Christina Kwauk

Christina Kwauk is a social scientist and policy analyst with expertise on girls’ education, 21st century skills and youth empowerment, sport for development, and the intersections of gender, education, and climate change. She is co-editor of Curriculum and Learning for Climate Action: Toward an SDG 4.7 Roadmap for Systems Change and co-author of What Works in Girls’ Education: Evidence for the World’s Best Investment. She has published numerous policy papers, including “The new green learning agenda: Approaches to quality education for climate empowerment.” Christina is an education consultant, research director at Unbounded Associates, and non-resident fellow at Brookings.
As attention focuses on Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt for the 27th UN Climate Change Conference (or COP27), climate change education advocates have their work cut out for them.
Ahead of COP 27, global leaders are still not making the grade on climate change educationLast year at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (or, COP26) in Glasgow, Education International unveiled the Education International Climate Change Education Ambition Report Card . The Report Card featured my analysis of 95 updated, revised, or new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and their attention to climate change education as...
4 alarming findings about education across countries’ Nationally Determined ContributionsNext week, the United Arab Emirates will host the first ever Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Climate Week . Many of the international delegates from last year’s COP26 will kickstart their journey to COP27 (to be held in November 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt) by looking to the MENA...
On the road to COP27, the MENA region is far behind on climate change education ambitionConducted by Christina Kwauk, the Education International Climate Change Education Ambition Report Card examines the level of ambition on climate education and the extent to which countries prioritise education as a tool for climate action. This special edition of the Report Card focuses on countries in the Middle East and...
The release of the 6th IPCC report on the physical science of climate change this year raised the alarm around the urgency to act on the climate crisis. Clearly, global leaders did not heed the previous five alarms nor did they listen to recent calls to increase the ambition of...
Who’s making the grade on climate change education ambition?Conducted by Christina Kwauk, the Education International Climate Change Education Ambition Report Card examines the level of ambition on climate education and the extent to which countries prioritise education as a tool for climate action.