Hikaru Komatsu

Hikaru Komatsu is Associate Professor, Kyoto University and a member of the prestigious Hakubi Project. He graduated from Tokyo University. His research interest lies in scientific and philosophical perspectives on human-nature interactions. He became deeply interested in education and learning the moment his daughter - Asato Komatsu - entered his world.
The 2018 World Development Report “Learning to Realize Education’s Promise” provides deep insights into the worldview of the World Bank, the world’s most powerful development institution. Instead of critically questioning the Bank’s explicit claims – as most of the blogs thus far have done – it is also worth pausing...
#WDR2018 Reality Check #14: Where is the World in the WDR 2018? An Appeal to Rename it the ‘American Development Report’ by Jeremy Rappleye & Hikaru KomatsuSullen Teachers, “Smart People”, and Free Lunch.
Teachers, “Smart People” and Flawed Statistics: What I want to tell my Dad about PISA Scores and Economic Growth