Mark Ginsburg

Mark Ginsburg retired in 2016 from FHI360. He is a visiting professor at the University of Maryland (USA) and the Universidad de Ciencias Pedagogicas (Cuba), and was a faculty member at other universities: Aston (England), Houston, Pittsburgh, and Columbia (USA) as well as a visiting professor at George Washington University (USA) and Kobe University (Japan). He was President of the Comparative and International Education Society (1991) and Coeditor of Comparative Education Review(2003-2013) as well as President of the United Faculty of the University of Pittsburgh (affiliated to the AAUP and AFT, 1992-2004).
The coronavirus pandemic has upended many aspects of life, including education, around the world. Many students and teachers are still out of school, vaccine distribution is very slow, virus variants are developing, and the future course of the pandemic is uncertain. In particular, teachers have been greatly affected by the...
"The Alternatives Project: Education Justice for Societal Transformation"The acronym for the World Bank’s Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) suggests two meanings. The first, based on a pronunciation with a short “a” sound and stress on the second syllable, calls to mind the Spanish term meaning knowledge (or to know). The second, based on a pronunciation...
#SABERexposed “The World Bank’s SABER: A Knowledge Source or an Ideologically-Honed Weapon to Compel Neoliberal Educational Reforms?”, by Mark Ginsburg and Steven Klees.I recently completed work on a moderated discussion (Ginsburg et al., 2018) for the Comparative Education Review (CER) focused on the World Development Report 2018: Learning to Realize Education’s Promise (WDR) (Filmer et al., 2018). In the moderated discussion I muted my voice in order to facilitate a conversation among...
#WDR2018 Reality Check #20: Half-Hearted Commitment to Teacher Learning, by Mark Ginsburg