John Bangs

John Bangs is Special Consultant at Education International and Chair of the Trade Union Advisory Committee’s Working Group on Education and Skills.
Delayed by a year because of Covid, the OECD’s PISA is back, with a major focus on the impact of the pandemic on schools. Used as a benchmark by governments to evaluate their education systems, this latest version of PISA , the Program for International Student Assessment, is the most...
PISA global survey: Investing in teachers and education systems helped mitigate the impact of CovidIt is an indicator of the depth of the crisis created by Covid that OECD’s Secretary General, Angel Gurria should take on the responsibility for launching this year’s edition of Education at a Glance. While the OECD describes the EAG as a flagship publication and it’s full of interesting comparative...
“Education at a Glance 2020: what can we learn for education systems’ recovery post-COVID19?”, by John Bangs.The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018 was released on the 23rd March. For the first time the OECD’s Education and Skills Director Andreas Schleicher presented the report remotely because of the Covid 19 crisis. The OECD had rightly taken the tough decision to release its report now before...
“Handling the COVID-19 crisis in education: What can TALIS 2018 tell us?”, by John Bangs.The online magazine ‘Education Journal’ recently published in its edition 385 a report of Education International’s eighth World Congress in Bangkok by EI Senior Consultant, John Bangs. Education Journal has agreed to its publication for Worlds of Education. It has been slightly edited for EI’s global audience.
“Education International. Eighth World Congress”, by John Bangs.A review of “World Class” by Andreas Schleicher, Director of Education and Skills at the OECD.
A world class education by the man who should know, by John BangsThe fact that the International Summit on the Teaching Profession is now in its eighth year is one of those small miracles which counterbalance the mood of pessimism which affects the world’s politics. Founded in 2011 by the Obama Administration and the US teacher unions it is now an annual...
“Better dialogue, better schools, better communities”, by John BangsThe number of countries which take part in the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is now well over double the number of OECD member countries. If there is one thing which demonstrates just how far PISA has pulled in front of other global assessments of education, it is...
Review. The Global Education Race. Sellar, Thompson and Rutkowski. Brush Education Inc 2017.The study Teacher Self-efficacy, Voice and Leadership, commissioned by Education International Research Institute, comes at the time when teaching profession is increasingly facing pressures from society and policy makers and we need to reaffirm the role and potential of teachers in leading educational change.