

  1. Union renewal and development

    Toolkit to Build Union Strength

    For more Effective Education Unions

    28 February 2023

    Education International has developed a "Toolkit to Build Union Strength – For more Effective Education Unions”. This toolkit enables each Education International member organisation to engage in a process of self-assessment, proposing that they experiment with new activities to strengthen their organisations.

    Toolkit to Build Union Strength
    1. Download
  2. Trade union rights are human rights

    Trade union rights toolkit

    8 December 2022

    To support education unions everywhere in their struggle to defend their members’ rights, Education International has developed the Trade Union Rights Toolkit. The toolkit aims to equip education unions to formulate cases when their rights are violated and defend their cases based on the fundamental rights of the global community.

    Trade union rights toolkit
    1. Download
  3. Equity and inclusion

    Building Momentum to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence in the Time of COVID-19

    1 December 2022

    In 2021-22, Education International (EI), with the technical support of Gender at Work (G@W) and financial contribution from the National Education Association (NEA, USA) implemented a nine-month learning cycle to build further momentum among education unions in Africa to take action to end School-Related Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV).

    Building Momentum to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence in the Time of COVID-19
    1. Download the report
    2. Baixe o relatório
  4. Equity and inclusion

    World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on Education 2022

    Conference Report

    30 November 2022

    The World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference in Education (WIPCE) was held this year on the traditional lands of the Kaurna Nation, the original people of the Adelaide plains, at Tarndanya (place of the red kangaroo), Adelaide, Australia. WIPCE is the largest and most diverse Indigenous education forum in the world.

    World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on Education 2022
    1. Conference Report
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    The Transforming Education Summit: A Toolkit for Education Unions

    19 July 2022

    For the first time ever, the Heads of State of the world are meeting to discuss progress in education. Convened by the UN Secretary General, the Transforming Education Summit (TES) is taking place on 19 September 2022 in New York. It is a very important opportunity for us as education...

    The Transforming Education Summit: A Toolkit for Education Unions
    1. Download
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education

    Education versus austerity

    Why public sector wage bill constraints undermine teachers and public education systems -and must end

    24 June 2022

    At least 69 million more teachers are needed by 2030 to achieve the sustainable development goal on education, yet around the word existing teachers face low pay and deteriorating conditions, affecting the status of the profession. There is a clear common cause uniting low pay and teacher shortages – both...

    Education versus austerity
    1. Education versus austerity-Policy brief
  7. Standards and working conditions

    Well-being and the education of the whole child

    A background paper by the OECD and Education International for the Pre-Summit Seminar at the International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2022

    10 May 2022

    Published in April 2021 by the OECD and Education International, the Ten Principles for Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery (hereinafter Principles) were intended to facilitate the collaboration of education authorities and the teaching profession, and their organisations, navigate the health crisis effectively and reshape education systems after the pandemic. The...

    Well-being and the education of the whole child
    1. Download
  8. Future of work in education

    The pandemic - moving forward: Governments and teacher unions working together to leave no-one behind

    A briefing by Education International for the International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2022

    9 May 2022

    Convened by Education International and the OECD, the International Summit on the Teaching Profession brings together governments and education unions in OECD countries in order to strengthen and support an informed and honest policy dialogue between and among elected representatives of the teaching profession and national government authorities.

    The pandemic - moving forward: Governments and teacher unions working together to leave no-one behind
    1. Download
  9. Democracy

    Schools shall be safe sanctuaries

    Education International declaration on violent political and military attacks against education institutions, students, teachers, academics and all other education personnel

    11 March 2022

    This declaration voices the collective demand by teachers and their unions worldwide that the international community take action to ensure that education is both protected in conflicts and enabled to realize its potential as a force for peace in the world.

    Schools shall be safe sanctuaries
    1. Download
  10. Publications

    Learning from the past, looking to the future: Excellence and equity for all

    Report from the 2021 International Summit on the Teaching Profession

    5 December 2021

    It was in the context of the pandemic’s challenges and opportunities that teachers’ union leaders and education ministers from 15 countries came together for the 2021 International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP) this October.

    Learning from the past, looking to the future: Excellence and equity for all
    1. Report from the 2021 International Summit on the Teaching Profession
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future: Excellence and Equity for All

    A briefing by Education International for the 2021 International Summit on the Teaching Profession

    21 October 2021

    Never has there been a sharper global focus on teachers than on this 10th anniversary of the International Summit on the Teaching Profession. The pandemic shutdown of in-person schooling, the unsurprising yet remarkable adaptation of teachers to remote practice where possible and the uneven and uncertain return to classrooms have...

    Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future: Excellence and Equity for All
    1. Briefing by Education International for the 2021 International Summit on the Teaching Profession
  12. Climate action and literacy

    Teach for the Planet | An Education Unionist’s Guide to Climate Education Advocacy

    Alanah Torralba

    30 September 2021

    We can still avoid the worst consequences of climate change if we start making critical changes today. This is where teachers can make a difference: by educating students and their communities about the pathways to a more livable and equitable future.

    Teach for the Planet | An Education Unionist’s Guide to Climate Education Advocacy
    1. Download
  13. Standards and working conditions

    Training of Trainers Toolkit on the ILO Violence And Harassment Convention (No. 190) and Recommendation (No. 206)

    25 June 2021

    The historical adoption of the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention 190 (C190) and Recommendation 206 (R206) in 2019 by the International Labour Conference has created a new momentum in the fight against violence and harassment – including gender-based violence and harassment - in the world of work.

    Training of Trainers Toolkit on the ILO Violence And Harassment Convention (No. 190) and Recommendation (No. 206)
    1. Facilitator Guide
    2. Activity Workbook
    3. Kolaylaştirici rehberi
    4. Etkinlik çalişma kitabi
    5. دليل المرشد
    6. كتاب الأنشطة
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery | 10 Principles

    Education International and the OECD

    28 April 2021

    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the frequent closure of school buildings in most countries in the world and has interrupted the school attendance of at least 1.2 billion students in 2020 and 2021. Although many education systems have been able to adapt in varying degrees, the pandemic has shown...

    Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery | 10 Principles
    1. Download
  15. Union renewal and development

    Development Cooperation Handbook: A guide to successful partnerships

    28 February 2021

    This development cooperation handbook is intended for the use of all Education International affiliates. Those that are already involved in development cooperation will find food for thought and tools for use in their work. Affiliates that are not yet involved in development cooperation will find useful information to help them...

    Development Cooperation Handbook: A guide to successful partnerships
    1. Download
  16. Equity and inclusion

    Auditing Educational Equity in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic

    A Guide for Education Unions

    3 December 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented school closures that have affected over 1.5 billion students worldwide. However, the impact of the pandemic has not been equal, with vulnerable and disadvantaged students disproportionately affected by the resulting global crisis in teaching and learning.

    Auditing Educational Equity in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic
    1. Auditing Educational Equity in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic
    2. التدقيق بمبادئ العدالة ال ت بوية في ظل جائحة كوفيد- 91 دليل خاص بنقابات التعليم
    3. Guia: Auditoria da equidade na educação durantea pandemia da Covid-19
  17. Standards and working conditions

    Forward to School: Guidance, Considerations and Resources for and from Education Unions to Inform Decision-Making in Times of Covid-19

    30 July 2020

    Forward to School provides a wealth of resources to inform the response of education unions in this next stage of the Covid-19 education crisis. It features information, research and, most importantly, examples of union actions in more than 50 countries across all regions.

    Forward to School: Guidance, Considerations and Resources for and from Education Unions to Inform Decision-Making in Times of Covid-19
    1. Download