
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. 18 February 2011

    Expression of Solidarity with US Public Employees by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary

    On behalf of Education International, the Global Union Federation representing 30 million teachers and education workers through 396 member organisations in 171 countries and territories, I express our concern over Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s budget bill to strip 175,000 state employees, including teachers, of collective bargaining rights.

    Expression of Solidarity with US Public Employees by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary
  2. News 14 February 2011

    EI General Secretary meets US Education Secretary

    EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, has paid a courtesy visit to the Secretary of Education of the United States of America, Arne Duncan, in Washington DC.

    EI General Secretary meets US Education Secretary
  3. News 11 February 2011

    France: Inter-disciplinary teaching threat to quality education

    EI’s French affiliates have called into question proposals from the Minister for Education, Luc Chatel, who’s ‘Science Plan’ threatens the emphasis on good initial teacher training.

    France: Inter-disciplinary teaching threat to quality education
  4. News 31 January 2011

    Serbian teachers to strike over low salaries

    Teacher unions in Serbia have elected to strike after a string of failed attempts to negotiate with the government which has refused to engage in social dialogue relating to poor working conditions and inadequate pay for teachers.

    Serbian teachers to strike over low salaries
  5. News 28 January 2011

    Trade unionists demand robust social protection to weather crisis

    An international trade union delegation has met with World Bank and International Monetary Fund directors to urge leaders to combat the economic crisis to foster inclusive growth by committing to social protection strategies.

    Trade unionists demand robust social protection to weather crisis
  6. News 16 December 2010

    EI and affiliates to make the case for teachers at global summit

    EI and its US affiliate members, the National Education Association (NEA), and American Federation of Teachers (AFT), will join world leaders from the OECD at a Summit on the Teaching Profession in New York, from 16-17 March, 2011.

    EI and affiliates to make the case for teachers at global summit
  7. News 24 November 2010

    Santo Domingo: Teachers march to demand 4 per cent for education

    Teachers from the Dominican Republic have been holding demonstrations throughout November to demand 4 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) be spent on education in 2011.

    Santo Domingo: Teachers march to demand 4 per cent for education
  8. News 28 October 2010

    France: teachers and students unite for quality public education

    The French Republic is currently experiencing a huge social movement. The outcry against the pension reforms, imposed by Nicolas Sarkozy’s government, has brought the French masses out into the streets.

    France: teachers and students unite for quality public education
  9. News 1 October 2010

    European teacher unions resist attacks on public education

    Teacher unionists from Central and Eastern European (CEE) have adopted a declaration following a roundtable meeting in Bucharest, Romania, in which they have shared concerns about the effects of the economic crisis on funding for education and, in particular, on teachers' salaries.

    European teacher unions resist attacks on public education
  10. News 29 September 2010

    General strike in Spain: teachers demand dignity and protection

    Trade unions in Spain have called the whole country to take part in a general strike on 29 September to oppose changes in workers conditions and pension rights that Zapatero’s government is implementing.

    General strike in Spain: teachers demand dignity and protection
  11. News 29 September 2010

    European day for action: no cuts, more growth

    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is staging a European Day of Action on 29 September in opposition to austerity programmes being adopted by governments all over the continent.

    European day for action: no cuts, more growth
  12. News 29 September 2010

    Taiwan: Teachers hold vigil in demand for pension

    Thousands of teachers from all over the Republic of China (Taiwan) descended on its capital, Taipei City, on 26 September to demonstrate for the right of private school teachers to receive pensions.

    Taiwan: Teachers hold vigil in demand for pension
  13. News 24 September 2010

    Uganda: World Teacher’s Day declared national public holiday

    EI is pleased to have been informed by its affiliate member, the Uganda National Teachers’ Union (UNATU), that 5 October has been declared a national public holiday in Uganda, in honour of World Teachers’ Day.

    Uganda: World Teacher’s Day declared national public holiday
  14. News 23 September 2010

    Francophone affiliates call on governments to tackle crisis

    More than 35 participants from Africa, Europe and the Middle East have converged in Fribourg, Switzerland, to assess developments in education across the French-speaking world.

    Francophone affiliates call on governments to tackle crisis
  15. News 23 September 2010

    France: Teachers to continue fighting pension reforms

    Following the success of 7 September’s general strike, trade unions in France have called for another coordinated national strike across all sectors in opposition to the pension reform proposals being rushed through Parliament by President Sarkozy’s administration.

    France: Teachers to continue fighting pension reforms