Our work in this area
25 March 2011 Teacher unions scale up measures to defend the rights of migrant teachers
International migration, including skilled labour migration has become a global phenomenon that is rising to the top of the policy agenda. UN data shows that around 214 million people – or 3.1 per cent of the world’s population – live outside their country of birth. Women constitute about 50 per...
Teacher unions scale up measures to defend the rights of migrant teachers -
25 March 2011 School leaders call for protection of education budgets
School leaders and representatives of EI’s member organisations have raised serious concerns about the impact of the economic crisis on education budgets and trade union rights.
School leaders call for protection of education budgets -
24 March 2011 Denmark: Become a teacher and change lives!
Since 2007 the Danish Union of Teachers (DLF) has been conducting an annual study to show the number of teaching positions in public primary and lower secondary education institutions that are occupied by staff with no formal training. The results, which are published in an annual report, show a startling...
Denmark: Become a teacher and change lives! -
24 March 2011 World Teachers’ Day 2010: honouring unsung heroes in our society
Teachers are the guarantors of continuity during and after natural disasters and other crises. By giving hope for the future and providing structure and a sense of normality, they help to mitigate the effects of conflict, disaster and displacement. Teachers provide much-needed psychosocial support to ease the trauma of children...
World Teachers’ Day 2010: honouring unsung heroes in our society -
24 March 2011 Second survey on the impact of economic crisis on education, teachers and education staff 2010
Since the onset of the global economic crisis, EI has been following the impact on education sectors around the world. Two particular surveys that were conducted among EI’s member organisations explored the impact of the crisis and were summarised in EI’s Report on the Impact of Economic Crisis on Education,...
Second survey on the impact of economic crisis on education, teachers and education staff 2010 -
18 March 2011 Sixteen countries and regions convened for first ever international summit on the teaching profession to promote building, developing and sustaining world class teaching force
Teachers, education leaders and policymakers from rapidly improving and high-performing nations and regions shared common challenges and best practices
Sixteen countries and regions convened for first ever international summit on the teaching profession to promote building, developing and sustaining world class teaching force -
News 17 March 2011 EI and affiliates join international summit on teaching profession
Leaders of EI affiliates have joined their national education minister counterparts in a Summit on the Future of the Teaching Profession organised by EI, the OECD and U.S. Department of Education in New York City, from 16-17 March.
EI and affiliates join international summit on teaching profession -
News 9 March 2011 German teachers set to strike over low pay
Teachers and public servants from the federal states of Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, have stepped up their campaign over inadequate pay and the need to improve their professional status, by taking the decision to strike.
German teachers set to strike over low pay -
News 7 March 2011 Kenya: Unionists demand permanent contracts for teachers
The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) acting national chairman Wilson Sossion has urged the government to stop hiring teachers under fixed-term contracts.
Kenya: Unionists demand permanent contracts for teachers -
News 1 March 2011 New York City threatens massive teacher redundancies
Amid stout battles to save collective bargaining rights for teachers, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and National Education Association (NEA) have learned that up to 5,000 teachers are threatened with redundancy in New York.
New York City threatens massive teacher redundancies -
News 18 February 2011 Teachers Worldwide Express Solidarity with US Public Employees
Teachers around the globe are deeply concerned about efforts to strip educators and other public employees of fundamental trade union rights.
Teachers Worldwide Express Solidarity with US Public Employees -
18 February 2011 Expression of Solidarity with US Public Employees by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary
On behalf of Education International, the Global Union Federation representing 30 million teachers and education workers through 396 member organisations in 171 countries and territories, I express our concern over Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s budget bill to strip 175,000 state employees, including teachers, of collective bargaining rights.
Expression of Solidarity with US Public Employees by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary -
News 14 February 2011 EI General Secretary meets US Education Secretary
EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, has paid a courtesy visit to the Secretary of Education of the United States of America, Arne Duncan, in Washington DC.
EI General Secretary meets US Education Secretary -
News 11 February 2011 France: Quality education threatened by planned interdisciplinary teaching
Responding to the Science Plan proposed by Luc Chatel, Minister for Education, French EI affiliates have emphasised the need for good initial teacher training.
France: Quality education threatened by planned interdisciplinary teaching -
News 11 February 2011 France: Inter-disciplinary teaching threat to quality education
EI’s French affiliates have called into question proposals from the Minister for Education, Luc Chatel, who’s ‘Science Plan’ threatens the emphasis on good initial teacher training.
France: Inter-disciplinary teaching threat to quality education -
News 31 January 2011 Serbian teachers to strike over low salaries
Teacher unions in Serbia have elected to strike after a string of failed attempts to negotiate with the government which has refused to engage in social dialogue relating to poor working conditions and inadequate pay for teachers.
Serbian teachers to strike over low salaries -
News 28 January 2011 Trade unionists demand robust social protection to weather crisis
An international trade union delegation has met with World Bank and International Monetary Fund directors to urge leaders to combat the economic crisis to foster inclusive growth by committing to social protection strategies.
Trade unionists demand robust social protection to weather crisis -
News 16 December 2010 EI and affiliates to make the case for teachers at global summit
EI and its US affiliate members, the National Education Association (NEA), and American Federation of Teachers (AFT), will join world leaders from the OECD at a Summit on the Teaching Profession in New York, from 16-17 March, 2011.
EI and affiliates to make the case for teachers at global summit