
Leading the profession

Teachers and education support personnel know what works in education. They must be recognised and empowered to deliver on the promise of quality education for all.

At the classroom level, academic freedom and professional autonomy are prerequisites for quality teaching and learning. As professionals, teachers must be afforded the space and trust to make the best possible decisions for their students.

Beyond the classroom, education policy must be informed by the vast experience and insights only education professionals can provide. We advocate for the involvement of teachers, education support personnel and their representative organisations in all decision-making in education and work towards the expansion of sectoral policy dialogue at all levels and in all countries.

Our work in this area

  1. News 8 December 2021

    Gabon: teacher trade unionists demand respect for social dialogue and government commitments

    Since 15 October, teachers belonging to the National Education Union (Syndicat de l’Éducation nationale - SENA) have been engaged in strike action in order to achieve their demands and ensure that the commitments made by the government are respected.

    Gabon: teacher trade unionists demand respect for social dialogue and government commitments
  2. News 5 December 2021

    ISTP 2021: Learning from the past, looking toward the future

    The official report of the International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP) demonstrates the full engagement of Education International member organisations in working as equal partners with governments on policies supporting teachers in the exercise of their profession.

    ISTP 2021: Learning from the past, looking toward the future
  3. News 3 December 2021

    Asia-Pacific: Living and working conditions of educators severely impacted by the pandemic

    The stress and increased workload imposed on educators throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and their concerns about the future of their work were highlighted during the regional webinar organised by the Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) office in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific....

    Asia-Pacific: Living and working conditions of educators severely impacted by the pandemic
  4. News 26 November 2021

    Global union federations in Asia Pacific urge to end the “vaccine apartheid”

    Update – 29 November 2021 – The 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) was scheduled to take place from 30 November to 3 December 2021 in Geneva, Switzerland. However, due to the new Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus, it was decided on 26 November to...

    Global union federations in Asia Pacific urge to end the “vaccine apartheid”
  5. Worlds of Education 19 November 2021

    In-person schooling during the pandemic: collective bargaining vs. political profiteering

    Noemi Esther Tejeda

    During 2020, as part of the prevention and isolation measures taken in response to Covid-19, Argentina’s national government passed a decree suspending in-person classes throughout the country. The decision was backed by an institutional framework for social and political support.

    In-person schooling during the pandemic: collective bargaining vs. political profiteering
  6. News 18 November 2021

    How are teachers feeling around the world?

    Launch of the International Barometer on Education Personnel’s Health and Well-being

    The first edition of the International Barometer on Education Personnel’s Health and Well-being, based on a survey of 8,000 teachers in six countries on three continents, offers a unique insight into the experiences of teachers in 2021. By analysing issues related to their working conditions, their feelings about their profession...

    How are teachers feeling around the world?
  7. News 17 November 2021

    UK: Overworked higher education staff back industrial action

    University and College Union (UCU) members working in UK universities have backed strike action in a ballot over cuts to pensions. This comes in light of a recent report which revealed a mental health crisis and one in five university staff working the equivalent of two extra days per week.

    UK: Overworked higher education staff back industrial action
  8. News 16 November 2021

    Japan: Educators pay tribute to colleagues and students lost to the COVID-19 pandemic

    On 24 October, the Japan Teachers’ Union (JTU) held a tribute ceremony at the Education Tower in the Osaka Castle Park to pay homage to educators and children who have lost their lives. This year, a special focus was placed on educators and students who died as a result of...

    Japan: Educators pay tribute to colleagues and students lost to the COVID-19 pandemic
  9. News 15 November 2021

    Nepal: Educators reaffirm the need for just and progressive taxation to increase public financing of education

    The need to fund education through public funding and the importance of progressive taxation to increase public resources were at the heart of a recent capacity building workshop on tax justice and education funding in Nepal. The workshop was organised by the Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) office for member organisations...

    Nepal: Educators reaffirm the need for just and progressive taxation to increase public financing of education
  10. Worlds of Education 29 October 2021

    UNICEF’s Innocenti Report on teacher absenteeism in Africa: The wrong approach at the worst time

    Dennis Sinyolo

    This year, as the education community around the world gathered to mark World Teachers’ Day (5th October) and celebrate teachers for their dedication to duty and contribution to quality education for all, Twitter users were greeted by a message from UNICEF’s Office of Research-Innocenti, sharing their recent report on teacher...

    UNICEF’s Innocenti Report on teacher absenteeism in Africa: The wrong approach at the worst time
  11. Publications

    Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future: Excellence and Equity for All

    A briefing by Education International for the 2021 International Summit on the Teaching Profession
    21 October 2021

    Never has there been a sharper global focus on teachers than on this 10th anniversary of the International Summit on the Teaching Profession. The pandemic shutdown of in-person schooling, the unsurprising yet remarkable adaptation of teachers to remote practice where possible and the uneven and uncertain return to classrooms have...

    Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future: Excellence and Equity for All
    1. Briefing by Education International for the 2021 International Summit on the Teaching Profession
  12. News 20 October 2021

    Education unions around the world pay tribute to educators lost to COVID-19 and call for safe working conditions in education

    On World Teachers’ Day, 5 October, education unionists from all corners of the globe gathered to pay tribute to teachers and education support personnel lost during the COVID-19 pandemic, to honour their legacy, and to demand safe working conditions in education. They also reaffirmed the need to invest in educators...

    Education unions around the world pay tribute to educators lost to COVID-19 and call for safe working conditions in education
  13. News 18 October 2021

    International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2021: Governments and unions come together to strengthen education

    This year’s edition of the International Summit on the Teaching Profession takes place virtually between 19 and 21 October. Hosted by the United States, the Summit brings together Education Ministers and teacher union leaders in OECD countries to strengthen policy dialogue in education and support the teaching profession.

    International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2021: Governments and unions come together to strengthen education
  14. News 14 October 2021

    Iraq: Teachers celebrated as the cornerstone of a sustainable society

    The contribution of teachers was celebrated by the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) and Cihan University to mark World Teachers’ Day, 5 October, and Kurdistan Teachers’ Day, 6 October.

    Iraq: Teachers celebrated as the cornerstone of a sustainable society
  15. Research

    The Global Report on the Status of Teachers 2021

    Greg Thompson
    12 October 2021

    The status of teachers remains a concern in many jurisdictions. Teachers are aware that holding the same qualifications or levels of training as other professions does not bring the same status, despite teaching and facilitating learning being complex work that requires significant expertise.

    The Global Report on the Status of Teachers 2021
    1. The Global Report on the Status of Teachers
    2. The Global Report on the Status of Teachers | Summary