
Worlds of Education

Reflect. Mobilise. Take action.

Education transforms the world. Education is our world, as rich and diverse as the voices speaking out on the pages of Worlds of Education.

Worlds of Education is a platform for teachers, unionists, activists, and academics to share their insights into the issues affecting the education workforce and community around the world. The aim is to encourage a global conversation, to reflect, mobilise, and take action for education everywhere.

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  1. Leading the profession 21 June 2023

    Teaching society through strike protest songs

    Piotr Kowzan

    Strikes are emotionally difficult because a prolonged absence from work can be challenging for teachers, especially if they spend the strike period in schools with no students. It is often a moment of financial distress for teachers’ families. When confronted by the police, strikers face physical danger as well. But,...

    Teaching society through strike protest songs
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 June 2023

    Social justice without quality public education and teachers?

    José Olivera

    The International Labour Organisation (ILO) held its 111th annual conference in Geneva (Switzerland) from 5 to 16 June. The ILO is the only tripartite body of the United Nations system that brings together representatives of the labour sector, governments and employers to address a range of issues pertaining to the...

    Social justice without quality public education and teachers?
  3. Equity and inclusion 8 June 2023

    Shining a light on the right to education in Afghanistan

    Joseph Nhan-O’Reilly

    Today, the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations will discuss the desperate situation of human rights in Afghanistan, at the International Labour Conference, in Geneva. Through the Afghan Teachers’ Rights Observatory , Education International collects testimonies and calls attention to the terrible conditions facing teachers and...

    Shining a light on the right to education in Afghanistan
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 June 2023

    Realising ambitions for apprenticeships

    Amanda Brown

    At the upcoming International Labour Conference (5-16 June 2023), the International Labour Organisation will discuss the terms of a new international standard which could mark an important step in the improvement and development of national apprenticeship systems.

    Realising ambitions for apprenticeships
  5. Standards and working conditions 18 May 2023

    Uniting the voices of educators

    Efrain Monterroso

    Over the past few months, I have been investigating for Education International the strategies and practices of unions to improve the status of education support personnel (ESP) in their respective education systems.

    Uniting the voices of educators
  6. Equity and inclusion 17 May 2023

    Who our students see

    Anthony Brisson

    As an educator who taught at the secondary and university levels, I quickly realized education support personnel (ESP) are the glue to our public schools. ESP are often the first people our students see when they are going to school, and the last people our students see when they get...

    Who our students see
  7. Education support personnel 16 May 2023

    Valuing education support personnel amid investment cuts and privatization

    João Gois Ramalho

    The Federação Nacional da Educação (National Education Federation – FNE), its nine teachers' unions and three education support personnel (ESP) unions are honored to host the 2nd World ESP Conference, in the city of Aveiro, Portugal. Unions around the world are coming together for this important event to focus on...

    Valuing education support personnel amid investment cuts and privatization
  8. Leading the profession 15 May 2023

    Defending the essential work of education support personnel for quality public education

    Francisco García Suárez

    With more than 100 000 members, FECCOO is the most representative trade union organisation in the education support personnel (ESP) sector in Spain. Our union believes that the work of ESP in schools around the world is vital for achieving the right to quality education.

    Defending the essential work of education support personnel for quality public education
  9. Go public! Fund education 12 May 2023

    Education support personnel: an essential part of a quality public service

    Luc Allaire

    World Education Support Personnel Day on 16 May is an excellent opportunity to remember their invaluable contribution to quality education. They work in dozens of different roles, providing services in occupational therapy, psychoeducation, special education, remedial education, computer science, driving school buses, preparing meals in school, college and university cafeterias,...

    Education support personnel: an essential part of a quality public service
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 May 2023

    The struggle for the rights and dignity of education support personnel in private schools in Nepal

    Shyam Chhatkuli

    Our union, the Institutional Schools Teachers' Union (ISTU) brings together teachers and education support personnel working in privately funded schools in Nepal. Our mission is to improve the working conditions of our members, ensure their rights are respected, and their important role recognized. Our work is essential, but it is...

    The struggle for the rights and dignity of education support personnel in private schools in Nepal
  11. Go public! Fund education 11 May 2023

    To improve the quality of education, India needs to invest in qualified teachers

    Protiva Kundu

    Poor learning levels at school is the biggest concern of the Indian school education system, with poor learning outcomes exacerbated by the learning crisis. To improve learning outcomes, the role of teachers is pivotal.

    To improve the quality of education, India needs to invest in qualified teachers
  12. Leading the profession 26 April 2023

    Ways to empower teachers of the world

    Steven Kolber

    It is time for teachers to be empowered to shape their work and their world, here are some approaches to achieve it!

    Ways to empower teachers of the world
  13. Higher education and research 25 April 2023

    Expanding rights to develop critical thinking

    Miriam Socolovsky

    Is it acceptable that we cannot use all the material we need to teach? What if we must submit every pedagogical decision involving something produced by a third person for legal clearance? When the alternative is to pay, what restrictions and exclusions does it imply?

    Expanding rights to develop critical thinking
  14. Leading the profession 25 April 2023

    Teachers as democracy workers

    Keith Heggart

    The work of teachers is something of a contradiction. Governments, policy-makers, educators and parents are often quick to point out the importance of education for young people – and that necessarily highlights the value of teachers. Yet at the same time, in many countries around the world, the profession of...

    Teachers as democracy workers
  15. Standards and working conditions 24 April 2023

    In Cameroon, the teaching profession is losing confidence

    Geneviève Ngo Djon

    The situation of Cameroonian teachers has changed considerably, as their fortunes follow those of the economy, going from bad to worse. In fact, while the living and working conditions of teachers went from strength to strength from 1960 to 1984, they have gone in the opposite direction since 1993, the...

    In Cameroon, the teaching profession is losing confidence
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 April 2023

    The global student movement demands tax justice for education!

    Hector Ulloa

    For decades the student movement has demanded quality, universal and free public education; however, student representatives have often seen their demands neglected by politicians hiding behind the excuse of insufficient available funding.

    The global student movement demands tax justice for education!
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 April 2023

    In defense of public education

    Randi Weingarten

    The present article reproduces excerpts from the speech given at the National Press Club on March 28, 2023.

    In defense of public education
  18. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 April 2023

    Go Public, Grow Public: Mobilize to Finance the Public Good

    David Edwards

    Today, at the midpoint of the unanimous commitment of the United Nations to set the world on a course of sustainable development by 2030, those Sustainable Development Goals are almost irretrievably off track.

    Go Public, Grow Public: Mobilize to Finance the Public Good