
Leading the profession

Teachers and education support personnel know what works in education. They must be recognised and empowered to deliver on the promise of quality education for all.

At the classroom level, academic freedom and professional autonomy are prerequisites for quality teaching and learning. As professionals, teachers must be afforded the space and trust to make the best possible decisions for their students.

Beyond the classroom, education policy must be informed by the vast experience and insights only education professionals can provide. We advocate for the involvement of teachers, education support personnel and their representative organisations in all decision-making in education and work towards the expansion of sectoral policy dialogue at all levels and in all countries.

Our work in this area

  1. 29 June 2009

    The Economic Crisis: “How Did We Get Here?”

    The most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression has exposed the failure of an obsolete economic growth strategy based on debt-fueled consumption.

    The Economic Crisis: “How Did We Get Here?”
  2. 23 June 2009

    World Bank confirms sharp drop in financial flows to developing countries

    The World Banks announced yesterday a massive drop in private capital flows to developing countries, down to one quarter of 2007 levels, and said leading developed countries are misguided in focusing efforts on restoring demand in their own economies......

    World Bank confirms sharp drop in financial flows to developing countries
  3. 22 June 2009

    IMF Conditionalities Could Hurt Teachers’ Salaries

    A report released by the Global Campaign for Education concludes that IMF-loan conditionalities might put downwards pressures on public wage bills, in turn affecting teacher’s salaries. This conclusion is shocking in a time in which the world is facing a shortage of 18 million teachers to achieve universal primary education...

    IMF Conditionalities Could Hurt Teachers’ Salaries
  4. News 16 June 2009

    TALIS provides evidence teachers care

    Education International welcomes today’s release of the OECD’s first Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS). As a consultative partner throughout the process, EI recognises the importance of this research which, for the first time, sought the views of classroom teachers around the world about their professional lives.

    TALIS provides evidence teachers care
  5. 15 June 2009

    Conflicting views on recovery – G8 Finance Ministers versus reality

    G8 Finance Ministers met in Italy on Saturday 13 June. Their statement was mildly optimistic about recovery, but was at odds with the reality, as reported by trade union leaders the day before in Geneva.

    Conflicting views on recovery – G8 Finance Ministers versus reality
  6. 12 June 2009

    Union values central to economic recovery

    Global economic recovery will require the re-affirmation of our fundamental values -- the right of workers to organize, to be represented by independent trade unions, to build a decent future for themselves and their families. This message was central to the address given by EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen...

    Union values central to economic recovery
  7. 10 June 2009

    A jobless recovery?

    Talk of a “jobless recovery” doesn’t make sense. When labour leaders met with World Economic Forum staff last week, there was some straight talking about this notion and the reality confronting millions around the world. For more details see:http://fundingeducation.blogspot.com .

    A jobless recovery?
  8. 28 May 2009

    Is economic recovery on the way?

    People around the world are looking for signs that the worst of the financial crisis is over, and that recovery may be on the way. US leaders said recently they could see “a glimmer of hope.” The financial media are asking whether the dramatic decline in markets has “bottomed-out.” In...

    Is economic recovery on the way?
  9. 13 May 2009

    Unions organise for economic justice

    “Invest in people!” This is the message that EI will put to governments and key international agencies in coming months as the world searches for a path to recovery from the global economic crisis.

    Unions organise for economic justice
  10. 12 May 2009

    Investing in education is part of solving economic crisis

    Over the past six months, people around the world have watched in growing alarm as it became evident we now are facing the worst crisis in the real economy since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Unfortunately, working people, who had no hand in creating the crisis, are bearing the...

    Investing in education is part of solving economic crisis
  11. News 27 March 2009

    EI case for education to the OECD Council

    Investment in people must be a key factor in stimulus plans to recover from the financial and economic crisis. This was one of the messages from EI and the Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) to the Council of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), comprising ambassadors from the...

    EI case for education to the OECD Council
  12. 20 March 2009

    PISA: Is testing dangerous?

    The OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an internationally standardized test undertaken by random samples of 15-year-old students in 57 countries around the world. It is the best known international comparative study undertaken regularly in education today, and its results have a significant impact on education policy in...

    PISA: Is testing dangerous?
  13. 20 March 2009

    Neuroscience and education: implications for classroom practice

    Did you know that the concept of individuals being left-brained or right-brained is an example of neuroscientific research data being interpreted incorrectly (Willis, 2008)? Or that the practice of identifying learners as auditory, visual or kinesthetic has never been supported by brain research (Ansari, 2008)? These commonly held beliefs have...

    Neuroscience and education: implications for classroom practice
  14. News 15 January 2009

    Education International launches online Policy Library

    As from January 2009, both EI member organisations and members of the public are now able to consult the policy documents of the global union federation that represents employees in the education sector worldwide.

    Education International launches online Policy Library
  15. News 14 November 2008

    Trade unions must be part of any solution to global financial crisis

    Working people, who will bear the brunt of the global financial crisis, must have a seat at the table and a voice in the discussions about causes, consequences and possible strategies to confront the current crisis. This is the main message to the G20 from leaders of the international trade...

    Trade unions must be part of any solution to global financial crisis
  16. 9 September 2008

    SATS fiasco: Standard testing fails Britain

    Britain’s system of standardised testing is in disarray following large-scale bungling by the American company contracted to mark students’ papers.

    SATS fiasco: Standard testing fails Britain