
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 25 November 2008

    Macedonian teachers strike to back collective bargaining rights

    Members of the Autonomous Trade Union of Education, Science and Culture of the Republic of Macedonia (SONK) went on strike 24 November after the government reneged on its earlier commitments in collective agreements for both elementary and secondary education.

    Macedonian teachers strike to back collective bargaining rights
  2. News 17 October 2008

    EI supports its Italian member organisations' call against dismantling of education

    Education International its EU organisation, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), strongly support the call by their Italian member organisations - the Federazione Lavoratori della Connoscenza (FLC-CGIL), the CISL-Scuola and the UIL-Scuola for action against the plans by the government to dramatically downsize the education sector.

    EI supports its Italian member organisations' call against dismantling of education
  3. News 10 October 2008

    EI urges Somalia to make schools safe sanctuaries

    With the country in turmoil, the public education system in a state of collapse, and teachers under attack, Education International is deeply concerned that Somali teachers and students are suffering profound violations of their rights on a daily basis.

    EI urges Somalia to make schools safe sanctuaries
  4. News 6 October 2008

    Teachers matter more than ever!

    Education, schools and children will ultimately pay the highest price as the global financial crisis hits communities everywhere, EI Vice-President Patrick Gonthier warned participants in a Round Table held at UNESCO headquarters in Paris on 3 October to commemorate World Teachers’ Day 2008.

    Teachers matter more than ever!
  5. News 6 October 2008

    Central and Eastern Europe: Teachers united for quality education

    Teachers from across Central and Eastern Europe are reaching out to colleagues facing difficult circumstances in Georgia, Montenegro and Turkey. Representatives of 26 organisations from 17 countries met in Zagreb, Croatia, from 2-4 October.

    Central and Eastern Europe: Teachers united for quality education
  6. News 3 October 2008

    World Teachers’ Day 2008: Teachers matter!

    Governments the world over must address the dramatic shortage of qualified teachers if they are to meet the social and economic challenges of the knowledge society, according to Education International, the global union federation representing 30 million teachers around the world.

    World Teachers’ Day 2008: Teachers matter!
  7. News 26 September 2008

    Dramatic increase in attacks on teachers

    The world has seen a dramatic and disturbing increase in attacks against teachers over the past three years, according to the author of a global study commissioned by UNESCO. Journalist and researcher Brendan O’Malley presented his findings to members of the Executive Board of Education International, meeting this week in...

    Dramatic increase in attacks on teachers
  8. Research

    A comparative study of teachers’ pay in Europe

    Béla Galgóczi and Vera Glassner
    17 September 2008

    This report presents the findings of a study on teachers’ pay in Europe, commissioned by EI/ ETUCE/, and conducted by the European Trade Union Institute’s research department in the summer of 2008.

    A comparative study of teachers’ pay in Europe
    1. Download
  9. News 12 September 2008

    Suriname: teachers achieve substantial wage increases

    Following difficult months of conflicts and long strikes, the teacher unions in Suriname have won substantial wage increases from the government, as well as a collective agreement which addresses discrepancies between teachers' working conditions.

    Suriname: teachers achieve substantial wage increases
  10. News 10 September 2008

    Indonesia: Teachers' pay increased by 15%

    Teachers in Indonesia are celebrating the success of their long legal and political struggle to compel their government to live up to the Constitutional requirement to dedicate 20 percent of the national budget to education. The PGRI, EI’s affiliate, took the case for increasing education funding to the Constitutional Court...

    Indonesia: Teachers' pay increased by 15%
  11. News 10 September 2008

    Moldova: review of salary urgently needed

    In support of its member organisation the Education and Science Trade Union (ESTU), EI has requested the education minister of Moldova, Larisa Savga, to open a dialogue with the teacher union to review teachers' salary.

    Moldova: review of salary urgently needed
  12. News 5 September 2008

    Teachers Matter! Celebrate World Teachers' Day with millions of educators worldwide on 5 October

    Every day, in millions of classrooms around the world, the universal endeavour of teaching and learning takes place. The gift of literacy is passed from one generation to the next, along with love of learning and thirst for knowledge. When knowledge is shared, skills are gained and lives can be...

    Teachers Matter! Celebrate World Teachers' Day with millions of educators worldwide on 5 October
  13. 4 September 2008

    Teacher training project launched

    Education International and Oxfam Novib from the Netherlands have embarked on a joint pilot project on teacher training in developing countries. The Education for All targets and the education-related Millennium Development Goals, to which EI is committed, cannot be achieved without adequate numbers of properly trained and qualified teachers.

    Teacher training project launched
  14. 4 September 2008

    World Teachers’ Day 2008: Teachers matter!

    Every day, in millions of classrooms around the world, the universal endeavour of teaching and learning takes place. The gift of literacy is passed from one generation to the next, along with love of learning and thirst for knowledge. When knowledge is shared, skills are gained and lives can be...

    World Teachers’ Day 2008: Teachers matter!
  15. 4 September 2008

    France: 13,500 more teaching jobs cut

    The French Minister of Education, Xavier Darcos, announced in July an additional 13,500 job cuts in 2009. These cuts come on top of 11,200 jobs already cut in the 2008 school year.

    France: 13,500 more teaching jobs cut
  16. News 20 August 2008

    COPE-UNESCO-UNICEF conference on "Improving Status of Teachers" a success

    Together with UNESCO and UNICEF, EI's sub-regional organisation, the Council of Pacific Educators (COPE) organised a conference on "Improving the Status of Teachers as per ILO-UNESCO's 1966 Recommendation and promoting Children's Rights to Quality Education" from 18-20 August 2008 in Nadi, Fiji.

    COPE-UNESCO-UNICEF conference on "Improving Status of Teachers" a success
  17. News 12 August 2008

    Algeria: Teachers on hunger strike

    Education International (EI) has sent a message of solidarity to its affiliates in Algeria regarding the 35 teachers on hunger strike since 15 July 2008.

    Algeria: Teachers on hunger strike
  18. News 4 August 2008

    Brazilian teachers win national standard professional wage scale

    Brazilian educators are celebrating a new law that establishes a national standard salary, bringing to an end decades of inequity between teachers’ salaries in different regions of the country.

    Brazilian teachers win national standard professional wage scale