
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 8 July 2010

    Kenya: Teacher shortage to be recognised a national disaster

    EI affiliate in Kenya, the Kenyan National Union of Teachers (KNUT), urged “the government to declare the shortage of teachers a national disaster,” reported the national newspaper Daily Nation.

    Kenya: Teacher shortage to be recognised a national disaster
  2. News 2 July 2010

    Education leaders unite for global summit

    More than 9,000 delegates have gathered in New Orleans, USA, for the Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly of the National Education Association (NEA) - one of EI's largest affiliate members in America.

    Education leaders unite for global summit
  3. News 7 June 2010

    CEART Report Adopted at International Labour Conference

    On 4 June 2010, the Committee on the Application of Standards of the International Labour Conference (ILC) unanimously adopted a Report by the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning teaching personnel (CEART).

    CEART Report Adopted at International Labour Conference
  4. News 4 June 2010

    Teachers are at the core of the education process

    Teachers have been declared the ‘better part of society’ at the 23rd session of the Council of Europe’s Standing Conference of Education Ministers which took place in Ljubljana between 4 - 5 June, 2010.

    Teachers are at the core of the education process
  5. Research

    Learning how to teach - The upgrading of unqualified primary teachers in sub-Saharan Africa

    Herman Kruijer
    21 April 2010

    In many developing countries, the increased enrolment of pupils in recent years has not been met by an increase in qualified teachers. Rather, to meet rapid expansions of student populations, large numbers of un- and under-qualified teachers have been recruited in recent years by governments in Sub-Saharan Africa.

    Learning how to teach - The upgrading of unqualified primary teachers in sub-Saharan Africa
    1. Download
  6. News 16 April 2010

    Zimbabwe: Deteriorating education system and political tensions have led to severe teacher shortage

    Zimbabwe Education Minister David Coltart promised delegates attending the annual conference of the Zimbabwe Teachers' Association (ZIMTA) on 14 April that he would immediately terminate the possibility for parents to pay incentives to teachers, if the country’s teachers organisations would ask him to do so.

    Zimbabwe: Deteriorating education system and political tensions have led to severe teacher shortage
  7. News 14 April 2010

    Argentine teachers strike for decent pay

    In the San Luis Province, Cuyo Region, in central-western Argentina, teachers have been staging a strike and holding mass rallies for five consecutive weeks. Their actions enjoy the support of 90% of the profession.

    Argentine teachers strike for decent pay
  8. News 7 April 2010

    Lebanon: Teachers demand 12 years of allowance arrears

    In a recent press conference on 30 Mar called by the Ligue des professeurs de l'enseignement secondaire public du Liban (LPESPL), teachers demand to be paid 12 consecutive years of allowance arrears.

    Lebanon: Teachers demand 12 years of allowance arrears
  9. News 23 March 2010

    Kuwait: "Strong, independent and democratic trade unions are necessary to protect teachers' rights and employment conditions," says EI General Secretary

    Education, both secular and religious, can promote democratic principles and social justice while preparing students to cope with the complexities of adult life, EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen told 500 teachers attending the annual conference of the Kuwait Teachers’ Society on 23 March.

    Kuwait: "Strong, independent and democratic trade unions are necessary to protect teachers' rights and employment conditions," says EI General Secretary
  10. News 8 March 2010

    Lebanon: teachers held strike of unprecedented scale to demand salary improvement

    Lebanese teachers have so far received no response from the authorities concerning their demand of 24 Feb. Thousands of teachers from public secondary schools and vocational institutes took part in an industrial action that day, which was unprecedented in size and turnout.

    Lebanon: teachers held strike of unprecedented scale to demand salary improvement
  11. News 10 February 2010

    Georgia: Teachers determined to bring the government to the negotiating table

    For the Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of Georgia (ESFTUG), one of EI's affiliates in Georgia representing 103.000 teachers, a strike is becoming increasingly inevitable. Despite long negotiations, high pressure on the government, and even a court decision ordering the authorities to make legal provisions for social dialogue with...

    Georgia: Teachers determined to bring the government to the negotiating table
  12. 22 December 2009

    5 October 2009 Build the Future: Invest in Teachers Now!

    This was the resounding message from teachers around the world as they lobbied and marched and celebrated World Teachers’ Day, despite the global economic crisis threatening education and other key public services.

    5 October 2009 Build the Future: Invest in Teachers Now!