Lebanon: Educators’ ongoing fight for fundamental rights
The streets of Lebanon have once again echoed with the voices of teachers protesting against the unjust policies imposed by successive governments. These administrations have consistently abandoned educators, leaving them to survive on meagre salaries that have stripped them of their right to a decent life and basic dignity.
“Despite bearing the crucial responsibility of shaping future generations, teachers are left to face the challenges brought by ongoing crises and the aftermath of war alone,” stressed Manal Hdaife, regional branch leader of the Public Primary Schools Teachers League in Lebanon (PPSTLL) and Chair of Education International Arab Countries Cross-Regional Structure.
The strike held on March 26th, 2025 is a continuation of the long-standing struggle for fair wages and better working conditions. Teachers are demanding not only a liveable income, but also “respect and recognition for their vital role in society. The economic collapse and political instability in Lebanon have exacerbated their plight, making it increasingly difficult for them to sustain themselves and their families,” Hdaife said.

Statistics reveal the harsh reality
The base salary for teachers in Lebanon is approximately $30 per month. When adding incentives, this brings the total to around $330 per month. Former Minister of Education Abbas Al-Halabi, through negotiations and meaningful social dialogue with unions and pressure on the government, was able to secure a monthly productivity allowance of $375. This brought the average teacher's salary to approximately $760 per month. However, the current government violated this agreement and changed the payment structure, causing teachers to lose the gains they had achieved.
“The only viable solution now is the implementation of a new salary scale. These measures were intended to alleviate some of the financial burdens on teachers and encourage them to continue their work,” the Lebanese education union leader said.
A determined fight for the future of Lebanon’s children
Education International and its member organisations across the world have expressed their full support and solidarity with Lebanon’s teachers as they oppose the oblivious—or deliberately negligent— Lebanese public authorities that seem intent on undermining public education. As Education International’s Go Public! Fund Education campaign asserts, governments, in Lebanon and the world over, must invest in public education, a fundamental human right and public good, and invest more in teachers, the single most important factor in achieving quality education.
For Hdaife, “this is a fight for the future of Lebanon’s children, and the unions are determined to ensure that teachers receive the support and respect they deserve.”