scale up measures to defend the rights of migrant teachers
  9. 25 March 2011

    School leaders call for protection of education budgets

    School leaders and representatives of EI’s member organisations have raised serious concerns about the impact of the economic crisis on education budgets and trade union rights.

    School leaders call for protection of education budgets
  10. 24 March 2011

    Denmark: Become a teacher and change lives!

    Since 2007 the Danish Union of Teachers (DLF) has been conducting an annual study to show the number of teaching positions in public primary and lower secondary education institutions that are occupied by staff with no formal training. The results, which are published in an annual report, show a startling...

    Denmark: Become a teacher and change lives!
  11. 24 March 2011

    World Teachers’ Day 2010: honouring unsung heroes in our society

    Teachers are the guarantors of continuity during and after natural disasters and other crises. By giving hope for the future and providing structure and a sense of normality, they help to mitigate the effects of conflict, disaster and displacement. Teachers provide much-needed psychosocial support to ease the trauma of children...

    World Teachers’ Day 2010: honouring unsung heroes in our society
  12. 24 March 2011

    Second survey on the impact of economic crisis on education, teachers and education staff 2010

    Since the onset of the global economic crisis, EI has been following the impact on education sectors around the world. Two particular surveys that were conducted among EI’s member organisations explored the impact of the crisis and were summarised in EI’s Report on the Impact of Economic Crisis on Education,...

    Second survey on the impact of economic crisis on education, teachers and education staff 2010
  13. 18 March 2011

    Sixteen countries and regions convened for first ever international summit on the teaching profession to promote building, developing and sustaining world class teaching force

    Teachers, education leaders and policymakers from rapidly improving and high-performing nations and regions shared common challenges and best practices

    Sixteen countries and regions convened for first ever international summit on the teaching profession to promote building, developing and sustaining world class teaching force
  14. News 17 March 2011

    EI and affiliates join international summit on teaching profession

    Leaders of EI affiliates have joined their national education minister counterparts in a Summit on the Future of the Teaching Profession organised by EI, the OECD and U.S. Department of Education in New York City, from 16-17 March.

    EI and affiliates join international summit on teaching profession
  15. News 9 March 2011

    German teachers set to strike over low pay

    Teachers and public servants from the federal states of Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, have stepped up their campaign over inadequate pay and the need to improve their professional status, by taking the decision to strike.

    German teachers set to strike over low pay
  16. News 7 March 2011

    Kenya: Unionists demand permanent contracts for teachers

    The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) acting national chairman Wilson Sossion has urged the government to stop hiring teachers under fixed-term contracts.

    Kenya: Unionists demand permanent contracts for teachers
  17. News 1 March 2011

    New York City threatens massive teacher redundancies

    Amid stout battles to save collective bargaining rights for teachers, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and National Education Association (NEA) have learned that up to 5,000 teachers are threatened with redundancy in New York.

    New York City threatens massive teacher redundancies