
Leading the profession

Teachers and education support personnel know what works in education. They must be recognised and empowered to deliver on the promise of quality education for all.

At the classroom level, academic freedom and professional autonomy are prerequisites for quality teaching and learning. As professionals, teachers must be afforded the space and trust to make the best possible decisions for their students.

Beyond the classroom, education policy must be informed by the vast experience and insights only education professionals can provide. We advocate for the involvement of teachers, education support personnel and their representative organisations in all decision-making in education and work towards the expansion of sectoral policy dialogue at all levels and in all countries.

Our work in this area

  1. News 21 June 2010

    Research helps raise teacher unions’ profile

    Over two intensive days, 34 participants from 15 countries took part in the sixth Annual Research Network meeting with keynote speakers from the UK and Japan.

    Research helps raise teacher unions’ profile
  2. 19 May 2010

    Unions worldwide call for the implementation of a global Financial Transaction Tax

    Ahead of the informal meeting of the vice Finance Ministers and deputy Central Bankers of the Group of 20 nations convening today in Berlin, trade unionists and other activists around the world launched the "Make Finance Pay Week" on Monday calling for the implementation of a global tax on financial...

    Unions worldwide call for the implementation of a global Financial Transaction Tax
  3. 7 May 2010

    Taking the case for education funding to Finance Ministers

    EI took an active part in a TUAC delegation which met on Tuesday in Rome with the Italian Finance Minister, Giulio Tremonti, who will chair the OECD Ministerial Council later this month.

    Taking the case for education funding to Finance Ministers
  4. 22 April 2010

    G20 Labour Ministers meet Obama – education and training on the G20 agenda

    G20 labour and employment ministers met yesterday with President Obama and presented him with their recommendations to meet the challenges that the economic crisis is posing for workers and their families worldwide. This was the first time that ministers responsible for labour markets in the 20 largest economies in the...

    G20 Labour Ministers meet Obama – education and training on the G20 agenda
  5. News 22 April 2010

    G20 Labour Ministers meet Obama – education and training on the G20 agenda

    G20 labour and employment ministers met yesterday with President Obama and presented him with their recommendations to meet the challenges that the economic crisis is posing for workers and their families worldwide. This was the first time that ministers responsible for labour markets in the 20 largest economies in the...

    G20 Labour Ministers meet Obama – education and training on the G20 agenda
  6. Research

    Learning how to teach - The upgrading of unqualified primary teachers in sub-Saharan Africa

    Herman Kruijer
    21 April 2010

    In many developing countries, the increased enrolment of pupils in recent years has not been met by an increase in qualified teachers. Rather, to meet rapid expansions of student populations, large numbers of un- and under-qualified teachers have been recruited in recent years by governments in Sub-Saharan Africa.

    Learning how to teach - The upgrading of unqualified primary teachers in sub-Saharan Africa
    1. Download
  7. 20 April 2010

    Globalization and speculation

    The global economy has taken a "double whammy", first the financial crisis, now the disruption of global air travel by the volcanic cloud across Europe...

    Globalization and speculation
  8. 29 March 2010

    Despite difficulties, teachers do their very best for migrant pupils

    All around the world, vast numbers of human beings are on the move – fleeing war zones, escaping injustice or seeking better life chances for themselves and their children. Global migration flows have increased for many reasons. Since the 1960s, the number of immigrants has more than tripled in OECD...

    Despite difficulties, teachers do their very best for migrant pupils
  9. News 12 March 2010

    UK: EI member organisations react to report on racism in schools

    Two EI member organisations reacted to the Maurice Smith Review released today, which recommends that "teachers in England should not be banned from membership of the British National Party (BNP) or any group which may promote racism".

    UK: EI member organisations react to report on racism in schools
  10. 5 February 2010

    Education resources and taxation - a political strategy

    As governmnents cut public budgets to reduce their deficits post-crisis, how can we show voters where to find the resources for education in a global economy...?

    Education resources and taxation - a political strategy
  11. 2 February 2010

    Reforming funding for EFA

    The world is not on track to achieve universal primary education by 2015 ... 72 million children are still not in school ... and there is a funding gap of 16 billion USD ... read more

    Reforming funding for EFA
  12. 22 December 2009

    Education unions fighting the economic crisis: It’s time for a global and local strategy!

    Whatever good or bad news we may hear about the crisis in the media, education is still suffering from measures taken since the onset of the global financial and economic crisis. This has an impact on teachers and education unions at all levels of education.

    Education unions fighting the economic crisis: It’s time for a global and local strategy!
  13. News 18 December 2009

    New 6-month special programme for trade unionists at the Global Labour University now open for application

    As a Global Union, EI is committed to support the Global Labour University. The Global Labour University is created by the Global Union Research Network (GURN), comprising the ILO's Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV), the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD...

    New 6-month special programme for trade unionists at the Global Labour University now open for application
  14. News 20 November 2009

    Action Aid and EI launch teachers’ toolkit on education financing

    In these times of economic crisis, when governments and financial institutions are focused on drastic public spending cuts, it is all the more important that teachers and their unions develop the skills and knowledge to successfully advocate for public investment in quality education.

    Action Aid and EI launch teachers’ toolkit on education financing
  15. 3 November 2009

    IMF Head : "The crisis is not over"

    EI joined ITUC and Italian trade unions meeting IMF Head Dominique Strauss-Kahn in Rome. Strauss-Kahn stressed "the crisis is not over", recognized the issue of IMF conditionalities, and announced a new IMF study on how to tax international financial transactions.

    IMF Head : "The crisis is not over"