Our work in this area
News 16 September 2022 Gabon: a favourable start to the 2022 academic year thanks to social dialogue
Launching its trade union activities at the start of the new school year, national education union, SENA (Syndicat de l’Education Nationale) welcomed the progress achieved last year through social dialogue and called on the government to continue with the talks in order to resolve the issues raised by the union...
Gabon: a favourable start to the 2022 academic year thanks to social dialogue -
News 5 September 2022 Netherlands: Successful fight to close pay gap between primary and secondary teachers
Through a continuous movement of industrial action embracing individual teachers’ demands, the Algemene Onderwijsbond (AOb) has been able to win public support and obtain greater investment in public education and teachers from the new government. This led to a significant reduction of the pay gap between primary and secondary teachers.
Netherlands: Successful fight to close pay gap between primary and secondary teachers -
News 5 August 2022 Ghana: unions win improved living conditions for public service workers
The Agreement on a cost-of-living allowance (COLA) concluded on 14 July between the Government of Ghana and workers’ unions and associations within the public sector in this country gives all public sector employees increased remuneration.
Ghana: unions win improved living conditions for public service workers -
News 4 August 2022 Zimbabwe: Education unions commit to unite to advance social dialogue and quality education
Education unions in Zimbabwe affiliated to Education International have vowed to unite and work together in the social dialogue processes taking place in their country, aiming to achieve improved outcomes for workers in the education sector.
Zimbabwe: Education unions commit to unite to advance social dialogue and quality education -
News 3 August 2022 Romanian unionists unite and take action to support Ukrainian educators and students
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Fédération des Syndicats Libres de l'Enseignement (FSLE) of Romania has been undertaking many activities in solidarity with Ukrainian colleagues and children. Romanian educators are working as volunteers making sure schools are ready to receive Ukrainian students and organising rapid training for teachers to...
Romanian unionists unite and take action to support Ukrainian educators and students -
News 2 August 2022 Hungary: teachers’ unions win court case on strike
The Syndicat des Enseignants de Hongrie (PSZ-SEH) and the Teachers' Democratic Union of Hungary (PDSZ), both affiliated to Education International, have had the strike that they organised in January 2022 for a pay raise for teachers and education workers recognised as legal by the National Supreme Court.
Hungary: teachers’ unions win court case on strike -
News 20 July 2022 Uganda: Government must put an immediate halt to the intimidation of teachers
Education International has firmly condemned the intimidation of teachers currently taking industrial action led by the Uganda National Teachers Union (UNATU), an organisation affiliated to Education International.
Uganda: Government must put an immediate halt to the intimidation of teachers -
Take action! 19 July 2022 Teachers around the world mobilise to transform education. Join us!
1.6 billion students were out of school at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions are still struggling with trauma and learning loss. Teachers and education workers have done the impossible to support their students and school communities in this time of crisis. But the crushing workloads, poor pay, and...
Teachers around the world mobilise to transform education. Join us! -
News 8 July 2022 European educators reaffirm their commitment to enhance the status of the teaching profession for inclusive, peaceful, democratic and sustainable societies
Confronted with turbulent times for teachers, educational staff and their trade unions, delegates at the Special Conference of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), the European region of Education International (EI), took a pro-active stand and reasserted their will to mobilise and organise for quality public education, for...
European educators reaffirm their commitment to enhance the status of the teaching profession for inclusive, peaceful, democratic and sustainable societies -
Worlds of Education 28 June 2022 Transforming our understanding of refugee teachers and teaching in contexts of forced displacement
Chris Henderson
In refugee-hosting contexts, teachers contribute more to children’s learning and well-being than any other school-level factor . Refugee teachers also have strong local knowledge and the desire to contribute to better crisis response and recovery outcomes . However, despite their crucial role and the challenging context in which they ensure...
Transforming our understanding of refugee teachers and teaching in contexts of forced displacement -
News 17 June 2022 Israel: Union takes strike action to demand better working conditions to avoid losing more teachers
The Israel Teachers’ Union (ITU) has been engaging recently in rolling strikes across the country to demand decent working conditions and a fair wage agreement reflecting the importance, significance, and complexity of working as an educator in these challenging times.
Israel: Union takes strike action to demand better working conditions to avoid losing more teachers -
News 15 June 2022 Education International reaffirms the crucial role of social dialogue for quality education systems
In her address to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), Education International Deputy General Secretary Haldis Holst stressed the need for social dialogue to establish education policies and ensure decent working conditions of all education personnel.
Education International reaffirms the crucial role of social dialogue for quality education systems -
News 25 May 2022 United States: Teachers demand immediate action on guns, as 21 are killed in elementary school shooting
Educators around the world stand in solidarity and grieve with the students, teachers, school staff, parents, and the entire community of Uvalde, Texas – the scene of yet another school shooting that has taken the lives of 19 children and 2 teachers in the United States.
United States: Teachers demand immediate action on guns, as 21 are killed in elementary school shooting -
News 18 May 2022 Governments must uphold migrant workers’ rights, access to justice and decent work
Education International has joined other Global Union Federations in pushing the world’s governments to fully implement the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) formally endorsed by the UN General Assembly on 19 December 2018. They aim to ensure the GCM adheres to human and labour rights standards,...
Governments must uphold migrant workers’ rights, access to justice and decent work -
News 17 May 2022 Decent work for education support personnel now!
On the occasion of World Education Support Personnel (ESP) Day , Education International organised a virtual event where member organisations representing ESP at all education levels and in every corner of the globe highlighted the crucial yet underrecognised role played by ESP in quality education systems, as well as the...
Decent work for education support personnel now! -
Worlds of Education 16 May 2022 Education Support Personnel build and protect universities
Matthew McGowan
The idea of a university is a noble and important one. A place where knowledge can be shared, tested, developed and expanded. Where people can interrogate everything important about who we are, how the world works and how we fit within it. This happens in an environment built on freedom...
Education Support Personnel build and protect universities -
News 13 May 2022 Celebrate education support personnel with us!
On May 16th, Education International and its member organisations will mark the fifth edition of World Education Support Personnel (ESP) Day by holding an online meeting around this year’s theme, Decent Work for ESP Now!
Celebrate education support personnel with us! -
Publications Well-being and the education of the whole child
A background paper by the OECD and Education International for the Pre-Summit Seminar at the International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2022
10 May 2022Published in April 2021 by the OECD and Education International, the Ten Principles for Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery (hereinafter Principles) were intended to facilitate the collaboration of education authorities and the teaching profession, and their organisations, navigate the health crisis effectively and reshape education systems after the pandemic. The...