
Leading the profession

Teachers and education support personnel know what works in education. They must be recognised and empowered to deliver on the promise of quality education for all.

At the classroom level, academic freedom and professional autonomy are prerequisites for quality teaching and learning. As professionals, teachers must be afforded the space and trust to make the best possible decisions for their students.

Beyond the classroom, education policy must be informed by the vast experience and insights only education professionals can provide. We advocate for the involvement of teachers, education support personnel and their representative organisations in all decision-making in education and work towards the expansion of sectoral policy dialogue at all levels and in all countries.

Our work in this area

  1. News 20 February 2012

    Seminar at Cambridge University explores the future of the teaching profession

    Teacher quality and the development of the teaching profession came under the microscope at a gathering of internationally renowned education policy experts at the University of Cambridge on 16 and 17 February.

    Seminar at Cambridge University explores the future of the teaching profession
  2. News 9 February 2012

    Asia-Pacific: A National Code of Professional Ethics vital

    Codes of professional ethics are in the interest of students, teachers, other stakeholders in education and the teaching profession as a whole, to achieve quality education for all. That’s what delegates heard at two recent EI Asia-Pacific Region workshops on promoting Codes of Professional Ethics for the teaching profession.

    Asia-Pacific: A National Code of Professional Ethics vital
  3. News 15 November 2011

    IMF: Neoliberal agenda proven wrong by crisis

    A new International Monetary Fund (IMF) research paper finds that "good governance" – as defined by the World Bank market friendliness indicators – and financial market liberalisation both have had a strongly negative effect on countries' performance in the crisis.

    IMF: Neoliberal agenda proven wrong by crisis
  4. News 2 September 2011

    EI Research Institute study: Equity is a fundamental value of public education

    EI has published an exciting new study looking at equity issues concerning teachers and students. The work was commissioned by the EI Research Institute to a team of researchers, led by Dr. Elizabeth Wood, at the University of Exeter.

    EI Research Institute study: Equity is a fundamental value of public education
  5. News 10 August 2011

    UK: New analysis highlights education divide

    Research undertaken by one of EI’s British affiliates, the University and College Union (UCU), has highlighted significant disparities in educational achievement among different areas of the same cities across the nation.

    UK: New analysis highlights education divide
  6. News 29 June 2011

    Research: EI challenges tax evasion to secure quality public services

    EI is undertaking a new project to shed light on the payment of fair and reasonable taxation by global corporations, and to expose the ways in which existing tax regimes are manipulated by corporations with global reach.

    Research: EI challenges tax evasion to secure quality public services
  7. News 25 March 2011

    Education researchers gather to ‘measure what we value’

    Participants have gathered at the EI Research Network meeting to discuss the global threats to unions from the reduction in public expenditure on education and privatisation, to testing and ranking systems that only tell part of the story.

    Education researchers gather to ‘measure what we value’
  8. News 15 March 2011

    Research is 'key tool to substantiate our claims'

    The General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, has told participants who gathered at the seventh EI Research Network meeting, to press on because “without research or data on a raft of indicators, it is virtually impossible to achieve our objectives.”

    Research is 'key tool to substantiate our claims'
  9. News 8 March 2011

    Education researchers gather to ‘measure what we value’

    Participants have gathered at the EI Research Network meeting to discuss the global threats to unions from the reduction in public expenditure on education and privatisation, to testing and ranking systems that only tell part of the story.

    Education researchers gather to ‘measure what we value’
  10. News 16 December 2010

    Council of Pacific Education adopts Code of Ethics

    Teachers are committed to the highest standards of professional service towards their students. Based on this certainty, the Council of Pacific Education (COPE) has adopted a Code of Ethics.

    Council of Pacific Education adopts Code of Ethics
  11. 16 July 2010

    Jobs, Migration and Education

    Education was a significant talking point during the BBC World Debate broadcast last week from the OECD in Paris.

    Jobs, Migration and Education
  12. 2 July 2010

    G8 and G20 Meetings Fail To Deliver On Education

    The G8 and G20 meetings held last week in Muskoka and Toronto, Canada, were marked by political division and a lack of decisions. Significantly, while world leaders had earlier identified education and training as an important element of post-crisis recovery, they did not manage to take the necessary steps forward.

    G8 and G20 Meetings Fail To Deliver On Education
  13. News 21 June 2010

    Research helps raise teacher unions’ profile

    Over two intensive days, 34 participants from 15 countries took part in the sixth Annual Research Network meeting with keynote speakers from the UK and Japan.

    Research helps raise teacher unions’ profile
  14. 19 May 2010

    Unions worldwide call for the implementation of a global Financial Transaction Tax

    Ahead of the informal meeting of the vice Finance Ministers and deputy Central Bankers of the Group of 20 nations convening today in Berlin, trade unionists and other activists around the world launched the "Make Finance Pay Week" on Monday calling for the implementation of a global tax on financial...

    Unions worldwide call for the implementation of a global Financial Transaction Tax