
  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 22 May 2023

    Romania: educators' wages must be increased

    Unhappy with their wages, which they consider humiliating, Romanian educators have mobilised for an indefinite all-out strike to demand better pay for their work and recognition of its social importance.

    Romania: educators' wages must be increased
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 May 2023

    Romania: Public authorities must finance education now!

    Around 20,000 education unionists, educators, and concerned citizens protested on May 10th in the Romanian capital city of Bucharest to demand increased investment in education, joining the Education International (EI) “Go Public! Fund Education” campaign.

    Romania: Public authorities must finance education now!
  3. Future of work in education 20 April 2023

    Go Public! Fund Education: Global campaign launched in Latin America

    Education International affiliates from across the region came together to coordinate their work on the new global campaign and to urge governments to invest more in public education in their countries.

    Go Public! Fund Education: Global campaign launched in Latin America
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education 17 April 2023

    Mongolia: FMESU demand just and fair salaries for teachers and education support personnel

    Thousands of education workers answered the call of the Federation of Mongolian Education and Science Unions (FMESU) and peacefully demonstrated on April 6th in Mongolia's capital Ulaanbaatar to demand increased salaries for teachers and education support personnel.

    Mongolia: FMESU demand just and fair salaries for teachers and education support personnel
  5. Leading the profession 24 March 2023

    Quality inclusive education must be guaranteed, and publicly funded, top African education unionists say

    At its latest meeting, the Education International Africa Regional Committee (EIARC) has taken stock of current and upcoming activities and challenges for educators and their unions in the region and called on member organisations to join the EI Go Public! Fund Education campaign.

    Quality inclusive education must be guaranteed, and publicly funded, top African education unionists say
  6. Standards and working conditions 9 March 2023

    Mexico: together we school

    Job security has become one of the main achievements of the SNTE education workers union in Mexico. Thanks to the permanent programme for granting tenure to teachers agreed on with the federal government over 800,000 teaching positions have been regularised throughout the country in recent months.

    Mexico: together we school
  7. Standards and working conditions 9 February 2023

    Educators united to fully fund public education

    David Edwards, General Secretary of Education International, raised the alarm on the growing global teacher shortage and called for increased public education funding in his speech at the launch event of Education International's new global campaign, Go Public! Fund Education.

    Educators united to fully fund public education
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 31 January 2023

    UK: Educators deserve a pay rise now!

    Education International and member organisations fully support the National Education Union (NEU), organising a one-day strike in England and Wales on February 1st to demand a fully funded, above inflation pay rise for educators.

    UK: Educators deserve a pay rise now!
  9. Standards and working conditions 30 January 2023

    Education unions across the world mobilise to Go Public and Fund Education

    On 24 January, Education International marked the International Day of Education by launching its new global campaign: Go Public! Fund Education. The campaign is an urgent call for governments to fully fund public education and to value, respect, and pay teachers and education workers as the indispensable professionals at the...

    Education unions across the world mobilise to Go Public and Fund Education
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 January 2023

    Go public! Fund Education: Education International launches new global campaign

    On 24 January 2023, International Day of Education, Education International is launching a new global campaign to fund public education and the teaching profession. The campaign Go public! Fund Education will support Education International´s member organisations in their fight against budget cuts, austerity, and privatisation, and as they mobilise to...

    Go public! Fund Education: Education International launches new global campaign