
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 30 July 2008

    COPE, UNESCO and UNICEF to hold conference on Improving Status of Teachers

    Together with UNESCO and UNICEF, EI's sub-regional organisation, the Council of Pacific Educators (COPE) will be holding a conference on "Improving the Status of Teachers as per ILO-UNESCO's 1966 Recommendation and promoting Children's Rights to Quality Education".

    COPE, UNESCO and UNICEF to hold conference on Improving Status of Teachers
  2. News 22 July 2008

    Guatemala: New government brings positive change for teachers and students

    Six months ago, the newly elected centre-left government of Guatemalan President Álvaro Colom Caballeros started reversing the privatization of the school system. The government also introduced collective bargaining in the public sector. As a result, a few weeks ago the unions were able to sign a new collective agreement that...

    Guatemala: New government brings positive change for teachers and students
  3. News 8 July 2008

    Indonesia: Government promises annual increase in education budget and teacher salary at PGRI's national congress

    The government of Indonesia will annually increase the education budget as well as the salaries of teachers. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono made that promise to the more than 5000 delegates and observers attending the opening session of the 20th Congress of the Indonesian teachers' union PGRI held in Palembang on...

    Indonesia: Government promises annual increase in education budget and teacher salary at PGRI's national congress
  4. News 23 June 2008

    NGO and trade unions call for millions more health workers and teachers

    Today, Public Services International, Education International and Oxfam International announced a joint call to world leaders, demanding funds for tens of millions of qualified health workers and teachers worldwide to be trained and hired to deliver public health and education for all. The current gap means that governments are failing...

    NGO and trade unions call for millions more health workers and teachers
  5. News 28 March 2008

    France: Teachers resist Sarkozy’s job cuts

    French education unions are mobilizing against the government’s plan to cut 11,200 teaching jobs at the beginning of the next school year. Since early last week, secondary teachers have been on strike at various schools throughout the country.

    France: Teachers resist Sarkozy’s job cuts
  6. 13 March 2008

    France: Teachers worried about Sarkozy reforms

    “The education public service deserves an ambitious policy. Unfortunately, the service is coming under pressure today due to job cuts.”

    France: Teachers worried about Sarkozy reforms
  7. Research

    Teacher supply, recruitment and retention in six Anglophone Sub-Saharan African countries

    Dennis Sinyolo
    19 December 2007

    The purpose of this survey was to investigate teacher supply, teacher attrition, teacher remuneration and motivation, teacher absenteeism and union involvement in policy development in six Anglophone African countries: The Gambia, Kenya, Lesotho, Tanzania Uganda and Zambia.

    Teacher supply, recruitment and retention in six Anglophone Sub-Saharan African countries
    1. Download
  8. News 24 October 2007

    Senegal: 72-hour strike to make government fulfil its promises

    Starting today, Senegalese teachers in primary and secondary public schools are on a 72-hour strike to make the government fulfil its promises on research and housing allowances.

    Senegal: 72-hour strike to make government fulfil its promises
  9. News 19 October 2007

    South Africa: Teachers Reject Salary Offer

    EI affiliate the South African Democratic Teachers' Union (Sadtu) had rejected the government's proposals on a new teacher payment regime which would link remuneration with performance.

    South Africa: Teachers Reject Salary Offer