

  1. Teacher-led learning circles for formative assessment

    Teacher-led Learning Circles Project: Research Framework

    26 October 2022

    The purpose of this report, prepared by international researchers Danielle LaPointe-McEwan, Carol Campbell and Christopher DeLuca, is to describe the Teacher-led Learning Circles project’s context and associated research framework.

    Teacher-led Learning Circles Project: Research Framework
    1. Research Framework
    2. Forschungsrahmen
    3. 연구 프레임워크
    4. Kerangka Kajian
    5. Estrutura da pesquisa
  2. Climate action and literacy

    Educators on a Heating Planet: Shaping Education Unions’ Vision for a Just Transition

    Alanah Torralba

    13 October 2022

    Educators are on the frontlines of climate change: every day, they are contending with the worst consequences of changes to the world’s climate. From extreme hurricanes and storms to massive flooding, prolonged droughts, severe heatwaves, and sinking islands, climate change is already altering the education sector in indirect yet profound...

    Educators on a Heating Planet: Shaping Education Unions’ Vision for a Just Transition
    1. Summary of research findings
    2. Research Report
  3. Education, research and copyright

    Is it legal? Education and Copyright in the Digital Age

    23 May 2022

    This study intends to demonstrate whether copyright exceptions and limitations for educational purposes are fit for remote educational practices. Several studies commissioned by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have analysed the copyright frameworks for education across the world8. The author has also previously analysed the fragmented landscape of provisions...

    Is it legal? Education and Copyright in the Digital Age
    1. Summary
    2. Is it legal? Education and Copyright in the Digital Age
  4. Standards and working conditions

    Teacher Wage Bill Constraints: Perspectives from the Classroom

    20 April 2022

    Constraints to the teacher wage bill blocks teacher recruitment and limits teacher salaries. This exacerbates teacher shortages and decreases the attractiveness of the profession, impeding the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4 on quality education for all.

    Teacher Wage Bill Constraints: Perspectives from the Classroom
    1. Summary
  5. Climate action and literacy

    The Climate Change Education Ambition Report Card: Focus on the Middle East and North Africa

    Christina Kwauk

    21 March 2022

    Conducted by Christina Kwauk, the Education International Climate Change Education Ambition Report Card examines the level of ambition on climate education and the extent to which countries prioritise education as a tool for climate action. This special edition of the Report Card focuses on countries in the Middle East and...

    The Climate Change Education Ambition Report Card: Focus on the Middle East and North Africa
    1. Climate Change Education Ambition Report Card: Focus on MENA
    2. تقرير أداء طموح التعليم في مجال التغير المناخي
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education

    Time to turn the tide: Privatisation trends in education in the Caribbean

    Steven J. Courtney, Rinnelle Lee-Piggott

    9 February 2022

    This report is an initial mapping of education privatisation trends in the Caribbean region and will form the basis for further analysis and union action. It draws attention to favourable conditions for privatisation across the region, including a chronic underfunding of public education systems.

    Time to turn the tide: Privatisation trends in education in the Caribbean
    1. Time to turn the tide: Privatisation trends in education in the Caribbean - full research paper
    2. Time to turn the tide: Privatisation trends in education in the Caribbean - Summary of findings
  7. Climate action and literacy

    Teachers have their say: Motivation, skills and opportunities to teach education for sustainable development and global citizenship

    Report of global teacher survey conducted by Education International and UNESCO

    24 November 2021

    Teachers have the power to help learners develop the knowledge, skills, values and behaviours to address global challenges and contribute to the building of a more just, peaceful, sustainable world. However, this global survey of 58,000 teachers, conducted by UNESCO and Education International, shows that while many teachers are motivated,...

    Teachers have their say: Motivation, skills and opportunities to teach education for sustainable development and global citizenship
    1. Download
  8. Future of work in education

    The Global Report on the Status of Teachers 2021

    Greg Thompson

    12 October 2021

    The status of teachers remains a concern in many jurisdictions. Teachers are aware that holding the same qualifications or levels of training as other professions does not bring the same status, despite teaching and facilitating learning being complex work that requires significant expertise.

    The Global Report on the Status of Teachers 2021
    1. The Global Report on the Status of Teachers
    2. The Global Report on the Status of Teachers | Summary
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    The public versus austerity: Why public sector wage bill constraints must end

    ActionAid, Education International, Public Services International

    12 October 2021

    The world faces a series of interconnecting crises and responding to them will demand a complete disruption of business as usual. In the light of Covid-19, the growing debt crisis, rising inequality, gender injustice, and the climate crisis there is an urgent need to revisit the fundamental redistributive role of...

    The public versus austerity: Why public sector wage bill constraints must end
    1. The public versus austerity | Full report
    2. The public versus austerity | Key findings
    3. The public versus austerity | Methodology
  10. Climate action and literacy

    The Climate Change Education Ambition Report Card

    Christina Kwauk

    28 September 2021

    Conducted by Christina Kwauk, the Education International Climate Change Education Ambition Report Card examines the level of ambition on climate education and the extent to which countries prioritise education as a tool for climate action.

    The Climate Change Education Ambition Report Card
    1. Download
  11. Equity and inclusion

    Crises and the COVID-19 pandemic: education responses and choices during times of disruptions

    A global synthesis and Sub-Saharan African country analysis: Cabo Verde, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mozambique, South Africa, Uganda

    31 July 2021

    This research was commissioned by the Open Society Foundation (OSF) and Education International (EI) with the aim of understanding the global policy responses to education as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research also aims to understand how various states have responded to the pandemic in the midst of...

    Crises and the COVID-19 pandemic: education responses and choices during times of disruptions
    1. Download
  12. Union renewal and development

    Union Renewal in the Education Sector: Prospects for the Asia-Pacific

    Kristy Ward, Michele Ford

    31 May 2021

    The primary objective of this report is to construct an initial model of ‘union renewal’ or ‘union transformation’ to be considered for further development by selected Education International affiliates in partnership with Education International’s Asia-Pacific Office.

    Union Renewal in the Education Sector: Prospects for the Asia-Pacific
    1. Download
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    Education of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in the Context of COVID-19: The Education for Life Project in Uganda and South Sudan

    15 March 2021

    The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated education systems, communities, and economies across Africa and globally. The health crisis has seriously affected the education, health and well-being of refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Uganda, South Sudan and across the continent.

    Education of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in the Context of COVID-19: The Education for Life Project in Uganda and South Sudan
    1. The Education for Life Project in Uganda and South Sudan
    2. Lições do Projeto de Educação para a Vida no Uganda e Sul do Sudão
  14. Fighting the commercialisation of education

    Pandemic Privatisation in Higher Education: Edtech & University Reform

    Ben Williamson, Anna Hogan

    15 February 2021

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, a state of emergency engulfed higher education. The crisis of mass campus closures and a rapid ‘pivot’ to online learning became the context for attempts by private actors and commercial organisations to reconfigure the sector.

    Pandemic Privatisation in Higher Education: Edtech & University Reform
    1. Report
    2. Summary
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    Teaching with Tech: The role of education unions in shaping the future

    Christina J. Colclough

    27 October 2020

    The Future of Work is not just making the headlines - it has become an issue of increasing importance for students, teachers and the whole of society. While there is always an element of anticipatory anxiety when facing the future there has also been real concern about the arrival of...

    Teaching with Tech: The role of education unions in shaping the future
    1. Report
    2. Summary
  16. Equity and inclusion

    The bedrock of inclusion: why investing in the education workforce is critical to the delivery of SDG4

    26 October 2020

    This report summarises lessons and recommendations from a multi-country study undertaken on behalf of ActionAid, Education International and Light for the World. The study looked at the current state of play, and the realistic requirements for investing in an education workforce that can support disability-inclusive education systems in Ethiopia, Malawi,...

    The bedrock of inclusion: why investing in the education workforce is critical to the delivery of SDG4
    1. The bedrock of inclusion
    2. Ethiopia study
    3. Malawi study
    4. Mozambique study (English)
    5. Mozambique study (Portuguese)
    6. Nigeria study
  17. Fighting the commercialisation of education

    Commercialisation and privatisation in/of education in the context of Covid-19

    Ben Williamson, Anna Hogan

    15 July 2020

    The Covid-19 emergency has affected education systems worldwide. The ‘pivot’ to ‘online learning’ and ‘emergency remote teaching’ has positioned educational technology (edtech) as an integral component of education globally, bringing private sector and commercial organisations into the centre of essential educational services.

    Commercialisation and privatisation in/of education in the context of Covid-19
    1. Report
    2. Summary
  18. Equity and inclusion

    EI/AOb Child Labour Projects | Transnational Best Practices and Union Impacts

    Nora Wintour

    30 June 2020

    For the last two decades, EI and its affiliates, Algemene Onderwijsbond (AOb/the Netherlands) and Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW/Germany), through the Fair Childhood Foundation, have supported projects to reduce school dropout rates and child labour and to contribute to the development of child labour-free zones in over 13 countries on...

    EI/AOb Child Labour Projects | Transnational Best Practices and Union Impacts
    1. Download