
Leading the profession

Teachers and education support personnel know what works in education. They must be recognised and empowered to deliver on the promise of quality education for all.

At the classroom level, academic freedom and professional autonomy are prerequisites for quality teaching and learning. As professionals, teachers must be afforded the space and trust to make the best possible decisions for their students.

Beyond the classroom, education policy must be informed by the vast experience and insights only education professionals can provide. We advocate for the involvement of teachers, education support personnel and their representative organisations in all decision-making in education and work towards the expansion of sectoral policy dialogue at all levels and in all countries.

Our work in this area

  1. News 13 November 2018

    Elsevier: putting a price on knowledge

    In its most recent publication, Education International examines the publishing giant Elsevier, whose success on the market is based on ethically questionable practices which endanger the transmission of knowledge and its condition as a public good.

    Elsevier: putting a price on knowledge
  2. Worlds of Education 13 November 2018

    “Reclaiming Academic Freedom in Malaysia: The Dawn of A New Era?” by Dr Lai Suat Yan

    Dr Lai Suat Yan

    There was rapturous joy on 10 May 2018 when it was officially announced that the opposition party, namely, Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope, PH) won. The rule of the former governing political party, Barisan Nasional (National Front), lasting for the last 60 years, had come to an end. It was...

    “Reclaiming Academic Freedom in Malaysia: The Dawn of A New Era?” by Dr Lai Suat Yan
  3. News 12 November 2018

    EI 11th Further and Higher Education and Research Conference: Advancing conditions for staff to improve quality education

    The first day of the 11th Education International’s Further and Higher Education and Research Conference has provided member organisations with a forum for exchanging information and strategies across regions for the advancement of quality terms and conditions of employment for teachers, academics and researchers, and addressed technical and vocational education...

    EI 11th Further and Higher Education and Research Conference: Advancing conditions for staff to improve quality education
  4. Worlds of Education 8 November 2018

    Power of Advocacy and Partnership, by Princess R. Moss

    Princess R. Moss

    As a teacher and education advocate here in the United States, I am in a position to see the inter-connections of all that is good and all that is troubling about our country. I see the hope, happiness, and diversity our children have. I also see the chaos and hate...

    Power of Advocacy and Partnership, by Princess R. Moss
  5. Worlds of Education 10 October 2018

    "What’s wrong with the World Bank’s Human Capital Index?", by David Edwards

    David Edwards

    The Human Capital Index is a measurement tool created by the World Bank to influence countries to invest more in health and education. With increased education financing a longstanding key demand of Education International and so crucial to achieve SDG4, one might wonder why I am sceptical about this index?...

    "What’s wrong with the World Bank’s Human Capital Index?", by David Edwards
  6. Research

    The global status of teachers and the teaching profession

    Nelly P. Stromquist
    26 September 2018

    The Global Status of Teachers and the Teaching Profession is a crucial read, as it describes and quantifies the challenges teachers face worldwide, but also delineates a path towards a more sustainable future. This ground-breaking global report presents the voice of teachers across all levels of education from early childhood,...

    The global status of teachers and the teaching profession
    1. Download
  7. Worlds of Education 19 September 2018

    “Education unions: vital to meeting the professional needs of educators”, by Howard Stevenson

    Howard Stevenson

    Many countries face huge problems recruiting educators to work in schools, colleges and universities and creating the working conditions that retain them in that work. Research studies also show that educators rarely get access to the type of high quality professional development they need to be as effective in their...

    “Education unions: vital to meeting the professional needs of educators”, by Howard Stevenson
  8. News 13 September 2018

    Germany: “Higher investment in teacher education is overdue”

    The Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft and the Verband Bildung und Erziehung have drawn attention to the long-standing “neglect” of on-going teacher training in the German discussion on educational quality.

    Germany: “Higher investment in teacher education is overdue”
  9. Worlds of Education 2 August 2018

    "Is DFID’s approach to education worldwide approved by teachers in the UK?", by Samidha Garg and Anja Nielsen

    Anja Nielsen, Samidha Garg

    In February 2018, the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), the institution responsible for administering the majority of the UK’s development assistance, released Get Children Learning, the Department’s new education policy.

    "Is DFID’s approach to education worldwide approved by teachers in the UK?", by Samidha Garg and Anja Nielsen
  10. News 9 July 2018

    Postponed European legislative debate on copyright; an opportunity to improve educational exception

    The European Parliament’s decision to submit the reform of the copyright legislation in the European Union to a full public debate in plenary in September gives civil society and education unions a chance to push for the desired open, broad and flexible EU copyright educational exception.

    Postponed European legislative debate on copyright; an opportunity to improve educational exception
  11. News 6 July 2018

    Nepal: trade unions unite around fighting privatisation and commercialisation of education

    Organised as part of Education International’s Global Response against the commercialisation and privatisation in and of Education, the Convention on Privatisation of Education and Right to Education in Nepal helped further raise awareness and disseminate international research on education privatisation in the country.

    Nepal: trade unions unite around fighting privatisation and commercialisation of education
  12. News 27 June 2018

    EI promotes the ideas of youth to strengthen unions in Senegal and Ivory Coast

    The continuation of the program led by Education International in Senegal and Ivory Coast has the aim of spreading unionisation,getting young activists involved in union activity, and strengthening trade union unity.

    EI promotes the ideas of youth to strengthen unions in Senegal and Ivory Coast
  13. Worlds of Education 16 May 2018

    Celebrating education’s unsung heroes, by David Edwards

    David Edwards

    In quality education systems around the world, behind student success there are invisible armies of education support personnel (ESP). These under-recognised workers are too often forgotten or ignored, but are absolutely vital for student success and wellbeing.

    Celebrating education’s unsung heroes, by David Edwards