
Projets de coopération

Projets de coopération en cours

  1. Japon

    “Children’s Library” Project in Afghanistan

    Afghanistan is a country with serious problems such as conflict, deep-rooted poverty, and women's human rights issues. Three years have passed since the political upheaval in 2021, but girls still cannot receive education above the secondary level. JTU supports SVA which operates "Children's Library" in Afghanistan. The children who are...
  2. Kenya, Tanzanie, Malawi

    Quality early childhood education and decent working conditions for ECE teachers on the African continent

    2022 - 2025
    The project seeks mainly the mobilisation and recruitment of ECE personnel into teacher union in view of fighting for their labour rights and improving their professional standards.
  3. Equateur, Republique Dominicaine, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Colombie, Honduras, Chili, Bresil, Argentine, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Uruguay, Panama, Paraguay, Guatemala, Perou, Curaçao

    Movimientos Pedagógico Latinoamericano, RED de Trabajadoras de la Educación para America Latina, Poblaciones Indígenas, Observatorio Latinoamericano de Políticas Educativas (OLPE)

    Desde la IEAL, se desea lograr una estructura sindical docente cada vez más fortalecida, con mayor fuerza político-organizativa, para enfrentar lo que se viene describiendo como arremetida antisindical en los diversos países. Inclusive, para tener mayor fuerza sindical para enfrentar los diversos contextos nacionales y situaciones coyunturales. Asimismo, se desea...
  4. Colombie

    Projet sur les écoles publiques - territoires de paix (Colombie)

    2016 - 2024
    Poursuivre la systématisation des expériences pédagogiques liées au projet « Les écoles comme territoires de paix », avec des enseignants et enseignantes de différentes régions du pays.
    Projet sur les écoles publiques - territoires de paix (Colombie)
  5. Nepal, Inde

    School Projects for the Eradication of Child Labour

    According to the ILO statistics over 215 million children aged 5–17 years are engaged in child labour around the world, and it is estimated that more than 100 million of them are in the Asia- Pacific region. In order to promote countermeasures for childlabour eradication, in cooperation with the Nepal...
  6. Cameroun

    Go Public Campaign (Cameroon)

    2023 - 2024
    This project aims to raise awareness and understanding of the privatization phenomenon and its consequences, and to build alliances to mobilize for investment in public education.