
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 19 May 2020

    South Africa: The safety of educators and students is of serious concern in the reopening of schools and colleges

    The South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) has expressed grave concern at government plans to reopen schools and education institutions on 1 June. Urging the government to prioritise safety, the union has compiled preconditions and non-negotiable items to be met before any educators resume on-site teaching.

    South Africa: The safety of educators and students is of serious concern in the reopening of schools and colleges
  2. News 15 May 2020

    France: Teacher unions insist on health guarantees for students and their teachers for the reopening of education facilities

    French teachers have reacted to the government’s announcement of the relaxation of the lockdown and reopening of school facilities from 11 May, asking the public authorities for an assurance that the school year will be restarted with face-to-face education and full health safety measures to prevent the propagation of COVID-19...

    France: Teacher unions insist on health guarantees for students and their teachers for the reopening of education facilities
  3. News 6 May 2020

    Burkina Faso: Health and safety issues to be addressed before schools reopen

    Teacher unions in Burkina Faso are urging public authorities to ensure that adequate safety measures are in place for students and educators before the reopening of schools scheduled for 11 May. The unions recognise that remote teaching and learning is not happening uniformly throughout the country and cannot replace education...

    Burkina Faso: Health and safety issues to be addressed before schools reopen
  4. Research

    Covid-19 and Education: How Education Unions are Responding. Survey Report

    6 May 2020

    Education International surveyed its member organisations across five regions to learn about the different strategies and approaches of their governments, and the actions their own organisations to support their members and all education workers. While there are multiple, varied, and substantive challenges from one country to the next, certain trends...

    Covid-19 and Education: How Education Unions are Responding. Survey Report
    1. Download
  5. News 5 May 2020

    USA: Teacher union presents roadmap to safely reopen schools and communities

    The American Federation of Teachers has launched a blueprint providing guidance for safely and responsibly reopening school buildings and other institutions and imagining a ‘new normal’ for public education, public health, and the economy in the age of COVID-19.

    USA: Teacher union presents roadmap to safely reopen schools and communities
  6. News 4 May 2020

    EI Asia-Pacific Regional Committee adopts statement on COVID-19

    The statement adopted by the Asia-Pacific Regional Committee cites the divergent approaches of governments to the impact of COVID-19 on health, workers, and the economy. It also stresses the lack of consultation of education unions, with rare exceptions, on questions related to the pandemic in the region.

    EI Asia-Pacific Regional Committee adopts statement on COVID-19
  7. News 4 May 2020

    EI African Regional Committee adopts statement of COVID-19 impact and re-opening of schools

    The Education International Africa Regional Committee, in a virtual meeting held on 20 April 2020, adopted a statement that focused on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education in the region and urged governments to consult teachers and education support personnel (ESP) through their representative organisations to ensure that...

    EI African Regional Committee adopts statement of COVID-19 impact and re-opening of schools
  8. News 30 April 2020

    Education International Guidance on Reopening Schools and Education Institutions

    As a growing number of countries are considering easing restrictions and gradually resuming onsite education, Education International stresses a set of five dimensions that should be considered by governments, in dialogue with educators and their unions, when planning this next phase of the response to the COVID-19 crisis in education.

    Education International Guidance on Reopening Schools and Education Institutions
  9. Publications

    EI Guidance to Reopening Schools and Education Institutions

    30 April 2020

    With schools and education institutions closed in a majority of countries, there are critical issues for governments to take into consideration, as countries gradually begin to re-open early childhood institutions, schools and higher education institutions. It is imperative that governments communicate transparently and continuously about the plans for reopening onsite...

    EI Guidance to Reopening Schools and Education Institutions
    1. Download
  10. News 29 April 2020

    Jordan: Non-payment of teacher salaries in the private sector affecting mainly women

    Despite continuing their work online, teachers in private schools in Jordan are not being paid their full salaries. Most of the teachers affected are women. Education International urges the Jordanian government to guarantee the fundamental rights of teachers and education workers and update national legislation to prohibit gender discrimination at...

    Jordan: Non-payment of teacher salaries in the private sector affecting mainly women
  11. News 15 April 2020

    Germany: Education union raises concerns around reopening of schools

    A German education union has voiced its concern at proposals to reopen schools closed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Issues to safeguard educator and student health include addressing how social distancing will operate in classrooms, the wearing of face masks, and infection prevention in facilities and public transport.

    Germany: Education union raises concerns around reopening of schools
  12. News 30 January 2020

    The Netherlands: Strike action demands government funding of education and teachers

    Education International strongly supports the Netherlands’ education staff who are set to strike again – they are seeking appropriate and sustainable funding in the public education sector. Most Dutch schools will be closed from 30-31 January.

    The Netherlands: Strike action demands government funding of education and teachers
  13. News 17 January 2020

    Global education trade union community mourns Australian Justice Trevor Olsson

    Education International salutes the memory of Trevor Olsson, a highly respected jurist from Australia on the Joint International Labour Organisation/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel. Justice Olsson did much to promote the status of teachers over his 21 years of service.

    Global education trade union community mourns Australian Justice Trevor Olsson