
Patrick Pleul
Patrick Pleul

Standards and working conditions

Our work in this area

  1. News 5 October 2006

    World Teachers’ Day 2006: Education International calls for investment in quality teachers to achieve Education for All

    BRUSSELS — Governments around the world must improve salaries and working conditions in education if they are to avert a predicted shortage of 18 million teachers and achieve the Millennium Development Goal of Education for All by 2015.

    World Teachers’ Day 2006: Education International calls for investment in quality teachers to achieve Education for All
  2. News 4 October 2006

    Education International celebrates teachers, defends their rights and upholds standards

    Tomorrow, October 5, 2006 marks the 12th annual World Teachers’ Day, proclaimed to acknowledge the teaching profession and celebrate the key role played by teachers everywhere in nurturing the next generation and building democratic societies.

    Education International celebrates teachers, defends their rights and upholds standards
  3. News 22 September 2006

    Teacher trade unionists advocate for Bulgarian colleagues and schools

    With Bulgaria poised to enter the European Union and its public education system crumbling, now is an important time for teacher trade unionists to work closely with Bulgarian education officials to advocate for policy changes and funding improvements to benefit students and teachers alike.

    Teacher trade unionists advocate for Bulgarian colleagues and schools
  4. News 21 September 2006

    Edward J. McElroy Awarded Education Leadership Award

    EI Executive Board member and president of the American Federation of Teachers, Edward J McElroy has been honoured as the first recipient of the Yitzhak Rabin Education Leadership Award at a dinner in Washington, D.C.

    Edward J. McElroy Awarded Education Leadership Award
  5. News 30 August 2006

    Senegal: teachers halt protest actions despite continuing deadlock in negotiations

    The "Intersyndicale de l'enseignement du Sénégal" (Education Union Alliance of Senegal) has ceased its boycott of staff meetings and returned withheld examination papers as a sign of goodwill despite a continuing deadlock in their negotiations with the government.

    Senegal: teachers halt protest actions despite continuing deadlock in negotiations
  6. News 19 July 2006

    Senegal: teachers demand review of pay and working conditions

    "Teaching is a profession, not volunteer work. Decent pay keeps education personnel motivated and devoted to their profession." In a letter to Senegal President Abdoulaye Wade on 14 July, EI expressed its regret that the government is slow in reacting to the demands of teachers to review their pay and...

    Senegal: teachers demand review of pay and working conditions
  7. News 12 June 2006

    Kenya: State agrees to discuss teachers' pay

    The Kenyan Government has finally agreed to meet teachers for discussions over the implementation of salary increases after vigorous campaigning by EI affiliate the KNUT.

    Kenya: State agrees to discuss teachers' pay
  8. 7 June 2006

    Working Under Fire: being a teacher in Somalia

    The following is an article Education International (EI) received from Mr. Abdurahman Hassan Warsame, Vice-president of the Somalia National Union of Teachers (SNUT), which has applied for EI membership. EI does not currently have an affiliate in the war-torn country.

    Working Under Fire: being a teacher in Somalia
  9. News 4 May 2006

    Niger: Reduction of teacher salary is unacceptable!

    In support of Nigerien education personnel and their union SNEN, EI voiced its strong protests over the government's unilateral decision to reduce teacher salary in a letter dated 3 May. EI reminds the country's President that teaching is a profession and not a voluntary work.

    Niger: Reduction of teacher salary is unacceptable!
  10. News 27 April 2006

    South Africa: Union slams mentorship scheme for poor schools

    EI affiliate the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) has criticised the Eastern Cape education department’s initiative to hire mentors and retirees to help solve the education crisis in the province.

    South Africa: Union slams mentorship scheme for poor schools
  11. News 11 April 2006

    Uganda: Journalist recounts tale about the everyday life of teachers

    EI recently commisioned an article by Ugandan journalist about the everyday life of local teachers. To give the world an insight into the hardships and challenges faced by teachers in the impoverished country, Harriette Athieno Onyalla met with several of them, who told her of the hopes and disappointments they...

    Uganda: Journalist recounts tale about the everyday life of teachers
  12. News 3 April 2006

    Korea: President Roh’s Comments Anger Teachers

    Korean President Roh Moo-Hyun caused a sensation among teachers, saying “It is the teacher who is the most strongly opposed to social change.” at a gathering with Korean compatriots in Egypt.

    Korea: President Roh’s Comments Anger Teachers
  13. News 31 March 2006

    Papua New Guinea: New payroll leaves teachers out of pocket

    EI affiliate the Papua New Guinea Teachers Association (PNGTA) reports that 544 teachers in the Southern region have not been paid properly as the result of a new Payroll System.

    Papua New Guinea: New payroll leaves teachers out of pocket