

  1. Standards and working conditions 26 February 2024

    A call to action: implementing the UN recommendations to raise the status of the teaching profession

    David Edwards

    On February 26, the United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession launched its 59 recommendations to governments to strengthen the profession and ensure that teachers are valued and respected. The Panel and its broad recommendations are the result of persistent union advocacy. It is incumbent upon Governments to implement...

    A call to action: implementing the UN recommendations to raise the status of the teaching profession
  2. Higher education and research 23 January 2023

    Go public! Fund education: Campaign toolkit

    Go Public! Fund education is Education International´s new campaign to mobilise funding for public education around the world. Funding public education improves pay, working conditions, and empowers teachers and education personnel to stay and thrive in the profession they love and the world needs.

    Go public! Fund education: Campaign toolkit