
Leading the profession

Teachers and education support personnel know what works in education. They must be recognised and empowered to deliver on the promise of quality education for all.

At the classroom level, academic freedom and professional autonomy are prerequisites for quality teaching and learning. As professionals, teachers must be afforded the space and trust to make the best possible decisions for their students.

Beyond the classroom, education policy must be informed by the vast experience and insights only education professionals can provide. We advocate for the involvement of teachers, education support personnel and their representative organisations in all decision-making in education and work towards the expansion of sectoral policy dialogue at all levels and in all countries.

Our work in this area

  1. News 23 June 2023

    Go Public! Finance quality, equitable, and inclusive education in Africa

    Top education union leaders from Cameroon, Malawi, Rwanda, and Zambia took stock of gains in their fight against education privatisation through the Education International (EI) Global Response campaign and committed to continue these efforts through EI's Go Public! Fund Education campaign to mobilise to fully fund public education systems and...

    Go Public! Finance quality, equitable, and inclusive education in Africa
  2. Worlds of Education 21 June 2023

    Teaching society through strike protest songs

    Piotr Kowzan

    Strikes are emotionally difficult because a prolonged absence from work can be challenging for teachers, especially if they spend the strike period in schools with no students. It is often a moment of financial distress for teachers’ families. When confronted by the police, strikers face physical danger as well. But,...

    Teaching society through strike protest songs
  3. Worlds of Education 20 June 2023

    Social justice without quality public education and teachers?

    José Olivera

    The International Labour Organisation (ILO) held its 111th annual conference in Geneva (Switzerland) from 5 to 16 June. The ILO is the only tripartite body of the United Nations system that brings together representatives of the labour sector, governments and employers to address a range of issues pertaining to the...

    Social justice without quality public education and teachers?
  4. News 20 June 2023

    High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession launches to address the global teacher shortage and status of the profession

    One of the main outcomes of the United Nations Transforming Education Summit in 2022, the High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession, brings together key stakeholders in the education sector to help tackle the growing teacher shortage around the world. Education International brings the voice of the teaching profession to the...

    High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession launches to address the global teacher shortage and status of the profession
  5. News 8 June 2023

    Morocco: Trade unions focus on raising the status of teachers and reforming the education system

    The SNE-CDT (Syndicat National de l’Enseignement-Confédération Démocratique du Travail) has been negotiating for several years with the government to improve the living and working conditions of Moroccan education staff, and to secure a comprehensive reform of the country’s education system, to put an end to the ongoing inequalities in the...

    Morocco: Trade unions focus on raising the status of teachers and reforming the education system
  6. Worlds of Education 1 June 2023

    Realising ambitions for apprenticeships

    Amanda Brown

    At the upcoming International Labour Conference (5-16 June 2023), the International Labour Organisation will discuss the terms of a new international standard which could mark an important step in the improvement and development of national apprenticeship systems.

    Realising ambitions for apprenticeships
  7. News 22 May 2023

    Romania: educators' wages must be increased

    Unhappy with their wages, which they consider humiliating, Romanian educators have mobilised for an indefinite all-out strike to demand better pay for their work and recognition of its social importance.

    Romania: educators' wages must be increased
  8. News 19 May 2023

    From Aveiro to the world: “Go Public: Fund Education Support Personnel”

    Over 70 participants to the 2nd Education International (EI) Education Support Personnel (ESP) Conference, held from 17th-18th May in Aveiro, Portugal, adopted a strong statement urging governments to increase funding in education systems and to invest in trained and qualified education support personnel that have good working conditions, to ensure...

    From Aveiro to the world: “Go Public: Fund Education Support Personnel”
  9. Statements 18 May 2023

    The Aveiro Statement - Go Public: Fund Education Support Personnel

    Education International’s 2nd World ESP Conference: "Building Union Power: Defending the Rights and Status of Education Support Personnel”

    Recognising education support personnel’s important contribution to ensuring equitable, inclusive and quality education for all and fostering the development of the whole student;

    The Aveiro Statement - Go Public: Fund Education Support Personnel
  10. Worlds of Education 15 May 2023

    Defending the essential work of education support personnel for quality public education

    Francisco García Suárez

    With more than 100 000 members, FECCOO is the most representative trade union organisation in the education support personnel (ESP) sector in Spain. Our union believes that the work of ESP in schools around the world is vital for achieving the right to quality education.

    Defending the essential work of education support personnel for quality public education
  11. News 13 May 2023

    The T3LFA project continues in Malaysia with a welcome and briefing session

    Following a successful briefing session and refresher course for facilitators in mid-April, the Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project in Malaysia continues to progress, with the first learning circles having successfully taken place on the 13th of May 2023.

    The T3LFA project continues in Malaysia with a welcome and briefing session
  12. News 12 May 2023

    Romania: Public authorities must finance education now!

    Around 20,000 education unionists, educators, and concerned citizens protested on May 10th in the Romanian capital city of Bucharest to demand increased investment in education, joining the Education International (EI) “Go Public! Fund Education” campaign.

    Romania: Public authorities must finance education now!
  13. Publications

    Poised for the Future: Transformative Teaching for Global Engagement, Sustainability, and Digital Access

    A Briefing by Education International for the International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2023
    10 May 2023

    The 13th edition of the International Summit on the Teaching Profession brought together 22 countries to discuss how to strengthen the teaching profession and ensure all students have access to a quality education.

    Poised for the Future: Transformative Teaching for Global Engagement, Sustainability, and Digital Access
    1. Download
  14. News 4 May 2023

    Education International honours the memory of education champion Perianan Ramanathan

    Education International is saddened by the passing of Perianan Ramanathan on 30 April. Former President of Malaysia’s National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP), Ramanathan played a vital role in the creation of Education International and the global education union movement.

    Education International honours the memory of education champion Perianan Ramanathan