
Leading the profession

Teachers and education support personnel know what works in education. They must be recognised and empowered to deliver on the promise of quality education for all.

At the classroom level, academic freedom and professional autonomy are prerequisites for quality teaching and learning. As professionals, teachers must be afforded the space and trust to make the best possible decisions for their students.

Beyond the classroom, education policy must be informed by the vast experience and insights only education professionals can provide. We advocate for the involvement of teachers, education support personnel and their representative organisations in all decision-making in education and work towards the expansion of sectoral policy dialogue at all levels and in all countries.

Our work in this area

  1. Worlds of Education 20 March 2023

    Lessons in organising: union renewal and the war on teachers

    Howard Stevenson

    How can unions engage in a genuine renewal process and build union power to address union members’ needs in a fast changing political environment?

    Lessons in organising: union renewal and the war on teachers
  2. News 20 March 2023

    Global education leaders gear up for upcoming World Congresses showing collective power and solidarity

    At the 61th Education International (EI) Executive Board (ExBo) meeting held online from March 14th – 16th, top education unionists from all regions of the world accelerated their preparations for the next EI World Congresses this year and in 2024, and reiterated their support to educators, students and their communities...

    Global education leaders gear up for upcoming World Congresses showing collective power and solidarity
  3. News 17 February 2023

    Development cooperation backs up Arab education unions’ actions for democracy, gender equality and quality education

    Many development cooperation (DC) partners participated in the Education International (EI) Café at the EI Arab Countries Cross-Regional Structure (ACCRS). They received information on recent challenges and progress of education unions in the region.

    Development cooperation backs up Arab education unions’ actions for democracy, gender equality and quality education
  4. News 16 February 2023

    India: International union solidarity crucial to educators’ professional development

    The All India Primary Teachers’ Federation (AIPTF) has organised a capacity building programme aimed at creating a pool of resource persons who would provide professional development training to the members of its affiliate, the Kerala Pradesh School Teachers Association (KPSTA).

    India: International union solidarity crucial to educators’ professional development
  5. News 5 February 2023

    Teacher-Led Learning Circles on Formative Assessments: Supporting teachers’ professional development and leadership around the globe

    Education International, the global federation of education unions, is launching the Teacher-led Learning Circles on Formative Assessments project with funding from the Jacobs Foundation. The project aims to provide teachers with tools and support to identify and establish effective teacher-led formative assessment practices that can be disseminated within and across...

    Teacher-Led Learning Circles on Formative Assessments: Supporting teachers’ professional development and leadership around the globe
  6. Worlds of Education 3 February 2023

    We are education! Successful trade union strategies in Mexico

    Alfonso Cepeda Salas

    The Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE) is one of the biggest education unions in the world. It currently represents more than 1.5 million active members at all levels of education and 700,000 retired teachers. Its mission is to defend public education and protect the rights of education...

    We are education! Successful trade union strategies in Mexico
  7. News 31 January 2023

    UK: Educators deserve a pay rise now!

    Education International and member organisations fully support the National Education Union (NEU), organising a one-day strike in England and Wales on February 1st to demand a fully funded, above inflation pay rise for educators.

    UK: Educators deserve a pay rise now!
  8. News 31 January 2023

    Israel/Palestine: Educators planting the seeds of hope

    During a four-day solidarity mission to Israel and Palestine, elected leaders of Education International (EI) and the US National Education Association (NEA) leaders met with governmental authorities, trade union activists, UN agencies and teachers. They also welcomed the agreement on the timely payment and increase of Palestinian educators’ salaries.

    Israel/Palestine: Educators planting the seeds of hope
  9. News 23 January 2023

    Go public! Fund Education: Education International launches new global campaign

    On 24 January 2023, International Day of Education, Education International is launching a new global campaign to fund public education and the teaching profession. The campaign Go public! Fund Education will support Education International´s member organisations in their fight against budget cuts, austerity, and privatisation, and as they mobilise to...

    Go public! Fund Education: Education International launches new global campaign
  10. News 23 January 2023

    Morocco: unions and government sign agreement on unified status for teachers

    Social dialogue has led to the signing of an agreement between the Moroccan government and education unions on issues such as a unified employment status for national education employees. This new status will replace all pre-existing employment arrangements, which means a fresh start for all, contract teachers included, based on...

    Morocco: unions and government sign agreement on unified status for teachers
  11. News 23 January 2023

    Education unionists take stock of development cooperation in Asia-Pacific

    During a Development Cooperation (DC) Café on Asia-Pacific held on 12 January, DC partners learnt about the accomplishments in the region in partnership with member organisations. Anand Singh, Director of the Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) regional office, reported on priorities and challenges faced by the region as well as activities...

    Education unionists take stock of development cooperation in Asia-Pacific
  12. News 22 December 2022

    Let´s make 2023 a year of renewed solidarity for education around the world

    As 2022 comes to a close, we look back on a year of challenges, but also a year of solidarity and hope as we continue to work together to make sure quality public education is accessible to all in every country around the world.

    Let´s make 2023 a year of renewed solidarity for education around the world
  13. News 20 December 2022

    Arab educators ready to transform their unions to transform education

    At the 6th Biennial Conference of the Education International's Arab Countries Cross-Regional Structure (EI ACCRS), around 80 education unionists representing 28 organisations in 18 countries debated on "Transforming unions to transform education - Where are we? What role for education unions? What’s next?".

    Arab educators ready to transform their unions to transform education
  14. News 6 December 2022

    France: State education staff called to the ballot box for the social dialogue elections

    French education unions are currently campaigning for their social dialogue elections. The 1.4 million voters in the Ministry of National Education and Youth, the Ministry of Sports and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research are invited to vote by internet from 1 to 8 December 2022.

    France: State education staff called to the ballot box for the social dialogue elections
  15. News 24 November 2022

    Haiti: strengthening trade unionism in times of crisis

    Thanks to considerable effort, the use of new technologies and international support, the education workers’ union, the Union nationale des normaliens/normaliennes et éducateurs/éducatrices d’Haïti (UNNOEH), was able to hold its 4th National Congress as a hybrid event and reaffirmed its determination to fight for quality public education for all in...

    Haiti: strengthening trade unionism in times of crisis