
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 29 June 2011

    Teachers in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago join pay protests

    Graduate teachers on the Caribbean islands of Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago are taking protest action over their salaries. More than 800 teachers, who are all graduates of the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT), are still being paid as assistant teachers, despite the fact that they have been awarded...

    Teachers in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago join pay protests
  2. News 28 June 2011

    Greece: Teachers join two day general strike

    The EI General Secretary has met with Greek teachers who are set to be among thousands of public and private sector workers who are taking part in a 48-hour general strike in Greece this week as the parliament prepares for a key vote on tough austerity measures.

    Greece: Teachers join two day general strike
  3. Research

    Impacts of IMF policies on national education budgets and teachers

    Rick Rowden
    23 June 2011

    This Education International Research Institute report provides a critical review of how current IMF macroeconomic policy conditions and advice impact on the ability of borrowing countries to finance national education budgets, wages for public sector teachers, and how such policies affect the ability of governments to achieve the progressive realization...

    Impacts of IMF policies on national education budgets and teachers
    1. Download
  4. News 21 June 2011

    Global unions launch campaign for the common good

    The Council of Global Unions will launch the worldwide Quality Public Services - Action Now! campaign on Thursday 23 June, UN Public Services Day. The aim is to advance quality public services for all people through unprecedented coordinated solidarity action across borders.

    Global unions launch campaign for the common good
  5. News 16 June 2011

    UK: Teachers join college and university lecturers in strike action

    EI affiliates in Britain have voted to take part in strike action on 30 June to defend members’ pensions. The National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) have voted to join University and College Union (UCU) members in the national day of action.

    UK: Teachers join college and university lecturers in strike action
  6. News 14 June 2011

    Mexico: Teachers protest against test-driven education

    More than 70,000 teachers have marched through Oaxaca, Mexico, and taken strike action to protest against inadequate school funding and a recent policy that ties teacher compensation to standardised test results.

    Mexico: Teachers protest against test-driven education
  7. News 31 May 2011

    Wisconsin ‘budget bill’ struck down by court

    The controversial Wisconsin law which proposed to take away most collective bargaining rights from public workers has been struck down by a circuit court judge. However, the ruling will not be the final say in the union fight that brought tens of thousands of protesters to the streets this year.

    Wisconsin ‘budget bill’ struck down by court
  8. News 30 May 2011

    UK: Teachers mount legal battle over pensions

    The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) is mounting a legal challenge in the British High Court to contest its government’s proposal to make changes to its members’ pension scheme.

    UK: Teachers mount legal battle over pensions
  9. News 30 May 2011

    UK: Teachers mount legal battle over pensions

    The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) is mounting a legal challenge in the British High Court to contest its government’s proposal to make changes to its members’ pension scheme.

    UK: Teachers mount legal battle over pensions
  10. News 27 May 2011

    Canada: Teacher union announces withdrawal of voluntary services

    The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF), which is affiliated to EI’s member organisation the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, has announced that its members will be withdrawing their voluntary services as part of an on-going dispute over terms and conditions.

    Canada: Teacher union announces withdrawal of voluntary services
  11. News 9 May 2011

    Belgium: French community schools go out on strike

    Teachers in French community schools across Belgium have taken strike action on 5 May. This is the first time in 15 years that francophone unions which are members of Belgium’s CSC and CGSP union confederations have taken joint industrial action. Their grievances include inadequate investment in the country’s French community...

    Belgium: French community schools go out on strike
  12. News 6 May 2011

    Canada: Teachers support Saskatchewan colleagues without contract

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), one of Education International’s national affiliates, has urged the provincial Government of Saskatchewan and its School Boards Association to quickly return to the bargaining table with the unions 12,000 teachers who have been without a contract since 31 August, 2010.

    Canada: Teachers support Saskatchewan colleagues without contract
  13. News 3 May 2011

    UK: teachers decide on strike over pensions

    The National Union of Teachers (NUT) confirmed during its annual Conference, held 22-26 April in Harrogate, UK, that it will take coordinated action with another national affiliate of EI, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), as part of the struggle over pensions.

    UK: teachers decide on strike over pensions
  14. News 19 April 2011

    EI taskforce tackles teacher migration and mobility issues

    Teacher migration and mobility is a global phenomenon that requires a concerted and coordinated effort from the trade union movement to curb the violation of migrant teachers’ labour rights.

    EI taskforce tackles teacher migration and mobility issues
  15. 28 March 2011

    Doctoral students' status – an urgent issue for academic trade unions

    Improving standards of doctoral students’ employment is vital if we are to build decent conditions of work for all academic workforces and achieve the goal of good quality public higher education.

    Doctoral students' status – an urgent issue for academic trade unions
  16. 28 March 2011

    The need to overcome the teacher gap in India

    In September 2010, Mireille de Koning, from EI’s Research Unit, set off on a visit to four states in India to undertake research on teacher training for non- and under-qualified (contract) primary teachers. She spent her time meeting with policy makers and teachers about the main challenges to quality teacher...

    The need to overcome the teacher gap in India
  17. 25 March 2011

    Action programme to improve the labour market for teachers

    The GEW, Germany’s largest teachers’ union, has called for immediate federal action on teacher training to increase the number of student and probationary teachers’ positions.

    Action programme to improve the labour market for teachers