
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 10 January 2013

    Namibia: educators demand salary increase

    Educators in Namibia are preparing to go on strike to demand a further increase in their salaries, as well as improved conditions of service.

    Namibia: educators demand salary increase
  2. News 7 January 2013

    Zimbabwe: Teachers warn strike action still likely

    Teachers in Zimbabwe say they will return to school when the school year begins on 8 January, despite their ongoing resentment about low salaries and poor working conditions. They did not rule out further strike action, however.

    Zimbabwe: Teachers warn strike action still likely
  3. News 14 December 2012

    Lebanon: Government must refer new public sector salary scale for approval to Parliament

    On 12 December, hundreds of teachers and public sector employees took to the streets, in a march organised by the Union Coordination Committee(UCC) to protest against the governmental failure to refer a new public sector salary scale for approval to the Parliament. They demanded a salary increase.

    Lebanon: Government must refer new public sector salary scale for approval to Parliament
  4. News 26 November 2012

    Germany: Teacher unionists on a warning strike over working conditions

    The Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW), one of EI’s national affiliates, was involved in a strike action in the state of Saxony. More than 10,000 teachers participated in the action, demanding more teacher jobs, better wages, and legislation regulating pre-pension.

    Germany: Teacher unionists on a warning strike over working conditions
  5. News 26 November 2012

    The ETUCE holds 2012 Conference in Hungary

    Budapest will host the 2012 Conference of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) from 26-28 November. ETUCE is the European branch of Education International in Europe and represents over 12 million teachers and education workers in 45 countries.

    The ETUCE holds 2012 Conference in Hungary
  6. 16 November 2012

    France: teachers – the embodiment of a public education service

    National education provision in France is tripartite: the public service, which educates 84 per cent of pupils/students; private provision under contract with the State; and the private sector not under contract. Formal schooling, developed from the late 19th century, was secular in inspiration. The early educators embodied the vision of...

    France: teachers – the embodiment of a public education service
  7. 16 November 2012

    France: a profession in search of confidence

    The education system has become a topic in French political discourse these last six months: with the Presidential election, consultations on the status of the education system in a society in crisis, it is the future of generations to come that is at stake when education is broached. The economic...

    France: a profession in search of confidence
  8. 16 November 2012

    France: the much-needed relaunch of secondary education

    The start of the 2012 school year, prepared mainly by the former administration (the Sarkozy government) has been a difficult one for secondary schools, owing to a lack of resources and the job cuts of recent years.

    France: the much-needed relaunch of secondary education
  9. 16 November 2012

    France: Is the long-eroded status of teachers about to improve?

    The status of teachers has been severely eroded in France over the last 10 years. This erosion accelerated noticeably during the Presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy. Instead of being considered a necessary investment for society, the education system was presented as a costly burden.

    France: Is the long-eroded status of teachers about to improve?
  10. 13 November 2012

    Ghana: Realising the aspiration of young teachers in unity

    One of greatest difficulties of any voluntary organisation is how to sustain the interest of its members and retain them in the organisation. It is globally recognised that in order to keep the membership of any organisation at its peak, there is the need to keep up and vary the...

    Ghana: Realising the aspiration of young teachers in unity
  11. News 12 November 2012

    Russia: Teacher union collects one million signatures to amend Education Bill

    To protest against stonewalling by lawmakers introducing a new Education Bill, the Education and Science Employees Union of Russia (ESEUR) collected 1,081,934 signatures from its members and had them send 37,959 telegrams to the president, the parliament and the Ministry of Education.

    Russia: Teacher union collects one million signatures to amend Education Bill
  12. News 9 November 2012


    Emmanuel Fatoma
  13. News 9 November 2012


    Marie Antoinette Corr-Jack