
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 1 June 2007

    Zimbabwe: EI affiliate ZIMTA deplores brain drain

    At its 26th Annual Conference which took place in April, EI member organisation the Zimbabwe Teacher’s Association (ZIMTA) called on its government to address the severe political, social and economic problems that are leading to massive brain drain of professionals.

    Zimbabwe: EI affiliate ZIMTA deplores brain drain
  2. News 21 May 2007

    EI School Leadership Meeting, Birmingham, UK

    EI held a School Leadership Meeting at the NASUWT Hillscourt Education Centre in Birmingham, England on 15 - 16 May 2007. The meeting, which was hosted by NASUWT, was attended by 30 participants from 13 different countries. EI was represented by Elie Jouen and Denis Sinyolo.

    EI School Leadership Meeting, Birmingham, UK
  3. News 8 May 2007

    Iran: Teachers' Mass Protest on 8 May

    Teachers in Iran will be converging upon the Iranian Parliament today at one o'clock in the afternoon to demand for better pay and working conditions, and the release of all jailed colleagues. They are also calling for the withdrawal of the order for the termination of service recently issued to...

    Iran: Teachers' Mass Protest on 8 May
  4. News 24 April 2007

    Iran: EI condemns more arrests of teachers

    Once again, EI protested to the Iranian government over further arrests of teachers after strike actions have been announced for 15, 16 April.

    Iran: EI condemns more arrests of teachers
  5. News 11 April 2007

    Argentina: Nation-wide teacher strike against police violence

    EI strongly condemned the recent use of violence by the police in Argentina to disperse a peaceful demonstration. The violence resulted in the death of a teacher.

    Argentina: Nation-wide teacher strike against police violence
  6. News 4 April 2007

    Iran: release of a few arrested teachers

    A few of the 300 teachers arrested during a demonstration on 14 March for better pay and working conditions have been released.

    Iran: release of a few arrested teachers
  7. News 23 March 2007

    ILO Body approves Teachers Status report

    This week, at its meeting in Geneva, the ILO Governing Body’s Committee on Sectoral and Technical Meetings (STM) approved the Report submitted by the Joint ILO-UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel (CEART).

    ILO Body approves Teachers Status report
  8. News 23 March 2007

    Iran's Teacher Crisis - ILO Workers' Group and EI meet with Government

    The ILO Workers' Group and EI met the Iranian delegation to the ILO Governing Body in Geneva on 21 March on the current teacher crisis in Iran. This meeting is the result of EI's request for ILO intervention on 16 March.

    Iran's Teacher Crisis - ILO Workers' Group and EI meet with Government
  9. News 16 March 2007

    Iran: EI Condemns Arrest Of Over 300 Teachers

    EI wrote to the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on 16 March condemning the harsh repression and arrest of hundreds of teachers who were protesting on 14 March for better pay and working conditions.

    Iran: EI Condemns Arrest Of Over 300 Teachers
  10. News 15 March 2007

    Iran: Extensive Arrest of Teachers During Protest on 14 March

    According to EI contacts in Iran, over 50 teachers were reportedly arrested on 14 March during their demonstration in Tehran for better pay and working conditions through the enactment of the Pay Parity Bill.

    Iran: Extensive Arrest of Teachers During Protest on 14 March
  11. News 14 March 2007

    Iran: Authorities do not understand the word 'discussion'

    "We do not understand the word 'discussion'. Your pressures have no effect on our decision-making. Whether you are present or absent, it makes no difference in our minds." This was a statement proudly pronounced by Koohkan, one of the two members of the Iranian Parliament who met with the teacher...

    Iran: Authorities do not understand the word 'discussion'
  12. News 13 March 2007

    Slovenia: EI expresses support for Slovenian teachers

    EI has sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Janez Jansa, in support of its affiliate ESTUS and the teachers who will demonstrate on 15 March to defend a sound public education system.

    Slovenia: EI expresses support for Slovenian teachers
  13. News 13 March 2007

    Iran: Social Dialogue Opened

    The Teacher Trade Association of Iran (Kanooneh Senfiyeh Moallemaneh Iran, TTAI) and the Teacher Organisation of Iran (Sazmaneh Moallemaneh Iran) announced that they will not be holding any protest action on 13 March when members of parliament meet with the representatives of the teacher unions officially.

    Iran: Social Dialogue Opened
  14. News 8 March 2007

    Fiji: COPE condemns teachers’ pay cuts

    The Council of Pacific Education (COPE), an EI affiliated umbrella body of teacher organisations in the Pacific, condemns the pay cut and lowering of retirement age for teachers proposed by the Fijian government.

    Fiji: COPE condemns teachers’ pay cuts