
EI and OECD launch Principles for Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery

published 28 April 2021 updated 20 June 2024

How will we ensure effective and equitable educational recovery from COVID19? Education International and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) developed ten key principles which every country can use.

The paper, ‘Principles for Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery’ (PEEER) has been agreed jointly by EI and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). They will facilitate the collaboration of education authorities, the teaching profession and their organisations to reshape education systems after the pandemic to reach greater levels of educational quality and equity.

The 10 Principles are:

  1. Keep schools open as much and as safely as possible.
  2. Ensure equity and align resources with needs.
  3. Provide a remote learning infrastructure which is designed to reach all students.
  4. Support teachers in their professional lives.
  5. Enable teachers and parents to support learners.
  6. Provide targeted support to meet students’ learning and social and emotional needs.
  7. Co-design a robust digital learning infrastructure with teachers and stakeholders.
  8. Empower teachers to exercise their professionalism and benefit from professional learning opportunities.
  9. Encourage a collaborative culture of innovation.
  10. Learn from national and international evidence.

"Today’s launch of our joint road map for educational recovery is a special moment. My organisation, Education International, which represents teacher unions across the world and the OECD, one of the world’s most powerful inter-governmental organisations, have come together to agree ten principles for reconstructing the world’s education systems," stated Susan Hopgood, Education International President.

"This pandemic has shown the fundamental role of schools in our societies, and that teachers must be supported and empowered. From the development of new educational technologies to meeting the social and emotional needs of students, it has to be schools, and the educators at their core, who are trusted to lead, ” said David Edwards, Education International General Secretary.

“Educational recovery can only come with teachers and school staff at the centre, with fully funded educational systems, equity as a core principal, and education unions as key partners,” Edwards added.

The ‘Principles for Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery’ (PEEER) can be accessed here.