
Future of work in education

The future of education depends on strengthening the teaching profession, enhancing its status, and improving conditions to ensure that every student has a qualified teacher. The expertise of teachers must be recognised. Teachers must be the ones leading the development and future of education.

Technology and artificial intelligence are currently changing education as we know it. COVID-19 has accelerated the pace of change, forcing classrooms to move online for extended periods of time. While technology has the potential to support teaching and learning, it also poses major challenges, such as the critical digital divide and increased inequity, the commercialisation of education, issues of data privacy and cyberbullying, to name just a few.

Simply introducing education technology does not lead to enhanced learning. The teaching profession has a critical role to play in evaluating and deciding on the appropriate technology for teaching and learning.

As proven by the COVID-19 crisis, relationships between teachers and students and school communities are critical to student development and cannot be replaced by screens. We advocate for a human and student-centred approach to the use of technology and artificial intelligence in education.

Our work in this area

  1. Publications

    Activating the Recommendations of the UN High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession

    A Guide for Education Unions
    3 April 2024

    The High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession was convened by the United Nations Secretary-General in response to the global teacher shortage. The Panel brought together academics, ministers, former presidents, teachers and students and their unions.

    Activating the Recommendations of the UN High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession
    1. Download
  2. Worlds of Education 27 February 2024

    Education Voices | Unpacking the High-Level Panel Recommendations

    Manal Hdaife

    Manal Hdaife is a school principal and chair of the Education International Arab Countries Cross Regional Structure Committee, deeply committed to advancing the cause of education in Lebanon. With a career dedicated to promoting teachers' rights and enhancing educational standards, Hdaife has emerged as a key advocate for public education...

    Education Voices | Unpacking the High-Level Panel Recommendations
  3. Worlds of Education 27 February 2024

    Education voices | Elevating the Teacher Profession: High-Level Panel Recommendations explained

    Mike Thiruman

    Mike Thiruman, General Secretary of the Singapore Teachers' Union, embodies a profound dedication to teacher empowerment by enhancing working conditions, advocating for teacher agency, and fostering teacher wellness and growth. As a member of the High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession, convened by the United Nations, Thiruman's insights are crucial...

    Education voices | Elevating the Teacher Profession: High-Level Panel Recommendations explained
  4. Worlds of Education 26 February 2024

    A call to action: implementing the UN recommendations to raise the status of the teaching profession

    David Edwards

    On February 26, the United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession launched its 59 recommendations to governments to strengthen the profession and ensure that teachers are valued and respected. The Panel and its broad recommendations are the result of persistent union advocacy. It is incumbent upon Governments to implement...

    A call to action: implementing the UN recommendations to raise the status of the teaching profession
  5. Worlds of Education 25 January 2024

    Empowering Educators in the Age of AI: What Now?

    Armand Doucet

    The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know, solidifying my goal to be a lifelong learner. But one thing certainty stands out in this era of rapid change: the time for action is now.

    Empowering Educators in the Age of AI: What Now?
  6. Worlds of Education 8 January 2024

    Empowering Educators in the Age of AI: What Now?

    Armand Doucet

    My curiosity got the best of me and I registered for ChatGPT. I was quickly amazed by the efficiency and timesaving it presented me. This prompted my dive into a rabbit hole of learning – engaging in a variety of reading and conversations in education and other sectors, as well...

    Empowering Educators in the Age of AI: What Now?
  7. Worlds of Education 3 January 2024

    Empowering Educators in the Age of AI: What Now?

    Armand Doucet

    More than a year has passed since the public launch of ChatGPT, representing Artificial Intelligence’s (AI) significant arrival in education. This development has unfolded in the aftermath of a pandemic, that we continue to grapple with, trying to comprehend the lasting effects it has had on our education systems, classrooms,...

    Empowering Educators in the Age of AI: What Now?
  8. News 22 December 2023

    2023, a year of mobilisation and solidarity

    A message from Education International General Secretary David Edwards to education unionists around the world and a renewed commitment to solidarity, peace, and democracy in 2024.

    2023, a year of mobilisation and solidarity
  9. News 22 November 2023

    South African President Ramaphosa: Investing in education builds resilience in times of crises

    “It is a real privilege to address this 10th Africa Regional Conference of Education International, particularly with its focus on shaping the future of education on our continent, as well as beyond. And the theme of your conference, 'Standing together for resilient education systems in times of crises', resonates very...

    South African President Ramaphosa: Investing in education builds resilience in times of crises
  10. Worlds of Education 2 November 2023

    Teachers need more innovation, not more innovations

    Andy Hargreaves

    We’re in a global fight for the future of the teaching profession. One place where the forces are tussling it out is around the importance of educational innovation. Many people leave teaching because they just don’t like how the job feels. Educators want more opportunity to innovate in their own...

    Teachers need more innovation, not more innovations
  11. News 24 October 2023

    Go Public! Leading further and higher education and research for the common good

    The 12th International Further and Higher Education and Research Conference, co-hosted by Education International and its member organisation Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE), is taking place in Mexico City from October 24 to the 26.

    Go Public! Leading further and higher education and research for the common good
  12. News 20 October 2023

    EI's Research Network: Critical dialogues on teacher status and artificial intelligence in education

    The profound implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education and the status of teachers globally were at the forefront of discussions during Education International's (EI) 18th annual Research Network (ResNet) meeting. Held virtually on 19 October, the event continued the tradition of fostering global solidarity and research-driven strategies among education...

    EI's Research Network: Critical dialogues on teacher status and artificial intelligence in education
  13. Publications

    Teachers and technology

    Advocacy brief by Education International and the Global Education Monitoring Report
    19 October 2023

    The Global Education Monitoring Report and Education International have developed an advocacy brief for teachers based on the 2023 GEM Report, Technology in education: A tool on whose terms?

    Teachers and technology
    1. Download
  14. Worlds of Education 26 September 2023

    Valuing the humanity of teachers and the teaching profession

    Carol Campbell, Kelsey Lewis

    Education involves the development of humanity. This requires valuing the humanity of teachers as people and professionals, and the importance of their complex work to teach learners and equip them to thrive in their lives. Below, we discuss our background paper submitted to the United Nation's High-Level Panel on the...

    Valuing the humanity of teachers and the teaching profession
  15. Worlds of Education 25 September 2023

    Teaching in an age of crises: rediscovering the importance of dignity

    Howard Stevenson

    In 1968, Martin Luther King addressed striking sanitation workers in Memphis, but his words will resonate with teachers around the world today: “. . . whenever you are engaged in work that serves humanity and is for the building of humanity, it has dignity and it has worth”. Tackling what...

    Teaching in an age of crises: rediscovering the importance of dignity
  16. News 13 September 2023

    Elevating Teachers' Voices to the High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession

    Educators from around the world expressed their concerns about the global teacher shortage, sharing firsthand experiences which highlight the detrimental implications for their classrooms and school communities. Their testimonies were part of consultations organised by Education International to bring the voices of educators to the UN High-Level Panel on the...

    Elevating Teachers' Voices to the High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession
  17. Worlds of Education 25 August 2023

    Resisting and reimagining Artificial Intelligence

    Neil Selwyn

    In light of the recent hysteria around Chat-GPT, Education International member organisations might well groan at having to read yet another post about Artificial Intelligence and education. However, unfortunately AI is not a topic that educators can afford to completely tune out from. Indeed, there are a lot of people...

    Resisting and reimagining Artificial Intelligence