
Proyectos de cooperación

Proyectos de cooperación en curso

  1. Malí

    Promoting social dialogue to eradicate child labour and strengthen quality education provisions in Mali

    2021 - 2023
    Development of a child labour free zones in Tiakadougou Faraba, Daracoro and Siramana (district of Ouelessebougou), Mali.
  2. Malí

    Work: No Child's Business (Mali)

    2020 - 2024
    The Alliance "Work; No Child's Business" (WNCB) joins forces with communities, schools, governments, civil society organizations, trade unions and private actors, bringing sustainable solutions for children and their families. The Alliance partners work in Sikasso (Yanfolila and Bougouni Districts) and Segou regions (Bla and San districts).
  3. Burkina Faso

    Formation syndicale et pédagogique

    Faire connaître le SNEA-B à cette jeune génération d’enseignante et enseignant qui embrasse le monde de l’éducation devient préoccupante. C’est pourquoi il est nécessaire que le bureau exécutif développe des initiatives afin d’outiller les militantes et militants des structures sur la naissance et l’évolution du SNEA-B. En plus le système...
  4. Nicaragua

    Out of Work Into School– Continuation of education unions work in Nicaragua

    2015 - 2022
  5. Burundi

    Social dialogue and quality education in Burundi

    2022 - 2025
    The first phase of the project began in the summer of 2009 funded by DLF. From July 2011 the project activities in Burundi have been financed by Danida through the LO-FTF Council. The current project phase runs from 2022 to 2025 and has an annual budget of 16,500 USD (100,000...
  6. Togo

    Promoting social dialogue to eradicate child labour and strengthen quality education provisions in Togo

    2021 - 2023
    Following the successful implementation of a project against child labour in Kazaboua (Central region) in 2019-2020, FESEN is developing a child labour free zone in the Tchébébé, Adjengré and Aouda communes (also in Central region).